20 research outputs found

    A Measurement of the Assembly of Milky Way Analogues at Redshifts 0.5<z<20.5 < z < 2 with Resolved Stellar Mass and Star-Formation Rate Profiles

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    The resolved mass assembly of Milky-Way-mass galaxies has been previously studied in simulations, the local universe, and at higher redshifts using infrared (IR) light profiles. To better characterize the mass assembly of Milky Way Analogues (MWAs), as well as their changes in star-formation rate and color gradients, we construct resolved stellar mass and star-formation rate maps of MWA progenitors selected with abundance matching techniques up to z \sim 2 using deep, multi-wavelength imaging data from the Hubble Frontier Fields. Our results using stellar mass profiles agree well with previous studies that utilize IR light profiles, showing that the inner 2 kpc of the galaxies and the regions beyond 2 kpc exhibit similar rates of stellar mass growth. This indicates the progenitors of MWAs from z2z\sim 2 to the present do not preferentially grow their bulges or their disks. The evolution of the star-formation rate (SFR) profiles indicate greater decrease in SFR density in the inner regions versus the outer regions. S\'ersic parameters indicate modest growth in the central regions at lower redshifts, perhaps indicating slight bulge growth. However, the S\'ersic index does not rise above n2n \sim 2 until z<0.5z < 0.5, meaning these galaxies are still disk dominated systems. We find that the half-mass radii of the MWA progenitors increase between 1.5<z<21.5 < z < 2, but remain constant at later epochs (z<1.5z < 1.5). This implies mild bulge growth since z2z\sim 2 in MWA progenitors, in line with previous MWA mass assembly studies.Comment: 19 Pages, 12 figures, accepted by Ap

    The Progenitors of Local Ultra-massive Galaxies Across Cosmic Time: from Dusty Star-bursting to Quiescent Stellar Populations

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    Using the UltraVISTA catalogs, we investigate the evolution in the 11.4~Gyr since z=3z=3 of the progenitors of local ultra-massive galaxies (log(Mstar/M)11.8\log{(M_{\rm star}/M_{\odot})}\approx11.8; UMGs), providing a complete and consistent picture of how the most massive galaxies at z=0z=0 have assembled. By selecting the progenitors with a semi-empirical approach using abundance matching, we infer a growth in stellar mass of 0.560.25+0.35^{+0.35}_{-0.25} dex, 0.450.20+0.16^{+0.16}_{-0.20}~dex, and 0.270.12+0.08^{+0.08}_{-0.12} dex from z=3z=3, z=2z=2, and z=1z=1, respectively, to z=0z=0. At z<1z<1, the progenitors of UMGs constitute a homogeneous population of only quiescent galaxies with old stellar populations. At z>1z>1, the contribution from star-forming galaxies progressively increases, with the progenitors at 2<z<32<z<3 being dominated by massive (Mstar2×1011M_{\rm star} \approx 2 \times 10^{11}M_{\odot}), dusty (AVA_{\rm V}\sim1--2.2 mag), star-forming (SFR\sim100--400~M_{\odot} yr1^{-1}) galaxies with a large range in stellar ages. At z=2.75z=2.75, \sim15\% of the progenitors are quiescent, with properties typical of post-starburst galaxies with little dust extinction and strong Balmer break, and showing a large scatter in color. Our findings indicate that at least half of the stellar content of local UMGs was assembled at z>1z>1, whereas the remaining was assembled via merging from z1z\sim 1 to the present. Most of the quenching of the star-forming progenitors happened between z=2.75z=2.75 and z=1.25z=1.25, in good agreement with the typical formation redshift and scatter in age of z=0z=0 UMGs as derived from their fossil records. The progenitors of local UMGs, including the star-forming ones, never lived on the blue cloud since z=3z=3. We propose an alternative path for the formation of local UMGs that refines previously proposed pictures and that is fully consistent with our findings.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures (6 of which in appendix); accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Spectroscopic Confirmation of an Ultramassive and Compact Galaxy at Z = 3.35: A Detailed Look at an Early Progenitor of Local Giant Ellipticals

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    We present the first spectroscopic confirmation of an ultra-massive galaxy at redshift z\u3e3 using data from Keck-NIRSPEC, VLT-Xshooter, and GTC-Osiris. We detect strong [OIII] and Lyα emission, and weak [OII], CIV, and HeII, placing C1-23152 at a spectroscopic redshift of zspec=3.351. The modeling of the emission-line corrected spectral energy distribution results in a best-fit stellar mass of M∗=3.1+0.6−0.7×1011M⊙, a star-formation rate of \u3c7 M⊙yr−1, and negligible dust extinction. The stars appear to have formed in a short intense burst ~300-500 Myr prior to the observation epoch, setting the formation redshift of this galaxy at z~4.1. From the analysis of the line ratios and widths, and the observed flux at 24μm, we confirm the presence of a luminous hidden active galactic nucleus (AGN), with bolometric luminosity of ~1046ergs−1. Potential contamination to the observed SED from the AGN continuum is constrained, placing a lower limit on the stellar mass of 2×1011M⊙. HST/WFC3 H160 and ACS I814 images are modeled, resulting in an effective radius of re~1 kpc in the H160 band and a Sersic index n~4.4. This object may be a prototype of the progenitors of local most massive elliptical galaxies in the first 2 Gyr of cosmic history, having formed most of its stars at z\u3e4 in a highly dissipative, intense, and short burst of star formation. C1-23152 is completing its transition to a post-starburst phase while hosting a powerful AGN, potentially responsible for the quenching of the star formation activity

    The Rapid Build-up of Massive Early-type Galaxies. Supersolar Metallicity, High Velocity Dispersion and Young Age for an ETG at z=3.35

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    Thanks to very deep spectroscopic observations carried out at the Large Binocular Telescope, we measured simultaneously stellar age, metallicity and velocity dispersion for C1-23152, an ETG at redshift zz=3.352, corresponding to an epoch when the Universe was \sim1.8 Gyr old. The analysis of its spectrum shows that this galaxy, hosting an AGN, formed and assembled \sim2×\times1011^{11} M_\odot shaping its morphology within the \sim600 Myr preceding the observations, since zz\sim4.6. The stellar population has a mean mass-weighted age 40070+30^{+30}_{-70} Myr and it is formed between \sim600 Myr and \sim150 Myr before the observed epoch, this latter being the time since quenching. Its high stellar velocity dispersion, σe\sigma_e=409±\pm60 km s1^{-1}, confirms the high mass (Mdyn_{dyn}=2.2(±0.4)2.2(\pm0.4)×\times1011^{11} M_\odot) and the high mass density (ΣeM\Sigma_e^{M^*}=Σ1kpc=3.2(±0.7)×1010\Sigma_{1kpc}=3.2(\pm0.7)\times10^{10} M_\odot kpc2^{-2}), suggesting a fast dissipative process at its origin. The analysis points toward a supersolar metallicity, [Z/H]=0.250.10+0.006^{+0.006}_{-0.10}, in agreement with the above picture, suggesting a star formation efficiency much higher than the replenishment time. However, sub-solar metallicity values cannot be firmly ruled out by our analysis. Quenching must have been extremely efficient to reduce the star formation to SFR<<6.5 M_\odot yr1^{-1} in less than 150 Myr. This could be explained by the presence of the AGN, even if a causal relation cannot be established from the data. C1-23152 has the same stellar and physical properties of the densest ETGs in the local Universe of comparable mass, suggesting that they are C1-23152-like galaxies which evolved to z=0z=0 unperturbed.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ (revised to match the ApJ version

    The evolution in the stellar mass of Brightest Cluster Galaxies over the past 10 billion years

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    Using a sample of 98 galaxy clusters recently imaged in the near infra-red with the ESO NTT, WIYN and WHT telescopes, supplemented with 33 clusters from the ESO archive, we measure how the stellar mass of the most massive galaxies in the universe, namely Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCG), increases with time. Most of the BCGs in this new sample lie in the redshift range 0.2<z<0.60.2<z<0.6, which has been noted in recent works to mark an epoch over which the growth in the stellar mass of BCGs stalls. From this sample of 132 clusters, we create a subsample of 102 systems that includes only those clusters that have estimates of the cluster mass. We combine the BCGs in this subsample with BCGs from the literature, and find that the growth in stellar mass of BCGs from 10 billion years ago to the present epoch is broadly consistent with recent semi-analytic and semi-empirical models. As in other recent studies, tentative evidence indicates that the stellar mass growth rate of BCGs may be slowing in the past 3.5 billion years. Further work in collecting larger samples, and in better comparing observations with theory using mock images is required if a more detailed comparison between the models and the data is to be made.Comment: 15 pages, 8 tables, 7 figures - Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Beyond UVJ: Color Selection of Galaxies in the JWST Era

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    We present a new rest-frame color-color selection method using "synthetic usgsu_s-g_s and gsisg_s-i_s'', (ugi)s(ugi)_s colors to identify star-forming and quiescent galaxies. Our method is similar to the widely-used UVU-V versus VJV-J (UVJUVJ) diagram. However, UVJUVJ suffers known systematics. Spectroscopic campaigns have shown that UVJUVJ-selected quiescent samples at z3z \gtrsim 3 include 1030%\sim 10-30\% contamination from galaxies with dust-obscured star formation and strong emission lines. Moreover, at z>3z>3, UVJUVJ colors are extrapolated because the rest-frame J-band shifts beyond the coverage of the deepest bandpasses at <5 μm< 5~\mu m (typically SpitzerSpitzer/IRAC 4.5 μm\mu m or future JWSTJWST/NIRCam observations). We demonstrate that (ugi)s(ugi)_s offers improvements to UVJUVJ at z>3z>3, and can be applied to galaxies in the JWSTJWST era. We apply (ugi)s(ugi)_s selection to galaxies at 0.5<z<60.5<z<6 from the (observed) 3D-HST and UltraVISTA catalogs, and to the (simulated) JAGUAR catalogs. We show that extrapolation can affect (VJ)0(V-J)_0 color by up to 1 magnitude, but changes (usis)0(u_s-i_s)_0 color by \leq 0.2 mag, even at z6z\simeq 6. While (ugi)s(ugi)_s-selected quiescent samples are comparable to UVJUVJ in completeness (both achieve \sim85-90% at z=33.5z=3-3.5), (ugi)s(ugi)_s reduces contamination in quiescent samples by nearly a factor of two, from \simeq35% to \simeq17% at z=3z=3, and from \simeq 60% to \simeq 33% at z=6z=6. This leads to improvements in the true-to-false-positive ratio (TP/FP), where we find TP/FP \gtrsim 2.2 for (ugi)s(ugi)_s at z3.56z \simeq 3.5 - 6, compared to TP/FP << 1 for UVJUVJ-selected samples. This indicates that contaminants will outnumber true quiescent galaxies in UVJUVJ at these redshifts, while (ugi)s(ugi)_s will provide higher-fidelity samples.Comment: Submitted to Ap

    <i>HST</i> F160W Imaging of Very Massive Galaxies at 1.5 < <i>z</i> < 3.0: Diversity of Structures and the Effect of Close Pairs on Number Density Estimates

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    We present a targeted follow-up Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 F160W imaging study of very massive galaxies (log(Mstar/M⊙)>11.2) selected from a combination of ground-based near-infrared galaxy surveys (UltraVISTA, NMBS-II, UKIDSS UDS) at 1.5zzz<3.0, however, we find evidence that quiescent galaxies are systematically larger than expected based on the extrapolation of the relation derived using lower stellar mass galaxies. We used the observed light profiles of the blended systems to decompose their stellar masses and investigate the effect of the close pairs on the measured number densities of very massive galaxies in the early universe. We estimate correction factors to account for close-pair blends and apply them to the observed stellar mass functions measured using ground-based surveys. Given the large uncertainties associated with this extreme population of galaxies, there is currently little tension between the (blending-corrected) number density estimates and predictions from theoretical models. Although we currently lack the statistics to robustly correct for close-pair blends, we show that this is a systematic effect which can reduce the observed number density of very massive galaxies by up to a factor of ∼1.5, and should be accounted for in future studies of stellar mass functions

    Complete IRAC mapping of the CFHTLS-DEEP, MUSYC AND NMBS-II FIELDS

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    The IRAC mapping of the NMBS-II fields program is an imaging survey at 3.6 and 4.5μ\mum with the Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC). The observations cover three Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey Deep (CFHTLS-D) fields, including one also imaged by AEGIS, and two MUSYC fields. These are then combined with archival data from all previous programs into deep mosaics. The resulting imaging covers a combined area of about 3 deg2deg^2, with at least \sim2 hr integration time for each field. In this work, we present our data reduction techniques and document the resulting coverage maps at 3.6 and 4.5μ\mum. All of the images are W-registered to the reference image, which is either the z-band stack image of the 25\% best seeing images from the CFHTLS-D for CFHTLS-D1, CFHTLS-D3, and CFHTLS-D4, or the K-band images obtained at the Blanco 4-m telescope at CTIO for MUSYC1030 and MUSYC1255. We make all images and coverage maps described herein publicly available via the Spitzer Science Center.Comment: Accepted in PASP; released IRAC mosaics available upon publication of the pape

    The FENIKS Survey: Spectroscopic Confirmation of Massive Quiescent Galaxies at z ~ 3-5

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    The measured ages of massive, quiescent galaxies at z34z\sim 3-4 imply that massive galaxies quench as early as z6z\sim 6. While the number of spectroscopic confirmations of quiescent galaxies at z<3z < 3 has increased over the years, there are only a handful at z>3.5z > 3.5. We report spectroscopic redshifts of one secure (z=3.757z=3.757) and two tentative (z=3.336z = 3.336, z=4.673z=4.673) massive (log(M/M)>10.3\log(M_\ast/M_\odot) > 10.3) quiescent galaxies with 11 hours of Keck/MOSFIRE KK-band observations. Our candidates were selected from the FENIKS survey, which uses deep Gemini/Flamingos-2 KbK_b KrK_r imaging optimized for increased sensitivity to the characteristic red colors of galaxies at z>3z > 3 with strong Balmer/4000 \AA\ breaks. The rest-frame UVJUVJ and (ugi)s(ugi)_s colors of 3/4 quiescent candidates are consistent with 121-2 Gyr old stellar populations. This places these galaxies as the oldest objects at these redshifts, and challenges the notion that quiescent galaxies at z>3z > 3 are all recently-quenched, "post-starburst'' galaxies. Our spectroscopy shows that the other quiescent-galaxy candidate is a broad-line AGN (z=3.594z = 3.594) with strong, redshifted HβH\beta+[O III] emission with a velocity offset >1000>1000 km/s, indicative of a powerful outflow. The star-formation history of our highest redshift candidate suggests that its progenitor was already in place by z711z \sim 7-11, reaching \sim 1011M^{11} M_{\odot} by z10z \simeq 10. These observations reveal the limit of what is possible with deep near-infrared photometry and targeted spectroscopy from the ground and demonstrate that secure spectroscopic confirmation of quiescent galaxies at z>4z > 4 is only feasible with JWST.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Ap