31 research outputs found


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    Gumija ekspluatācijas laikā ir pakļauta ilgstošai dabiskai novecošanai, kuras rezultātā izmainās gumijas struktūra, pasliktinās elastīgās īpašības un mehāniskā izturība. Konstruktoram ir nepieciešams zināt, cik ilgi konkrētais gumijas izstrādājums dotajos apstākļos spēs kalpot. To var prognozēt uz paātrināto eksperimentu pamata. Šie eksperimenti ir saistīti ar gumijas mākslīgo novecošanu, kad pētāmajam paraugam papildus tiek pievadīta enerģija, iedarbojoties uz to ar temperatūras lauku, radiāciju, ķīmiski aktīvām vielām, vibrācijām vai kā citādi. Mākslīgajā novecošanā straujāk izmainās gumiju raksturojošie parametri un īsākā laikā sasniedz savas kritiskās vērtības, pie kurām gumijas izstrādājums vairs nav lietojams. Dotajā darbā kā viens no šādiem parametriem ir izvēlēta dielektriskā caurlaidība, mākslīgā novecošana tiek veikta paaugstinātā temperatūrā


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    The goal of the project was to establish a low-cost sustainable food production system in a soilless environment which uses nutrient-rich water from fish clture. Also we known it as aquaponic systems, that combines aquaculture and soilless agriculture in closed-loop symbiotic systems. In this proces we check the quality of water using amonia, nitrites, nitrates and pH test kit and starting to grow lettuce, spring onions, persley and wrinkled pea. Study of this project shown how expensive is low-cost aquaponic system building and what kind of matereals you needed to build your own food production system


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    In this research main purpose was experimentaly research the operational efficiency of small hydroelectric power station in experimental flume channel ‘’Gunt HM-160’’. The main viewing point is the effective power generation form available river stream sources. One of them is to get energy from river stream near individual household. That means that there must be installed a small hydroelectric power station in center of the rive, where stream speed is maximum

    Amount of Air Ions Depending on Indoor Plant Activity

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    Literature sources and earlier researches state that plants may be able to produce a variety of air ions, including negative light ions. In this article, the regularity of influence of plants on the number of ions in the room is being proved, basing on a series of experiments performed with the following plants: Spathiphyllum, Scindapsus, Strobilanthes, Chlorophytum and Pinus mugo. It was concluded that plants, in general, are able to stabilize the indoor ion concentration and reduce its fluctuations. The plants help to increase the concentrations of negative ions and decrease the concentration of positive ones, however the optimal and “healthy” ion concentration was not reached. Plants without artificial illumination work more as ion reducers, not producers


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    Last dacade, the 3D printers got a lot of popularity. 3D printer is CNC machine, which can create a physical three-dimensional objects. Digital light processing stereolithography (DLP) 3D printers uses a UV laser to cure a polymer. It is carried out the advantages and disadvantages of a given type of 3D printing technology


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    The aim to explore how siltuizolācijas clay material. The first chapter is devoted to the review of the literature, which deals with general information on the minerals Latvian. The second chapter is a look at where the clays are used and what exactly clays used in construction and other fields. The third chapter deals with the laws and regulations of thermal insulation materials. The fourth section addresses clay physical and chemical properties. The fifth chapter describes the experimental part where are displayed all the quantities and substances


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    The publication describes results of copper laser ablation which shows copper layer dependence of a laser radiation, such as supply, pulse frequency and processing speed reacts


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    Industry 4.0 is a term that was introduced by the German government at the time of the Hannover Fair in 2011 in relation to an initiative brought forward to support German industry in addressing future challenges. It refers to the 4th industrial revolution, in which disruptive digital technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, virtual reality (VR), and artificial intelligence (AI), are exercising a notable impact on industrial production.Industry 4.0 takes the emphasis on digital technology of recent decades to a whole new level with the help of interconnectivity through the Internet of Things (IoT), real-time data access, and the introduction of cyber-physical systems.This paper focuses on the design of an educational module for higher education mechatronics students. Introducing Industry 4.0 into a mechatronics curriculum will reinforce the integration of student competences in flexible and rapid manufacturing. The module includes notions of machine learning and deep machine learning, which are essential in robotics and behavioral robotics and closely interact with control theory. The results of a pilot training activity in the field are also illustrated and discussed.


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    Paper analyses the sliding friction coefficient of rubber on concrete, timber and ceramic tile surfaces depending on the weight of the sliding object and contact surface area. It has been established that increase in the weight of the object makes sliding friction coefficient to grow. In the case of increase in size of contact area, sliding friction coefficient between rubber and concrete also increases, but it decreases between rubber- timber and rubber- tile. The mathematical model for description of sliding friction process has been developed which can be used to determine optimal surface area and a pattern as well as optimal weight of the sliding object in order to provide sufficient sliding friction. Model has five independent constants. It includes the contact surface area, the weight and the velocity of the sliding object, sliding friction coefficient, temperature and time


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    Project of the logistic cart allows the number of companies to develop the efficiency and productivity of their work following the tendencies and development of the global technologies. Using such logistic carts in industrial warehouses and in distributions centres enable entrepreneurs to save money and other resources that they otherwise need to spend on many employees that do their work manually. Such logistic carts would be beneficial for producers and shops that have a great variety of products and raw materials in warehouses. Such product in Europe has great attention and has good sales but in Latvia we don’t have any companies that produce logistic carts so the geographical position of the country allows to expand the markets in Russia and other Baltic countries, as logistic carts there are not widely used and produced