16 research outputs found

    Developing a new innovative methodology to integrate geophysical techniques into characterization of potential CO2 storage sites: Lopín structure (Southern Ebro basin, Spain)

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    Abstract:One of the main challenges facing geological storage is to identify cost-effective methodologicalworkflows for characterizing and monitoring geological storage sites. In the framework of the ALGECO2 pro-ject, led by the IGME (Geological and Mining Institute, Spain), a preliminary study of the Lopín site in the NEof Spain indicated conditions were promising for geological storage of CO2. However, the poor quality of thelegacy seismic reflection data precluded thorough characterization. Within the H2020 PilotSTRATEGY pro-ject, one of the possible selected target reservoirs was the Lopín structure. In order to characterize its geometryand physical properties as required to properly evaluate its storage potential, IGME applied a new emergingmethodology that integrates reinterpreted reflection seismic data with newly acquired and interpreted gravity,passive seismic and petrophysical data. This methodology was successfully applied along one seismic profile. Inthis paper, we present the results of this integration as thefirst step towards characterizing the site and evaluatingits suitability for storage.Funding for this research came from the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (European Climate,Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA), award 101022664

    Hubs and clusters approach to unlock the development of carbon capture and storage – Case study in Spain

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    Many countries have assigned an indispensable role for carbon capture and storage (CCS) in their national climate change mitigation pathways. However, CCS deployment has stalled in most countries with only limited commercial projects realised mainly in hydrocarbon-rich countries for enhanced oil recovery. If the Paris Agreement is to be met, then this progress must be replicated widely, including hydrocarbon-limited countries. In this study, we present a novel source-to-sink assessment methodology based on a hubs and clusters approach to identify favourable regions for CCS deployment and attract renewed public and political interest in viable deployment pathways. Here, we apply this methodology to Spain, where fifteen emission hubs from both the power and the hard-to-abate industrial sectors are identified as potential CO2 sources. A priority storage structure and two reserves for each hub are selected based on screening and ranking processes using a multi-criteria decision-making method. The priority source-to-sink clusters are identified indicating four potential development regions, with the North-Western and North-Eastern Spain recognised as priority regions due to resilience provided by different types of CO2 sources and geological structures. Up to 68.7 Mt CO2 per year, comprising around 21% of Spanish emissions can be connected to clusters linked to feasible storage. CCS, especially in the hard-to-abate sector, and in combination with other low-carbon energies (e.g., blue hydrogen and bioenergy), remains a significant and unavoidable contributor to the Paris Agreement's mid-century net-zero target. This study shows that the hubs and clusters approach can facilitate CCS deployment in Spain and other hydrocarbon-limited countries

    Strategic raw materials for the energy and digital transition in Spain

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    [EN] One of the main concerns of the European Commission is critical raw materials (CRM), necessary for daily life in a wide range of goods and applications. The EU's industry and economy depend on international markets for many important raw materials, which are produced and supplied by third countries. These CRMs are closely linked to clean technologies, technological progress and quality of life. Concern about access to CRMs led the European Commission to draw up a first list of critical raw materials (CRM) in 2011, and to schedule its review and update every three years, the last being in 2020.Peer reviewe

    The Importance of Spanish Data (BDMIN & PANORAMA MINERO) in the European Raw Materials Knowledge Base (EURMKB)

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    [EN] The IGME has an extensive experience in the field of mineral resources and the main source of information is the Mineral Resources Database (BDMIN) that integrates the geological‐mining information on occurrences, mines and exploitations (active and inactive) of metallic, nonmetallic and industrial minerals, and rocks in Spain. In addition, since 1981, the Panorama Minero has been carried out with the aim of providing reliable data on Spanish mining production, based on the Spanish Mining Statistics (MITERD). This information includes data on the national production of minerals, in tonnage and value, metallurgical production, foreign trade, etc. Other sources include the National Mining Cadastre and Foreign Trade statistics from the Tax Agency.Peer reviewe

    pilotSTRATEGY project 2021-2026: “CO2 Geological Pilots in Strategic Territories”

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    [EN] The pilotSTRATEGY (2021-2026) is investigating geological CO2 storage sites in industrial regions to support development of large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS). It is focused on deep saline aquifers–porous rock formations filled with brine several kilometres below ground – which promise a large capacity for storing captured CO2. The goal of the characterisation is to assess the site’s containment, injectivity, capacity, integrity, hydrodynamics, and monitorability in order to ensure safe and permanent storage of CO2. PilotSTRATEGY covers the initial stages of project development up to the pre-final investment decision (pre-FID), regulatory approval and permitting of storage, and applied on selected structures of Paris Basin in France, the Lusitanian Basin in Portugal and the Ebro Basin in Spain, and in lower detail, in West Macedonia in Greece and Upper Silesia in Poland.The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme (10.1 million Euros, No. 101022664).Peer reviewe

    New hydrometallurgical treatment technology alternatives for refractory gold ores and primary polymetallic sulphides

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    [EN] In recent times, the Spanish Geological survey (CN GME-CSIC) has played an important role in many areas related to research, prospect and use of gold. It has carried out an important research on state reserves, and has inventoried and valued an important part of the national resources. In the field of hydrometallurgy, research has been carrying out since the 1990s, aimed at improving hydrometallurgical treatments, on the one hand, to increase the recovery of nonferrous metals (Cu-Pb-Zn) in which the Iberian Pyrite Belt is rich and, on the other, to enable the use of the gold contained in refractory minerals as well as the extraction of any other metal present that could be of economic benefit, which would contribute to reduce the operating costs. Through different collaboration agreements with the Junta de Andalucía and the company Protón Ingenieros a hydrometallurgical plant patent was developed, which serves as the starting point for this project.Peer reviewe

    El beneficio del oro en minerales refractarios de la Faja Pirítica

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    La Faja Pirítica Ibérica, en la que se ubican más de 70 yacimientos de sulfuros masivos volcanogénicos, constituye una provincia metalogenética a escala mundial, con unos recursos considerables en azufre, hierro y metales básicos y en menor medida oro y plata. El Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME), en el sector de las investigaciones minero-metalúrgicas, ha participado en diversos proyectos encaminados a la recuperación del oro de este tipo de mineralizaciones. Una buena parte de su labor investigadora, en el ámbito de la hidrometalurgia, se ha centrado en la búsqueda de tratamientos alternativos de las menas auríferas refractarias, tan características de la Faja Pirítica, contemplando simultáneamente la recuperación de los metales básicos y del oro contenido en dichas menas, así como la extracción de cualquier otro metal minoritario, susceptible de beneficio económico, que pudiera contribuir a la reducción de los costes de explotación. A tal fin, se han combinado métodos de tratamiento tradicionales, como la cianuración, con otros de carácter innovador, tales como la lixiviación ácida a presión, la tostación oxidante, la lixiviación férrica a presión atmosférica y la biolixiviación.Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME). Departamento de Investigación en Recursos Geológicos

    STRATEGY CCUS project: “Strategic planning of regions and territories in Europe for low‐carbon energy and industry through CCUS”

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    [EN] Strategy CCUS (2019-2022) is funded by the EU to support the development of low-carbon energy and industry in Southern and Eastern Europe up to 2050 (PN: 837754).Peer reviewe

    Arqueosismología aplicada: identificación de efectos arqueológicos del terremoto de Lisboa (1755) en las áreas circundantes a la planta piloto de inyección de CO2 en Hontomín (Burgos, España)

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    Reunión Ibérica sobre Fallas Activas y Paleosismología (3ª. 2018. Alicante). - Texto en español con resumen y palabras claves en inglés y españolLa planta piloto de inyección de CO2 de Hontomín (Burgos) es la única planta de inyección en tierra en Europa. Para el desarrollo de este tipo de plantas de inyección son necesarios los estudios de los posibles efectos de terremotos que puedan afectarles. La falta de estudios de neotectónica en esta zona de la meseta norte de España hace necesario obtener datos sobre terremotos antiguos en esta zona. Los efectos de campo lejano del terremoto de Lisboa en Burgos pueden contribuir al conocimiento del comportamiento sísmico del terreno en caso de la ocurrencia de eventos similares. Hemos seleccionado principalmente construcciones románicas para obtener la dirección media de movimiento del sustrato generada por el terremoto de Lisboa en esta zona. Los resultados preliminares indican una dirección media de movimiento NE-SO. Las trayectorias de deformación obtenidas son refractadas por las fallas principales de la zona, variando su orientación para disponerse perpendiculares a éstas = The pilot plant for CO2 injection at Hontomín (Burgos) is the only injection plant onshore in Europe. In the development of this type of injection plants it is necessary to study the effect of possible earthquakes that may affect it. The lack of neotectonic studies in this area of central Spain make necessary obtain data of ancient earthquakes that affected this territory. The far field effect of the Lisbon earthquake in Burgos can contribute to the knowledge on the ground behaviour in case of events of similar characteristics. We select the mainly Romanesque buildings to obtain the mean ground movement direction generated by the Lisbon earthquake in this area. The preliminary results show a mean direction of ground movement NE-SW. The strain trajectories are reflected by the main faults of the zone, varying its orientation to be oriented perpendicular to the main faults.Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Españ

    Laboratory Experiments on Early-Phase Supercritical CO2-Brine- Rock Interactions: applications in Carbon Capture and Storage Projects

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    [EN] This work describes the laboratory experiments of exposition of rocks (eg. limestone, sandstone, gabbro) to supercritical (SC) CO2 conducted in the autoclave system of the IGME, in the framework of different projects (i.e. CO2 Pore Plan Nacional, Pilot UE Project, InCarbon Portugal 2020).Peer reviewe