135 research outputs found

    Mokyklos profilis ir gnostinis paauglių dvasinių santykių aspektas

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    The component of spiritual formation should be emphasised as if enables a person's transcending on the basis of the truth. Attitudes of teenagers towards the gnostic values depend on many factors. One of such factors is profiled upbringing. Data show that profiled upbringing positively influences internalisation of gnostic values. The highest internalisation is at school in which profiled experience is of the greatest extent (Exact Sciences, Art, Sport (partially), and the lowest internalisation is at non-profiled schools (Comprehensive, Youth) or at schools which have just started being profiled (Humanities). The type of school determines internalisation of only some gnostic values (Gymnasium - attitude towards becoming educated; wisdom X = 3.28; Catholic school and the school of Art – attitudes towards the searching for the sense X = 2.91; 2.84) Intellectuality is the most accepted characteristic by teenagers. There is no statistically meaningful difference evaluating learning as an origin of joy and meaningfulness of one's behaviour among schools. The weakest point of internalisation of the gnostic values is an emotional evaluating component (X = 4,33 out of seven ranks). It is possible to state that internalisation of the gnostic values of such a level cannot essentially determines spiritual formation of teenagers.Straipsnyje aptariama gnostinių vertybių internalizacija kognityviu, emociniu vertinamuoju ir elgesio lygmenimis. Atskleidžiama, kaip įvairaus profilio mokyklų paaugliai renkasi vertybes, kokios ryškėja bendros tendencijos

    Paauglių požiūris į dvasines vertybes: kaitos tendencijos

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    The article focuses on the comparison of the data acquired during the researches that were conducted in the same schools in 1999 and 2009. The research results highlighted tendencies of change in adolescents’ attitudes towards values (7th–9th formers). It was established that adolescents tend to acknowledge spiritual values prioritising moral values such as dignity, honesty and sensitivity. These values received highest evaluations both in real and virtual situations. The honesty received the most stable evaluation, whereas acknowledgement of dignity showed the biggest increase, especially in evaluation of respect (38 %). On the other hand, evaluation of sensitivity, especially that of sympathy, showed a downward tendency (12 %).The smallest number of adolescents acknowledge altruism (the highest acknowledgment decreased by 10–12 % in the virtual situation) and faith (a fall of 8–11 % was observed in both real and virtual situations). However, a sense of spiritual unity in the microenvironment (as well as its expression) remains of high importance among one third of adolescents and, thus, creates a more favourable perspective. A change in teenagers’ attitudes towards sensitivity to beauty was observed: a sense of humour is evaluated highest and an upward tendency was observed (10 %), whereas a fall in evaluation of admiration (6–14 %) was identified. Similar tendencies are observed in attitudes towards cleverness: the respondents highly acknowledge the purport of life several times as rare as intellectuality, though the ratings of the latter also showed a downward trend (7–11 %). The same evaluation is characteristic of a number of values such as responsibility, when assuming of responsibility for own actions, fulfilment of duties were evaluated several times lower than non-compliance with negligence; solidarity, when acknowledgement of tolerance increased, whereas that of balancing of interests decreased; creativity, when in real situations it is practically eliminated in real situations (pointed out by 1–5 % of the respondents).Adolescents’ attitudes towards spiritual values only partially meet challenges of time and a downward tendency in acknowledgement of a big number of spiritual values pose educational problems that ask for immediate solutions.Profesorė Socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) habilituota daktarėVilniaus edukologijos universitetoEdukologijos katedraStudentų g. 39, LT-08106, Vilnius .Tel. 279 00 42El. paštas: [email protected] aptariamas paauglių požiūris į dvasines vertybes virtualioje ir realioje situacijomis, taip sudarant galimybę iš skirtingos perspektyvos pažvelgti į tą patį reiškinį, ir lyginami duomenys su prieš dešimtį metų tose pačiose mokyklose atlikto tyrimo duomenimis, išryškinamos kaitos tendencijos. Tyrimų duomenys rodo paauglių požiūrio į daugelį dvasinių vertybių regresiją, o labiausiai pozityviai keitėsi orumo svarbos pripažinimas

    Žinių sritys pedagogo kompetencijos ribose

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    Spread of constructive teaching/learning theory results in a bigger research interest in knowledge and its acquisition, which is directly related with competence development. The focus is laid on the concept of knowledge, their links with sense and intertwining of knowledge and values (and especially moral ones). The research results revealed that educators’ attitude to deepening of knowledge is based on the level of knowledge acquisition. The priority is laid on teaching to learn, development of thinking, spread of spiritual powers, new technologies of education, underlying ideas of general education programmes and standards and about 65.3–50.9 percent of teachers refer to them as very important. Whereas the least attention is paid to education management, understanding of feelings, imagination and partially to perception of volitional development, diagnostics and evaluation of progress and achievement and education planning.The statistical data analysis shows that all the identified knowledge priorities, with the exception of teaching to learn, have very weak links with spiritual values or such links are absent (with knowledge of education management, memory development, methods of pedagogical interaction, peculiarities of education and upbringing, new education technologies). Spiritual values are linked with knowledge of feelings, volition, imagination and partially with education planning.It was established that gender, qualification, working experience and workplace have insignificant effect on teachers’ attitude and only on knowledge related with external elements of educational process (general programmes, education management, planning, teaching to learn).Profesorė socialinių mokslų (edukologijos)habilituota daktarėVilniaus pedagoginio universitetoEdukologijos katedraStudentų g. 39, LT-08106 VilniusTel. (8 5) 2 79 00 42Straipsnyje aptariamos žinios kaip mokytojo profesijos kompetencijos dėmuo, analizuojamas pedagogų požiūris į žinių apie švietimo politiką, žmogaus vystymąsi, ugdymo proceso tobulinimą, atskleidžiamos jų sąsajos su dvasinėmis vertybėmis, taip pat išryškinami veiksniai, darantys poveikį žinių gilinimui

    Pedagoginių veiksnių įtaka vyresniųjų paauglių dvasiniam tapsmui

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    The internalisation of spiritual values (truth, goodness, and beauty) shows the spiritual becoming of elder teenagers. The links between these values and pedagogical factors are established: between teachers’ humanistic competence and teenagers’ self-feeling at school. The teacher’s personality has the greatest influence on the cognitive level of internalisation of spiritual values. The deepest contact on all the levels of internalisation is with love of beauty, dignity, sensitiveness, honesty, and faith. The dominating (61.6 percent) subject relation with teachers insufficiently evokes the dispersion of the cognitive values (the dimension of truth), and has a slight influence on the internalisation of creativity and solidarity. However, the teenagers’ self-feeling at school most of all conditions the embodiment of these values (creativity, wisdom, and solidarity) on the behaviour level. Since the links of the values mentioned above with the other levels of internalisation are not stable, these values function mostly on the level of unrealized rules. The self-feeling at school has the closest links with the self-feeling in the family (x2 = 255,833, p < 0,000), with direct (x2 = 49,157, p < 0,000) and indirect contact with teachers: through the attitude towards studies (x2 = 53,361, p < 0,000), towards learning as the source of happiness (x2 = 63,649, p < 0,000), and towards making a progress (x2 = 86,943, p < 0,000). Besides, teachers rouse the least pupils’ anxiety. The contact with the contemporaries has influence on self-feeling at home, too (x2 = 30,676, p < 0,000). The pedagogical factors have a considerable influence on the spiritual becoming of elder teenagers.Straipsnyje pateikiami vyresniųjų paauglių dvasinių vertybių internalizacijos tyrimo rezultatai. Atskleidžiamas dvasinių vertybių ir tiesioginių, įkūnijančių tiesioginį santykį su pedagogais, ir netiesioginių, išreiškiančių sąlytį su mokymusi bei kitais pedagoginiais veiksniais, ryšys, ir ryškinamos galimos pedagoginio poveikio tendencijos

    Tiesos liudijimas – pedagoginės veiklos pamatas

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    All pedagogical activity that is rooted in the depths of human striving to get to know the world, has acquired a wide scope. It is important, for this reason, to identify the fundamental sources that will guarantee the success in the practices of education. One of those possible sources can be traced back to the paradigm of truth that in essence relates to educational practices and is revealed in pedagogical activity through the following channels: a) the truth about the surrounding world that yields to exploration - and in the ideal case, this kind of truth involves the components of our empirical experience, science and religious faith and facilitates the shaping of the subject-based teacher - student relationships; b) the truth about man – this kind of truth outlines the instances and possibilities of man to get to know the world, it also speaks about the development and subordination of those possibilities; e) the synthesis of truth about man and the world that is based on the pedagogue's effort to witness the truth and that cables the personality-focused attitude towards students. However, in the majority of cases, present-day pedagogues tend to limit their educational activity to conveying the truth about the surrounding world only and often ground their professional activity on the merely subject-based type of relationships with students.Straipsnyje aptariama pedagoginė veikla kaip daugiabriaunis fenomenas, kurio svarbu įžvelgti pamatus. Pastarieji siejami su būties tiesos pažinimu, pedagoginėje veikloje reiškiamu: a) empirine, mokslo ir tikėjimo tiesa apie pasaulį; b) tiesa apie žmogaus sandarą ir jo galimybes pažinti pasaulį; e) tiesos liudijimu apie pasaulį ir žmogų. Pateikiama paauglių požiūrių į pedagogus analizė, atskleidžianti realią pedagogų tiesos raišką šiuolaikinėje mokykloje

    Klasės auklėtojo veikla: dvasios tapsmo veiksnys

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    The article discusses the main activities of the class master: the elevation of the value of an individual and the community of entire class; the pursuit of positive relationships with teachers of all subjects; the promotion of positive relations between the teaching staff and schoolchildren; recognition and encouragement of parents' educational power. So the entire activity of class master is primarily focused on the direct and indirect (through his inspired other educators) interaction with the pupils. On the other hand, this activity conditions the spiritual becoming a class master, it gives meaning to his relationship with reality, especially with other people and himself.Straipsnyje aptariamos pagrindinės klasės auklėtojo veiklos kryptys: atskirų mokinių ir visos klasės bendruomenės vertingumo iškėlimas; pozityvių santykių su dalykų mokytojais siekimas; dalykų mokytojų ir auklėtinių pozityvių santykių skatinimas; auklėtinių tėvų ugdomosios galios pripažinimas ir skatinimas. Taigi visa klasės auklėtojo veikla pirmiausia nukreipta į tiesioginę ir netiesioginę (per jo inspiruotus kitus ugdytojus) sąveiką su auklėtiniais. Kita vertus, ši veikla sąlygoja ir paties auklėtojo dvasinį tapsmą, įprasmina jo santykius su tikrove, o ypač su kitais žmonėmis bei pačiu savimi

    Vyresniųjų paauglių identiteto ypatumai

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    The identity is an important part of the formation of teenagers, because it enables us to connect ourselves with an entire Existence. And looking for identity is the most important sign of the adolescence. The attitudes to the world outlook, toward ourselves and the aims express the identity. The teenagers of 13-15 years old relate the identity most with the attitudes to the world outlook. The 79.9 percent of the interrogated children choose the idealistic world outlook. Though only 1,4-2 percent of them base their attitudes to themselves and their aims on the Christian values. The highest moral values very little add to the identity. The religious identity has still been working its way to the life of teenagers. The identity is mainly under the influence of gender (it is higher among girls) and school. The factor of the formation of attitudes to the world outlooks and the internalisation of sanctity, sensitiveness, altruism and feeling of beauty are very important.Straipsnyje pateikiama identiteto samprata. Aptariami kai kurie jo komponentai: pasaulėžiūros nuostatos, požiūris į save ir siekių susiformavimas. lšryškinami veiksniai, galintys turėti įtakos šiam vyksmui

    Mokinių kūrybingumas kaip svarbi pedagoginė problema

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    The article aims to disclose the significance and some trends of creativity education. We present the results of teenagers creativity and pedagogical precondition, which can influence this phenomena.Šio straipsnio tikslas bandyti atskleisti mokinių kūrybingumo svarbą, ištakas bei ryškesnes pedagogines jo ugdymo prielaidas. Straipsnis grindžiamas mokslinės literatūros analize, vyresniųjų paauglių kūrybingumo tyrimu bei pedagogine patirtimi. Pedagoginiu aspektu svarbi tiek filosofinė, tiek psichologinė kūrybingumo samprata. Apibendrintai dichotominį kūrybingumo pobūdį galėtume nusakyti taip: savęs ir pasaulio tobulinimo link. Šios abi kryptys tarpusavyje susijusios, bet pedagoginiu požiūriu tikslinga jas skirti, kad būtų galima išsamiau aptarti ugdymo galimybes

    Fundamentinės ugdymo problemos Antano Maceinos pedagogikoje

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    A. Maceina reveals fundamental educational ideas related to the object of education and development, peculiarities of pedagogical interaction and functions of education and prolific moments in education.On the basis of neothomistic philosophy, the author differentiates physical, psychical and spiritual spheres in the human structure. The latter is considered to be the core of the human entity rising from the Creator, which ensures auto-creation and subordination of all the powers with the help of an educator.A. Maceina substantiates the pedagogical interaction on ontological, psychological and pedagogical foundations and emphasises the purposiveness, consciousness, mutual activeness, appeal to values of educator-learner interaction without giving prominence to separate components of the education process.According to the author, the key functions of education, that is, development and upbringing differ in the nature of pedagogical assistance to a learner. In the development process an educator acts as a mediator between the content and the learner: s/he finds the most appropriate form of the material, spiritualises and presents to the learners to enable the latter to format them. The plane of the development comprises all the powers of personality with their own individual formatting. In the process of upbringing, an educator uncloses himself/herself, stimulating their learners to unclose and to turn to the highest values, whose origin is hidden in their nature, and to format the own self. Upbringing finalises education.The prolific moment occurs while developing and educating when the pedagogical effect reaches the core of personality, the own self and evokes the individual search for the true, the moral and the beautiful in certain situations.The pedagogical problems raised by A. Maceina in the 4th decade of the last century do not lose their topicality in modern times, especially, when ontological fundamentals of educations are eliminated and too much prominence is given to fragment components of education process.Profesorė socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) habilituota daktarėVilniaus pedagoginio universitetoEdukologijos katedraStudentų g. 39, LT-08106 VilniusTel. (8-5) 279 00 42El. paštas: [email protected] nagrinėjamos A. Maceinos pedagoginės idėjos, apimančios žmogaus sampratą, grindžiamą struktūriniais komponentais (kūnu, psichika ir dvasia), atskleidžiama pedagoginės sąveikos esmė ir ypatumai, atskiriantys pedagoginį veiksmą nuo pedagoginio vyksmo, išryškinamas svarbiausių ugdymo funkcijų – lavinimo ir auklėjimo – pobūdis, suponuojantis skirtingus pedagogo vaidmenis, aptariami vaisingieji ugdymo momentai

    Paauglių dvasinių vertybių internalizacijos pedagoginės problemos XXI amžiaus iššūkių kontekste

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    Educational policy makers in post-modern Europe have taken to creating strategies of life-long education that overestimates one type of spiritual values (consisting of truth, goodness, beauty) and lead to the pragmatic needs satisfaction. The system of education in Lithuania goes hand in hand with modern European tendencies and aims at defining the desirable values and skills alongside the key competences acquired in the processes of education. The greatest attention is given to learning and moral values that involve the individual's relationships with the micro and macro-environment (dignity, responsiveness, honesty, tolerance, national sensitivity, civic educational component). The present study has established that adolescents are able to internalize most successfully those spiritual values that are related to their interpersonal relationships (persona] dignity, sensitivity, honesty). However, other important values that also make up part of the educational content of school curriculum (national sensitivity, civic education component, wisdom, creativity) seem to be much more problematic in the processes of value internalization in adolescents; though these values in particular are exclusively important for the processes of adolescents' spiritual becoming, and these values have a complimentary character.Straipsnyje aptariamos Europos ir Lietuvos XXI amžiaus švietimo strategijos bei svarbiausios ugdymo vertybės. Jų internalizavimą lemia veiksniai, nukreipti į dvasinės būties pamatus (tiesą ir laisvę), kurie skirtingai funkcionuoja esant totalitarinei ir demokratinei valdymo sistemai. Jie labiausiai įkūnija vertybes, susijusias su tarpasmeniniais santykiais (orumą, jautrumą, sąžiningumą). Pateikiami tyrimo, kaip dabartiniai paaugliai internalizuoja dvasines vertybes, duomenys. Ryškinamos susijusios su vertybių, atitinkančių XXI amžiaus švietimo iššūkius (patriotizmo, pilietiškumo, išmintingumo) ar svarbių dvasiniam tapsmui (tikėjimo, altruizmo, estetinių vertybių) internalizavimo pedagoginės problemos