16 research outputs found

    Venn diagrams and heat maps showing genes differentially regulated in <i>soleus</i> and EDL of BION-M1 space flown mice.

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    <p>A, B, Venn diagrams showing the number of genes differentially regulated comparing space flown (BF) with ground controls (BG and FC) in <i>soleus</i> (A) and EDL (B). Comparisons between the three different experimental groups are presented (BF vs. BG, FC vs. BG and BF vs. FC). C, D, hierarchical clustering centred on BF vs. BG in <i>soleus</i> (C, ordered BG-FC-BF) and EDL (D, ordered BF-FC-BG). The differentially regulated genes meeting FDR < 0,05 (<i>soleus</i>), p < 0.05 (EDL) and < -2 & > +2 fold change criteria are included in the heat maps.</p

    Common genes differentially regulated in <i>soleus</i> and EDL in BION-M1 flown mice.

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    <p>A, Venn diagram showing the number of genes differentially regulated in <i>soleus</i> and EDL following 30 days of microgravity exposure (BF vs. BG). B, C, D, bar charts showing the fold change in the expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (P21) (B), the myogenic factor 6 (C) and synaptojanin 2 (D) in both <i>soleus</i> and EDL muscles of flown mice (BF) compared to ground controls (BG and FC). The table includes the fold change and p-values for each gene depicted as bar graph in B-D.</p

    Biological functions regulated in <i>soleus</i> of BION-M1 flown mice.

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    <p>Pie graph showing the percentage of genes linked to biological functions differentially expressed in <i>soleus</i> in BF group compared to ground control (BG) group. GO enrichment tool of Partek<sup>®</sup> Genomics Suite<sup>®</sup> software was used to perform the analysis. The Fisher's Exact test on the counts of genes was used to identify key functional groups in biological functions with respect to an enrichment p value < 0.05 and more than 8 genes per group.</p

    Morphological analysis of mouse <i>soleus</i> and EDL skeletal muscle flown on board the BION-M1 biosatellite for 30 days.

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    <p>Upper panel, insets show light microscopy images of Haematoxylin Eosin merged to immunofluorescence images of <i>soleus</i> (SOL) and EDL stained for MyHC isoforms (MyHC I: blue, IIa: green, IIb: red) in flown (BF) and control (BG) mice. Lower panel, scatter plots showing the quantification of the myofiber cross sectional area (CSA) and type composition in <i>soleus</i> (n = 2) and EDL (n = 2). Scale bar: 100 μm.</p

    Variations in gene expression in EDL muscle induced by spaceflight.

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    <p>Transcript levels were determined by real-time PCR for selected genes, classified on the basis of the functional role of the protein they encode. The numbers on the abscissa indicate the fold change in gene expression normalized for housekeeping gene. Numbers in the horizontal bars indicate the fold change when out of scale. The bars in green show the variation between the spaceflown mouse (Flight) and LAB mice, whereas the bars in blue show the variation between Ground and LAB control mice.</p