682 research outputs found

    Suzaku X-Ray Observation of the Dwarf Nova Z Camelopardalis at the Onset of an Optical Outburst

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    We present the result of a Suzaku X-ray spectroscopic observation of the dwarf nova Z Camelopardalis, which was conducted by chance at the onset of an optical outburst. We used the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (a 38 ks exposure) and the Hard X-ray Detector (34 ks) to obtain a 0.35-40 keV spectrum simultaneously. Spectral characteristics suggest that the source was in the X-ray quiescent state despite being in the rising phase of an outburst in the optical band. The spectrum shows a clear signature of circumstellar absorption in excess of interstellar absorption and the reprocessed emission features of Fe fluorescence and Compton scattering. The extra absorption is explained due to partial coverage by either neutral or ionized matter. We found a spectral change during the observation, which is attributable only to the change in the circumstellar absorption. Such an X-ray spectral variation is reported for the first time in dwarf novae. We speculate that the variation in the circumstellar absorption is interpreted as a time-varying disk wind or geometrically flaring disk around the white dwarf during the propagation of a heat wave inward along the accretion disk at the beginning of the outburst, in which optical outburst and X-ray quiescent states co-exist.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Adaptive Sensing Based on Profiles for Sensor Systems

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    This paper proposes a profile-based sensing framework for adaptive sensor systems based on models that relate possibly heterogeneous sensor data and profiles generated by the models to detect events. With these concepts, three phases for building the sensor systems are extracted from two examples: a combustion control sensor system for an automobile engine, and a sensor system for home security. The three phases are: modeling, profiling, and managing trade-offs. Designing and building a sensor system involves mapping the signals to a model to achieve a given mission

    Spatially Inhomogeneous Superconducting State near Hc2H_{\rm c2} in UPd2_2Al3_3

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    We have performed 27^{27}Al-NMR measurements on single-crystalline UPd2_2Al3_3 with the field parallel to the cc axis to investigate the superconducting (SC) properties near the upper critical field of superconductivity Hc2H_{\rm c2}. The broadening of the NMR linewidth below 14~K indicates the appearance of the internal field at the Al site, which originates from the antiferromagnetically ordered moments of U 5ff electrons. In the SC state well below μ0Hc2\mu_0H_{\rm c2} = 3.4~T, the broadening of the NMR linewidth due to the SC diamagnetism and a decrease in the Knight shift are observed, which are well-understood by the framework of spin-singlet superconductivity. In contrast, the Knight shift does not change below Tc(H)T_{\rm c}(H), and the NMR spectrum is broadened symmetrically in the SC state in the field range of 3~T <μ0H<μ0Hc2< \mu_0 H < \mu_0 H_{\rm c2}. The unusual NMR spectrum near Hc2H_{\rm c2} suggests that a spatially inhomogeneous SC state such as the Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state would be realized.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    家持二季歌の手法 ―「しかすがに」と逆接の助詞「を」をめぐって―

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