44 research outputs found


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    Just as each school subject has its own specific goals, so the role of homework depends on the specific requirements and learning outcomes of the subject within which it is assigned. Homework in Science and Social Studies should be assigned in those parts of learning content that will require research-oriented and problem-solving activities, which will enable students to gain experience, develop creativity and apply knowledge and skills in everyday life. The study included primary school teachers in Croatia and Slovenia (N = 144). The observation was conducted in real-life situations during Science and Social Studies lessons. The results show that Croatian teachers assign statistically significantly more homework and use ready-made sources of homework assignments more than Slovenian teachers. Teachers of both countries have preferences towards workbooks as the most commonly used source of homework. The aim of the paper is to emphasize the need for reducing homework in the Croatian practice. It also sheds light on the role of the teacher in designing homework tasks that will not be automatically assigned, but will have a meaningful purpose and be oriented towards students’ needs and interests while developing their competencies

    Evaluacija domaće zadaće u Prirodi i društvu

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    Systematic monitoring of students’ achievements as well as encouraging and improving the development of their knowledge, skills and abilities is one of the basic tasks of school. Apart from monitoring the progress of students during the teaching process, monitoring and evaluation of their independent work at home is also considered. A new approach to curriculum planning emphasizes the importance of formative evaluation, which implies monitoring and feedback about the learning process. A well-designed homework task can be an excellent indicator of progress in a student’s independent work outside of school. Creating and evaluating constructivist homework enables monitoring the development of students’ research skills as one of the two key evaluation elements in Science and Social Studies. The aim of the paper was to determine the frequency of homework evaluated by teachers and the ways teachers evaluate homework in Science and Social Studies classes. In addition, the aim was to identify the sources of homework which are mostly evaluated. A sample study included 83 primary school teachers, whose assignment, assessment and evaluation of student homework was observed by the students of the Faculty of Education in Osijek and Slavonski Brod during their professional-pedagogical practice. The study analysed 343 Science and Social Studies lessons in which homework was assigned. The results show that teachers did not evaluate a large amount of homework, or they only marked it as reviewed without any feedback about students’ progress and achievement. Therefore, the study reflects the importance of planning, creating and evaluating homework assignments in Science and Social Studies classes.Sustavno praćenje učeničkih postignuća, kao i poticanje i poboljšanje razvoja njihovih znanja, vještina i sposobnosti, jedna je od osnovnih zadaća škole. Osim praćenja napretka učenika tijekom procesa poučavanja, također smo razmotrili praćenje i evaluaciju samostalnoga rada učenika kod kuće. Novi pristup planiranju kurikula naglašava važnost formativne evaluacije što obuhvaća praćenje i davanje povratnih informacija o procesu učenja. Dobro osmišljena zadaća može biti odličan pokazatelj napretka u samostalnom radu učenika izvan škole. Kreiranje i evaluacija konstruktivističke domaće zadaće omogućuje praćenje razvoja učeničkih istraživačkih vještina kao jednog od ključnih elemenata evaluacije u predmetu Priroda i društvo. Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi koliko često učitelji evaluiraju domaće zadaće i načine na koje to čine u nastavi Prirode i društva. Osim toga, cilj je bio utvrditi koje izvore zadaće učitelji najviše evaluiraju. Uzorak studije obuhvatio je 83 osnovnoškolska učitelja čije su zadavanje domaćega rada, procjenu i evaluaciju zadaća učenika promatrali studenti Fakulteta za odgoj i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku i Slavonskom Brodu tijekom profesionaln o-pedagoške prakse. U istraživanju su analizirana 343 sata Prirode i društva na kojima je zadana domaća zadaća. Rezultati pokazuju da učitelji nisu evaluirali veliki broj domaćih zadaća ili su ih samo označili kao pregledane bez povratnih informacija o učeničkom napretku i postignuću. Stoga, istraživanje ukazuje na važnost planiranja, osmišljavanja i evaluacije zadataka domaćega rada u nastavi Prirode i društva

    Analiza koncentracije joda u mokraći trudnica koje uzimaju dodatak prehrani koji sadrži jod [An analysis of ionide concentration in urine in pregnant women who are taking ionide supplementation]

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    Iodine, as a part of thyroid hormones, is one of the most significant microelements in our organism and it plays important role in neurological development of children. Insufficient iodine intake can result in wide specter of disorders for which prevention Nacional programs of salt iodization have been developed. According to WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD recommendations, urinary iodine concentration median is the method of choice in evaluation of iodine intake in general population. Recommended values for general population are 100-200 μg/L, while for pregnant women the range is 150-250 μg/L. According to the latest data from 2009, Croatia is a country with sufficient iodine intake in general population thanks to legislative of salt iodization with 25 mg KI/kg. Median of iodine urinary concentration in schoolchildren was 200 – 300 μg/L. In the research that involved pregnant women there have been 150 participants included. Urinary iodine concentration median was 165 μg/L, which represents sufficient iodine intake. But, 44% had values of iodine concentration < 150 μg/L, and that represents significant number of those with insufficient iodine intake. Median of the control group, those without additional iodine intake, was 96 μg/L, while the median of the group that took additional iodine through nutritional supplements, was 181 μg/L. In Croatia, country with established sufficient iodine intake in general population, urinary iodine values are in significant number of pregnant women under recommended, while those that have taken iodine supplementation have sufficient iodine intake according to the WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD recommendation. Taking into consideration jet unproven harmful consequences in women having iodine values in urine < 150 μg/L, when general population has adequate iodine intake, there should be revision of WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD recommendations of 150 μg/L as the lowest value for pregnant women. Also, studies referring to reasons for low values of urinary iodine concentration median in pregnant women who don’t take iodine supplementation should be conducted taking into consideration trend of salt restriction. Overall, it should be considered, in National program that follows status of iodine intake in general population, implementation of recommendations for additional iodine intake for pregnant women through nutritional supplements with prior established recommendations of amount of iodine that each supplement should contain


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    A highly developed industry used to be synon-ymous with Osijek and the entire Slavonija and Baranja region in the past, but in modern times the notion of industry has taken on a new meaning. Classic factories have disappeared, making room for the development of more modern and innovative industries, including cultural and creative industries. The problem of recognition and conservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, which is increas-ingly often at risk, has also come up in the ur-banisation process. Systematic efforts to con-serve and revitalise cultural heritage are need-ed in order to preserve the identity and the culture of the local community. Otherwise it will fall victim to uncontrolled urbanisation, and disappear. Cultural and creative industries are building ways for the development, con-servation and urban regeneration and revitali-sation of the cultural heritage. Repurposed industrial cultural heritage can serve as a re-minder of former glory, but also as a daily in-spiration for new entrepreneurs, creative pro-fessionals, and all other citizens. Local and national governments must make projects aimed at the revitalisation of all types of cul-tural heritage their priority. These projects are highly attractive. Even though they are also challenging and very expensive, they will con-tinue to bear fruit for many years after their implementation by reinforcing their city’s identity, but also through fast-growing cultural tourism. The main objective of this paper is to explore the potentials of the forgotten (invisi-ble) industrial (now cultural) heritage of Osijek within the sector of cultural and creative in-dustries. With this goal in mind, the authors carried out a survey to gauge public awareness of the economic potential offered by the devel-opment of cultural and creative industries, with a focus on the revitalisation of Osijek’s industrial cultural heritage. One of the objec-tives of the survey was also to identify the opinions of different age and education groups in the public about these matters. Regrettably, the awareness of the importance of conserving cultural heritage remains rather low. Educa-tional campaigns, written guidelines, projects and events are needed to educate the broader community in order for the development po-tential of cultural and creative industries to be really manifested.Iznimno razvijena industrija u prošlosti je bila sinonim za Osijek, no u novije vrijeme pojam industrije više ne predstavlja istu stvar, odnosno klasične tvornice nestaju, a otvara se prostor razvoju modernijih i inovativnijih industrija, i to onima iz područja kulturne i kreativne industrije. U procesu urbanizacije također se pojavljuje problem prepoznavanja i očuvanja sve češće ugrožene kulturne baštine, kako materijalne tako i nematerijalne. Kako bi se identitet i kultura lokalne zajednice očuvali, potrebno je sustavno raditi na očuvanju i revitalizaciji kulturne baštine kako ona ne bi postala žrtvom divlje urbanizacije i pritom nestala, a upravo kulturna i kreativna industrija kreira put prema razvoju, ali i očuvanju te urbanoj regeneraciji i revitalizaciji kulturne baštine. Industrijska kulturna baština svojom prenamjenom ima priliku biti podsjetnik na nekadašnju slavu, ali i svakodnevna inspiracija novim poduzetnicima, kreativcima, ali i svim ostalim građanima. Projekti revitalizacije svih vrsta kulturne baštine moraju biti prioritet lokalne samouprave, ali i čitave države s obzirom da se radi o veoma atraktivnim, ali ujedno i zahtjevnim i iznimno skupim projektima, ali koji će zasigurno nakon realizacije još mnogo godina kasnije ubirati plodove svoga rada kako kroz jačanje identiteta pojedinoga grada, tako i kroz sve brže rastući kulturni turizam. Glavni cilj ovoga rada je istražiti potencijale zaboravljene (nevidljive) industrijske (sada kulturne) baštine Osijeka unutar sektora kulturnih i kreativnih industrija. Slijedom toga, provedeno je i istraživanje o informiranosti javnosti o gospo-darskom potencijalu koji donosi razvoj kulturnih i kreativnih industrija s naglaskom na revitalizaciju industrijske kulturne baštine Osijeka. Cilj istraživanja bio je i definiranje stavova javnosti različitih dobnih i obrazovnih skupina o navedenoj problematici. Nažalost, važnost očuvanja kulturne baštine je i dalje na veoma niskim razinama te se kroz edukacije, pisane smjernice, projekte i manifestacije mora obrazovati širi krug ljudi kako bi se potencijal razvoja sektora kulture i kulturnih i kreativnih industrija zaista i osjetio

    Econimic and cultural influence of creative industries on proactivity of student's population

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    Kreativne industrije su jedne od najperspektivnijih i najbrže rastućih industrija te zapošljavaju velik broj ljudi kako u Europskoj uniji, tako i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Jedne su od rijetkih industrija koje su otporne na gospodarsku krizu te koje i u recesijskim vremenima bilježe značajne trendove rasta. Ekonomski potencijali kulturnih i kreativnih industrija su zaista na zavidnoj razini jer zauzimaju značajan udio u BDP-u kako u Europi, a tako i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Budući da je obuhvat kreativnih industrija zaista širok, ono na čemu će se ova disertacija temeljiti, bit će ekonomski i kulturološki utjecaji na proaktivnost studentske populacije odabranih sektora kreativnih industrija, a to su: filmska industrija, knjižnice, muzeji, izvedbene i vizualne umjetnosti (kazalište), televizija, softveri i aplikacije na mobitelima i računalima. U uvodnom dijelu rada bit će obrađeni predmet i problem istraživanja, svrha i ciljevi istraživanja, kratak pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja i znanstvene metode koje će se primjenjivati prilikom pisanja. Središnji dio rada sadrži pojmovna određenja kulturnih i kreativnih industrija, određene osobitosti, specifičnosti te pregled stanja kreativnih industrija u Europskoj uniji i Republici Hrvatskoj. Zadnji dio središnjega dijela rada obuhvaća rezultate primarnog istraživanja o ekonomskom i kulturološkom utjecaju kreativnih industrija na proaktivnost studentske populacije. Zaključni dio rada donosi objašnjenje osmišljenog hipotetskog modela, analizu hipoteza te niz preporuka za poticanje proaktivnosti studentske populacije iz segmenta kreativnih industrija. Glavni je cilj istraživanja bio odrediti ekonomski i kulturološki utjecaj kreativnih industrija na proaktivnost studentske populacije kroz zastupljenost pojedinih sektora u njihovim životima te koliko su spremni izdvojiti slobodnog vremena i novca za njih. Ono što se moglo zaključiti na temelju dobivenih rezultata je činjenica da kreativne industrije imaju pozitivan ekonomski i kulturološki utjecaj na studentsku populaciju, ma koliko one slabo bile zastupljene u njihovim životima. Koliki je taj utjecaj ovisio o visokoškolskoj ustanovi koju pohađaju, o preferencama studentske populacije, ali i o sektoru kreativne industrije na koji se istraživanje odnosi te radi li se o višku slobodnog vremena ili novca.Creative industries are one of the most perspective and fastest growing industries not only in Europe, but in the whole world.They employ a large number of people and are also one of the few industries resistant to the economic crisis and in these recession times, recorded significant growth trends in both the European Union and in the Republic of Croatia.The economic potential of cultural and creative industries is really at a high level because they occupy a significant share of GDP in Europe, as well as in the Republic of Croatia.Since the scope of the creative industries isreally wide, what we are going to base this thesis on will be the economic and cultural influences on the proactivity of student population of selected sectors of the creative industries, such as: motion picture, libraries, museums, performing and visual arts (theater), television, cellphone and computer applications.In the introduction, there will be an elaborated subject of the problem with research hypotheses, the purpose and objectives of the research and a brief review of research and scientific methods applied in dissertation.The central part of the dissertation includes conceptual definitions of cultural and creative industries, certain characteristics, specifics, and a review of creative industries in the European Union and the Republic of Croatia.The last part of the dissertation includes the results of primary research about economic and cultural impact of creative industries on the proactivity of student population.The concluding part of the disseratition refers to the explanation thought theoretical model, analysis of hypotheses, and a number of recommendations to encourage proactivity of student population in the segment of creative industries. The main aim of the research is to determine an economic and cultural impact of creative industries on the proactivity of student population, the extent to which it is present in their lives and whether are willing to allocate free time and money for it.What could be concluded on the basis of these results is a fact that the creative industries have a really small, we colud say almost insignificant, economic and cultural impact on the student population. What that impact isdepends on several factors: higher educational institution, student population preference, but also on the creative industries sector to which the research relates, as well as there is a excess of free time or money


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    In times of crises, some cultural institutions in Croatia have experienced difficulties attracting an audience, which drove them to try out creative and unconventional forms of promotion. Promotion is one of the most popular, widespread and influential parts of marketing. Promotion is also of major importance for a cultural institution because of its ability to attract a large number of visitors. Setting out from this starting point, this paper focused on conventional and unconventional forms of promotion in museums as a part of the creative industries. Creative industries are gaining importance nowadays, and museums as a part of the visual arts sector of the creative industries are gaining popularity thanks to the promotion efforts. With this in mind, a survey was carried out among the visitors of the Museum of Fine Arts in Osijek during Julije Knifer\u27s retrospective exhibition “Uncompromising” in March and April 2015. Participants were given a questionnaire consisting of closed-ended questions about conventional and unconventional forms of promotion and their impact on visitors.The authors participated in the organization of promotional activities for the exhibition and employed certain conventional and unconventional forms of promotion to get an idea of their impact on museum attendance (or lack thereof). The results demonstrated that the promotional activities had a positive impact on museum attendance, and unconventional forms of promotion had a greater impact than the conventional ones.</p


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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact factors influencing the cinema and professional theatre attendance. The paper gives the analysis of the Croatian cinema and professional theatre industry, financial performance of the cinemas and national theatres operating in Osijek and Zadar and presents the relevance of the industry customized marketing methods. For the reason of determining the factors that influence the attendance and accordingly financial result, the primary research on student\u27s consumption of analysed creative industries subsectors - cinema and theatre was conducted in Zadar and Osijek. The results of the primary research showed several factors relevant for the younger population attendance, which can accordingly influence the business performance and financial result. Here, the industries with different specifics were observed, the mainly private-owned and financed cinema industry and the mainly state-owned and financed theatre industry, which as well, significantly defines the business priorities, behaviour and performance.Cilj ovog rada je analizirati čimbenike koji utječu na posjećenost kina i profesionalnih kazališta. U radu se analizira hrvatska kreativna i kulturna industrija, financijska izvedba kinematografa i nacionalnih kazališta koja djeluju u Osijeku i Zadru, te također važnost marketinških metoda prilagođenih specifičnostima navedene industrije. Zbog utvrđivanja čimbenika koji utječu na pohađanje i na taj način financijski rezultat, u Zadru i Osijeku provedena su primarna istraživanja o potrošnji studenata u analiziranim podsektorima kreativnih i kulturnih industrija - kino i kazalište. Rezultati primarnog istraživanja pokazali su nekoliko čimbenika relevantnih za posjećenost kina i kazališta od strane mlađe populacije, što može utjecati na njihovu uspješnost poslovanja i financijski rezultat. Ovdje su promatrane industrije s različitim specifičnostima, uglavnom samofinanciranu i u privatnom vlasništvu kinematografsku industriju te kazališnu industriju u državnom vlasništvu što je također čimbenik koji značajno definira poslovne prioritete, ponašanje i poslovanje


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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact factors influencing the cinema and professional theatre attendance. The paper gives the analysis of the Croatian cinema and professional theatre industry, financial performance of the cinemas and national theatres operating in Osijek and Zadar and presents the relevance of the industry customized marketing methods. For the reason of determining the factors that influence the attendance and accordingly financial result, the primary research on student\u27s consumption of analysed creative industries subsectors - cinema and theatre was conducted in Zadar and Osijek. The results of the primary research showed several factors relevant for the younger population attendance, which can accordingly influence the business performance and financial result. Here, the industries with different specifics were observed, the mainly private-owned and financed cinema industry and the mainly state-owned and financed theatre industry, which as well, significantly defines the business priorities, behaviour and performance.Cilj ovog rada je analizirati čimbenike koji utječu na posjećenost kina i profesionalnih kazališta. U radu se analizira hrvatska kreativna i kulturna industrija, financijska izvedba kinematografa i nacionalnih kazališta koja djeluju u Osijeku i Zadru, te također važnost marketinških metoda prilagođenih specifičnostima navedene industrije. Zbog utvrđivanja čimbenika koji utječu na pohađanje i na taj način financijski rezultat, u Zadru i Osijeku provedena su primarna istraživanja o potrošnji studenata u analiziranim podsektorima kreativnih i kulturnih industrija - kino i kazalište. Rezultati primarnog istraživanja pokazali su nekoliko čimbenika relevantnih za posjećenost kina i kazališta od strane mlađe populacije, što može utjecati na njihovu uspješnost poslovanja i financijski rezultat. Ovdje su promatrane industrije s različitim specifičnostima, uglavnom samofinanciranu i u privatnom vlasništvu kinematografsku industriju te kazališnu industriju u državnom vlasništvu što je također čimbenik koji značajno definira poslovne prioritete, ponašanje i poslovanje

    The impact of promotion in franchising

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    Franchising is a model of company growth, which significantly reduces uncertainty in the riskiest stages of growth: business start–up and growth phase. The impact of promotion in franchising has not been investigated in relevant literature. Therefore, this paper examines the impact of promotion on franchising through unconventional marketing on the example of private company X which is the main context of the present study. This private company X was chosen as a relevant example because it was selected in 2012 as one of the most successful Croatian franchisee companies in the segment of automotive industry and also because of the quality of service. The results show that the most successful promotional tool is “word of mouth” that attracts the largest number of clients. However, it must be emphasized that conventional marketing is very important, too, because it contributes to the visibility of the company. Conventional marketing is a diverse field which includes many forms of advertising like print, broadcast, direct mail, telemarketing etc. and is still widely recognized by the audience

    Čvorovi štitne žlijezde - stvarna epidemija ili poboljšana dijagnostika

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    The incidence of thyroid nodules has been rising steadily during the last 30 years, since the introduction of new diagnostic methods such as ultrasonography and computerized tomography, thus posing a real challenge in determining the best approach strategy for treatment of this new \u27epidemic\u27. We analyzed and compared data from several studies showing the prevalence of thyroid nodules on autopsy, palpation and ultrasonography to be 13%-60%, 0.5%-6.5% and 13.4%-46%, respectively. This demonstrates that thyroid ultrasonography is a very sensitive and accurate diagnostic tool the use of which, however, entails an increased number of incidentally discovered thyroid nodules without clinical significance. Therefore, ultrasonography of the thyroid should not be performed without clinical indication determined by thyroid specialist.Incidencija čvorova štitne žlijezde u stalnom je porastu posljednjih 30 godina, od uvođenja novih dijagnostičkih metoda poput ultrazvuka i kompjutorizirane tomografije, što predstavlja pravi izazov pri određivanju najboljeg pristupa u liječenju ove nove \u27epidemije\u27. Analizirali smo i usporedili podatke iz nekoliko istraživanja koja navode učestalost čvorova štitne žlijezde utvrđenih na autopsiji, palpacijom i ultrazvukom od 13%-60%, 0,5%-6,5%, odnosno 13,4%-46%. To pokazuje kako je ultrazvuk vrlo osjetljiva i točna dijagnostička metoda, međutim, njegova primjena dovodi do sve većeg broja slučajno otkrivenih, klinički neznačajnih čvorova štitnjače. Stoga ultrazvuk štitnjače ne treba primjenjivati bez kliničke indikacije koju je postavio specijalist za štitnu žlijezdu