447 research outputs found

    DNA barcoding as a molecular tool to track down mislabeling and food piracy

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    DNA barcoding is a molecular technology that allows the identification of any biological species by amplifying, sequencing and querying the information from genic and/or intergenic standardized target regions belonging to the extranuclear genomes. Although these sequences represent a small fraction of the total DNA of a cell, both chloroplast and mitochondrial barcodes chosen for identifying plant and animal species, respectively, have shown sufficient nucleotide diversity to assess the taxonomic identity of the vast majority of organisms used in agriculture. Consequently, cpDNA and mtDNA barcoding protocols are being used more and more in the food industry and food supply chains for food labeling, not only to support food safety but also to uncover food piracy in freshly commercialized and technologically processed products. Since the extranuclear genomes are present in many copies within each cell, this technology is being more easily exploited to recover information even in degraded samples or transformed materials deriving from crop varieties and livestock species. The strong standardization that characterizes protocols used worldwide for DNA barcoding makes this technology particularly suitable for routine analyses required by agencies to safeguard food safety and quality. Here we conduct a critical review of the potentials of DNA barcoding for food labeling along with the main findings in the area of food piracy, with particular reference to agrifood and livestock foodstuffs

    temporal variation in genetic diversity and population structure of burlina cattle breed

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    We analysed the temporal variation of inbreeding, genetic variability and population structure in the Burlina (BUR) cattle breed. A total of 279 individuals were chosen for the analysis representing a period of 19 years (1991-2010) and analysed using 24 microsatellite markers. A total of 235 alleles were detected in the population with a mean of 9.79±3.91 alleles per locus. In the 19-year period, a stable pattern in the mean number of alleles was found. The mean observed heterozygosity was 0.63 and it was slightly lower than the expected in all birth year groups. Neither an increase nor a decrease in heterozygosity and inbreeding estimates were detected over the years, with the exception of the FIS index which was close to zero in two birth year groups: 2001-2002 and 2006. Absence of bottleneck events was proved and structure analysis revealed an increase in breed complexity over the years and a clear differentiation with the Italian Holstein Friesian cattle breed. Molecular markers were successfully applied in the monitoring of the genetic variability of BUR thus enabling the planning and the application of strategies for the in situ conservation of genetic resources and the improving of breed identity

    assessment of the population structure and genetic diversity of denizli chicken subpopulations using ssr markers

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    The aim of this study was to characterise the genetic diversity, genetic relationship and population structure within local Turkish Denizli chicken subpopulations in rural areas using 19 microsatellite markers. To assess the uniqueness and relations of the Denizli subpopulations we used six local Italian chicken breeds' samples, which were genotyped in the same laboratory with the same molecular markers. In total, 105 alleles were found across 19 microsatellite loci with a mean number of 5.53 alleles per locus. Considering all subpopulations and loci, genetic differentiation based on global FST was 0.030 (p < .01). Global FIS values (0.200) indicated that non-random mating occurred in all subpopulations of Denizli fowl and all subpopulations deviated significantly (p < .01) from HWE. Over all subpopulations, the mean observed heterozygosity was 0.473, ranging from 0.399 to 0.562. Genetic differentiations between pairs of subpopulations based on the proportion of shared alleles ranged 0.140–0.297. The neighbour-net tree, based on marker estimated kinship distances, separated Denizli subpopulations and Italian breeds into two main clusters. The most likely number of different populations was estimated using the clustering procedure implemented in STRUCTURE. Structure analysis showed a clear separation of the Denizli fowl subpopulations from the Italian populations. A second step sub-clustering allowed discriminating among the six subpopulations of Denizli breed. The results of this study can be used as baseline genetic information to place breeders' flocks in conservation programmes, controlling inbreeding and safeguarding the genetic variability of the populations

    Causal relationships between milk quality and coagulation properties in Italian Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle

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    Background: Recently, selection for milk technological traits was initiated in the Italian dairy cattle industry based on direct measures of milk coagulation properties (MCP) such as rennet coagulation time (RCT) and curd firmness 30 min after rennet addition (a30) and on some traditional milk quality traits that are used as predictors, such as somatic cell score (SCS) and casein percentage (CAS). The aim of this study was to shed light on the causal relationships between traditional milk quality traits and MCP. Different structural equation models that included causal effects of SCS and CAS on RCT and a30 and of RCT on a30 were implemented in a Bayesian framework. Results: Our results indicate a non-zero magnitude of the causal relationships between the traits studied. Causal effects of SCS and CAS on RCT and a30 were observed, which suggests that the relationship between milk coagulation ability and traditional milk quality traits depends more on phenotypic causal pathways than directly on common genetic influence. While RCT does not seem to be largely controlled by SCS and CAS, some of the variation in a30 depends on the phenotypes of these traits. However, a30 depends heavily on coagulation time. Our results also indicate that, when direct effects of SCS, CAS and RCT are considered simultaneously, most of the overall genetic variability of a30 is mediated by other traits. Conclusions: This study suggests that selection for RCT and a30 should not be performed on correlated traits such as SCS or CAS but on direct measures because the ability of milk to coagulate is improved through the causal effect that the former play on the latter, rather than from a common source of genetic variation. Breaking the causal link (e.g. standardizing SCS or CAS before the milk is processed into cheese) would reduce the impact of the improvement due to selective breeding. Since a30 depends heavily on RCT, the relative emphasis that is put on this trait should be reconsidered and weighted for the fact that the pure measure of a30 almost double-counts RCT


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    Aim of this review is to estimate milk yield and predicted methane emissions added values in local and cosmopolitan cow breeds reared in Italian circumstances. Nowadays it is well known that over the next 50 years, the world’s farmers will be asked to produce more food than has been produced in the past thousand years, and in this concern it will be in environmentally sustainable way. The review will higlight the differences between intensive and extensive agricultural systems and this will be discussed and evaluated in dairy cattle production system context. In conclusion, animal genetic resources need to be evaluated not only per unit of output but for other direct and indirect output units related to social and human returns supporting different animal production systems, intensive or extensive ones. The intensive and extensive farming systems are not replaceable to each other, but they should be combined in order to respond to different social and environmental needs, so, to define the best sustainable production system. Moreover, both systems should also consider the modern demands that nowadays agriculture requires as, guarantee for food security. Therefore each system, intensive or extensive, should improve the animal products technological characteristics and at the same time reduce the carbon footprint


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    The goals of the present review are the following three: a) To present the Bologna process and the recent changing at European high educational level. b) To provide an updating on actual situation and perspectives of the PhD system in developed countries and around the world. c) To discuss possible models of collaboration across ASD\u27s countries and international systems and institutions of higher education.Ciljevi ovog preglednog rada su bili predstaviti bolonjski proces i nedavne promjene europskog visokoškolskog obrazovanja, ukazati na aktualnu situaciju i perspektivu poslijediplomskih doktorskih studija u zemljama u razvoju kao i u svijetu te razmotriti moguće modele suradnje putem suradnje između zemalja kvadrilaterale kao i drugih međunarodnih institucija visokog obrazovanja

    Status of Milk Production and Market in Italy

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    Aim of this review was to describe the milk production and market in Italy evidencing crucial points both in terms of weakness and strength. The weight of Italian dairy sector in terms of agriculture gross domestic product (GDP) is around the 10%. The cow milk production in Italy is 10.5 million of tons (52% of self- sufficient) and this quota is about the 9% of total amount of milk of EU-15. The Italian dairy herds structure radically change in the last decades and the most important aspects of this change were the progressive concentration and specialization of dairy herds. The number of dairy cows, from 1988 to 2002, are reduced more than 65% and in the same period the average herd size is almost tripled (28.84 cows/herds in 2002). Average milk yield production per cow is 6,010 kg in 2001/02 and it is comparable with other EU countries, but above the levels of other Mediterranean countries. The peculiarity to Italian milk production is the high quota of fluid milk used for cheese making (68% of total domestic milk yield). The 80% of cheese manufacture is of varieties that are exclusive to the localities from they come and that cannot therefore be made outside those areas (e.g. Parmigiano Reggiano and Grana Padano). A weakness point for Italian dairy industry is due to the structure extremely fragmented with almost 70% of Italian cheese output produced by enterprise handling less than 4,000 tonnes of milk per year. This high fragmentation can be transformed in a competitive element if Italian dairy industries will invest on typical and local dairy products
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