3,809 research outputs found

    Influencing Robot Learning Through Design and Social Interactions: A Balancing Framework

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    We present a framework for addressing a challenging trade-off between influencing the learning of a robot through design and through social interactions. We identify different kinds of influences that a designer can introduce at design time, and that an expert can introduce using social interactions, and we use these to characterise a two-dimensional design space. As well as discussing how the two sources of influence affect each other, we propose how learning performance typically varies as a result, and present some empirical findings

    Towards a Mirror System for the Development of Socially-Mediated Skills

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    We present a system that attempts to model the functional role of mirror neurons, namely the activation of structures in response to both the observation of a demonstrated task, and its generation. Through social situatedness and a set of innate skills, perceptual and motor structures develop for recognition and reproduction of demonstrated actions. We believe this is an implementation towards a mirror system, and we test it on two platforms, one in simulation involving imitation of object interactions, the second on a physical robot learning from a human to follow walls

    A New Immigrant Experience of Navigating Multiculturalism and Indigenous Content in Teacher Education

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    In this article, which is grounded in my own experiences, I discuss the responsibilities of new immigrant teacher educators when teaching courses related to diversity and multiculturalism in Canada. I highlight the complexities that underlie discourses of multiculturalism in teacher education, and the important role that new immigrant teacher educators have in locating themselves within the frame of settler colonialism in Canada. I argue that there is a need for genuine dialogue and critical reflexivity that encourage teacher educators and teacher candidates to locate themselves within a complex web of privileges and oppressions, and I explore possible new directions for teaching multiculturalism and Indigenous content in teacher education.  Dans cet article fondĂ© sur mon expĂ©rience personnelle, je discute des responsabilitĂ©s des formateurs en enseignement pour nouveaux immigrants lorsqu’ils donnent des cours sur la diversitĂ© et le multiculturalisme au Canada. Je mets en lumière la complexitĂ© inhĂ©rente aux discours sur le multiculturalisme dans la formation des enseignants et le rĂ´le important que tiennent les formateurs en enseignement pour nouveaux immigrants quand ils se positionnent dans le contexte du colonialisme au Canada. Je maintiens qu’il est nĂ©cessaire d’établir un dialogue vĂ©ritable et une rĂ©flexivitĂ© critique qui encourage les formateurs en enseignement et les Ă©tudiants aux programmes de formation en enseignement Ă  se positionner Ă  l’intĂ©rieur d’un tissu complexe de privilèges et d’oppressions. J’explore aussi de nouvelles avenues pour enseigner le multiculturalisme et les contenus autochtones dans la formation en enseignement.&nbsp

    Establishing a Modern Business Degree Education Program

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    Business schools are required to constantly update their curricula to keep up with development in the business environment as well as to maintain competitive edge over other institutions in the academic sector. This paper addresses that need by proposing a methodology on how to device and construct a bachelor's degree program in business, as well as MBA program, that will be both effective and appealing to prospective students
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