14 research outputs found

    Quality evaluation of Cedrela fissilis seeds and seedlings

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    Pertencente \ue0 fam\uedlia Meliaceae, o cedro ( Cedrela fissilis Vell) apresenta grande import\ue2ncia econ\uf4mica e ecol\uf3gica. A madeira \ue9 leve e f\ue1cil de trabalhar, sendo recomendada para a fabrica\ue7\ue3o de m\uf3veis em geral e tamb\ue9m \ue9 utilizada em paisagismo de parques e recomposi\ue7\ue3o de \ue1reas degradadas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de sementes de cedro coletadas nos estados do Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina e Paran\ue1 por meio da realiza\ue7\ue3o de diversos testes de vigor, teste de sanidade e avaliar a qualidade das mudas produzidas partindo dessas sementes mediante testes em viveiro. O presente estudo mostrou que a presen\ue7a de fungos, como Aspergillus spp. e Penicillium spp., pode causar perdas na germina\ue7\ue3o em conseq\ufc\ueancia do apodrecimento de sementes. Pelos testes realizados com as sementes coletadas nos diferentes estados foi poss\uedvel verificar que existem diferen\ue7as dos n\uedveis de vigor entre as proced\ueancias. Os pat\uf3genos encontrados podem causar preju\uedzos \ue1 produ\ue7\ue3o de mudas por causa do apodrecimento de sementes.Belonging to the Meliaceae family, cedro ( Cedrela fissilis Vell.) presents a great economical and ecological importance. The wood is light and easy to work, being suggested to the manufacturing of furniture in general, also it is used to reset degraded areas. The objective of this work was to evaluate the quality of Cedrela fissilis seedlings and seeds from Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paran\ue1, through the accomplishment of varied tests of vigor, test of health and evaluation of the quality of seedlings produced from these seeds. The present study showed that the presence of fungi pathological potential \u2013 Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. \u2013 can cause losses in the germination. Considering tests with seeds collected in the different states of the South Region, it was possible to verify that differences of the vigor levels exist. The fungi found in the seeds can cause damages in the production

    Influence of NPK and lime aplication on erva-mate growth, root-rot severity and soil fungi population

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    Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influ\ueancia da aplica\ue7\ue3o de diferentes doses de NPK e calc\ue1rio sobre o crescimento da Erva-mate, a severidade da Podrid\ue3o-de-ra\uedzes e a popula\ue7\ue3o f\ufangica do solo. Para isso, foi instalado um experimento em casa de vegeta\ue7\ue3o, no Viveiro Florestal da UFSM, utilizando um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, no esquema fatorial 4x3x4 (Fator F: inocula\ue7\ue3o de Fusarium spp.; Fator C: calagem do solo; Fator A: doses de nitrog\ueanio, f\uf3sforo e pot\ue1ssio), totalizando 48 tratamentos. As mudas foram cultivadas em vasos contendo 2 kg de solo, classificado como Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo. Ao final do experimento foram medidos o di\ue2metro do colo, a altura a partir do colo, n\ufamero de folhas, biomassa seca a\ue9rea, radicular e biomassa total das mudas. Tamb\ue9m foi coletado solo, de cada tratamento, para an\ue1lise qu\uedmica e contagem da popula\ue7\ue3o f\ufangica. Foi observado que a associa\ue7\ue3o entre aduba\ue7\ue3o NPK e calagem do solo prejudicou o desenvolvimento das mudas de Erva-mate. Pela an\ue1lise de algumas vari\ue1veis sugere-se que a aus\ueancia de calagem proporcionou maior resist\ueancia \ue0s mudas ao ataque de Fusarium spp. ou, a severidade de Fusarium spp. foi diminu\uedda em pH mais baixo. A popula\ue7\ue3o f\ufangica do solo apresentou comportamento variado em fun\ue7\ue3o dos tratamentos aplicados.The present work evaluated the influence of the application of NPK and liming doses in the soil, on the growth of Erva-mate, the severity of rot-root and the fungi population of the soil. To do so, an experiment was installed at the green house, in the Forest Nursery of UFSM, using an experimental design completely randomized factorial 4x3x4 (Factor F: Fusarium spp. inoculation; Factor C: soil limestone; Factor A: NPK doses) , totaling 48 treatments. The seedlings were cultivated in vases containing 2 kg of soil, classified as \u2018Red-Yellow Argisoil\u2019 (clay soil). At the end of the experiment was measured the stem diameter, height of the aerial part, leaves number, aerial dry biomass, root dry biomass and total dry biomass of the seedlings. Also, the soil was collected, from each treatment, for the chemical analysis and the counting of the fungi population. It was observed that the association among application of NPK and liming in the soil hampered the development of Erva-mate seedlings. The analysis of some variables suggests that the limestone absence provided greater resistance of seedlings to the attack of Fusarium spp. or the severity of Fusariumspp. was reduced in lower pH. The fungi population of the soil presented varied behavior depending on the applied treatments

    Physiological maturation of Erythrina crista-galli L. Seeds

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    Este trabalho objetivou investigar o processo de matura\ue7\ue3o fisiol\uf3gica das sementes de Erythrina crista-galli L. a fim de que se determine o momento ideal de coleta. Para tanto, foram utilizadas seis \ue1rvores matrizes na cidade de Santa Maria (RS), de onde foram feitas coletas semanais, come\ue7ando com o surgimento dos frutos at\ue9 sua deisc\ueancia e posterior matura\ue7\ue3o das sementes. Os par\ue2metros indicadores da matura\ue7\ue3o das sementes observados foram: dimens\ue3o de frutos e sementes; massa fresca e massa seca das sementes; teor de \ue1gua, teste de germina\ue7\ue3o (expresso em pl\ue2ntulas normais) e vigor (primeira contagem de germina\ue7\ue3o). A dimens\ue3o m\ue1xima das sementes ocorreu no per\uedodo m\ue1ximo de germina\ue7\ue3o, com valores de 167,0, 8,72 e 8,60 mm para comprimento, espessura e largura, respectivamente. O teor de \ue1gua pode ser utilizado como indicativo de maturidade das sementes, assim como massa fresca e massa seca com valores m\ue1ximos na oitava semana, 31,6 %, 0,693 e 0,474 g/semente, respectivamente. As sementes de Erythrina crista-galli apresentam dorm\ueancia ap\uf3s a matura\ue7\ue3o fisiol\uf3gica, com baixa percentagem de germina\ue7\ue3o na d\ue9cima semana ap\uf3s a antese. O ponto de maturidade fisiol\uf3gica, nas condi\ue7\uf5es de Santa Maria \u2013 RS ocorre na oitava semana ap\uf3s a antese, com germina\ue7\ue3o de 50%, devido a todos os par\ue2metros observados terem assim indicado.The objective of this research was to study the maturation process of Erythrina crista-galli L. seeds to determinate the ideal collect period. In this regard, six trees located in Santa Maria (RS) were used from which were collected weekly, starting with fruits and followed until seeds maturation. The parameters observed to indicate seed maturation were: fruit and seed dimensions; seed fresh and dry matter; moisture content, germination test (expressed by normal seedlings) and vigor (first count of germination). The seeds dimensions were highest in the same period of maximum germination, with values 167.0, 8.72 and 8.60 mm of length, thickness and width, respectively. The seeds moisture content could be used to indicate the seeds maturation, and also seeds fresh and dry matter with maximum values on the eighth week, 31.6 %, 0.693 and 0.474 g/seed, respectively. The Erythrina crista-galli has dormant seeds after physiological maturation, with low percentage of germination on the tenth week after anthesis. The point of physiological maturation in Santa Maria - RS conditions happens on the eighth week after anthesis, with germination percentage of 50%, which were indicate by all parameters observed


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    Experiments were installed in the Forestry Technological Center belonging to Forest Science/CCR/UFSM Department in order to study the nutritional exigency of Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil. seedlings to fertilization of phosphorus doses. Vases with capacity of 2 dm3 were filled out with Red Yellow Argisol soil collected from a superficial layer (0-20 cm), which was homogenized, dried in the air, past in sieve of 5 mm and analyzed chemically. As additional fertilization, 64 mg kg-1 of N and 38 mg kg-1 K were added the sources were CH4N2O and KCl. The experimental design used was completely randomized with 8 treatments and 6 repetitions, distributed in the following way: T1-control (sole without P addition), T2-90 mg kg-1, T3-180 mg kg-1, T4-270 mg kg-1, T5-360 mg kg-1, T6-450 mg kg-1, T7-540 mg kg-1 and T8-630 mg kg-1 of P, respectively. After 10 months, the following parameters were evaluated: the height of the aerial part, stem diameter, biomass above ground, root biomass and total biomass. The best development of the erva-mate seedlings were observed in the doses from 360 and 450 mg P kg-1

    SANITY TESTING AND GERMINATION IN Cabralea canjerana (Vell.) Mart. SEEDS

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar pat\uf3genos, analisar diferentes tratamentos de sementes e substratos para germina\ue7\ue3o de sementes de Cabralea canjerana e ainda indicar instru\ue7\uf5es para realiza\ue7\ue3o de teste laboratoriais de germina\ue7\ue3o da esp\ue9cie. Primeiramente, foi avaliado o teor de umidade e determinado o peso de mil sementes. Para avaliar os pat\uf3genos associados \ue0s sementes, foi realizado o teste de sanidade com diferentes tratamentos de sementes: T1 \u2013 Testemunha; T2 \u2013 Captan\uae; T3 \u2013 Maxim\uae; T4 \u2013 Hipoclorito de s\uf3dio; e T5 \u2013 Agrotrich Plus\uae. O teste de germina\ue7\ue3o foi realizado em esquema fatorial com cinco tratamentos das sementes e tr\ueas substratos (sobre papel mata-borr\ue3o, vermiculita e areia). As sementes apresentaram teor de umidade e peso de mil sementes, respectivamente, de 41,2% e 457,3 g. Os principais g\ueaneros de fungos associados \ue0s sementes de Cabralea canjerana foram: Penicillium spp., Fusarium spp., Cladosporium spp., Pestalotia spp. e Phomopsis spp. O tratamento das sementes com os produtos Captan\uae, Maxim\uae e hipoclorito de s\uf3dio mostraram-se eficientes na redu\ue7\ue3o da incid\ueancia de Penicillium spp. em sementes de Cabralea canjerana, por\ue9m, somente os dois \ufaltimos proporcionaram maior potencial de germina\ue7\ue3o independente do substrato utilizado. O tratamento com Agrotrich Plus\uae apresentou a menor porcentagem de germina\ue7\ue3o e aumento da incid\ueancia de Fusarium spp. Indica-se para o teste de germina\ue7\ue3o das sementes de Cabralea canjerana assepsia com hipoclorito de s\uf3dio 1% por 2\u2019 e substrato de semeio sobre vermiculita, sendo que a primeira contagem pode ser realizada aos 19 dias e a contagem final aos 30 dias ap\uf3s a instala\ue7\ue3o do teste.The current study aimed to identify pathogens, analyzing different seed treatments and substrates for the germination of Cabralea canjerana and also to indicate instructions testing for laboratory test of the species germination. First, we assessed the moisture content and determined the thousand seed weight. In order to assess the pathogens associated with the seeds, health testing was performed at different seed treatments: T1 - Control; T2-Captan\uae; T3-Maxim\uae; T4-Sodium hypochlorite; and T5-Agrotrich Plus\uae. The germination test was performed based on a factorial design with five seed treatment sand three substrates (on blotting paper, vermiculite and sand). The seeds showed moisture content and thousand seed weight of 41.2% and 457.3 g, Fusarium spp., Cladosporium spp., Pestalotia spp. and Phomopsis spp.. The seed treatment with Captan\uae, Maxim\uae and sodium hypochlorite was effective in reducing the incidence of Penicillium spp., but only the last two showed the greatest potential forseed germination, regardless the used substrate. Treatment with Agrotrich Plus\uae had the lowest percentage of germination and increased incidence of Fusarium spp. Asepsis with 1% per 2\u2019 sodium hypochlorite and seeding substrate over vermiculite is indicated for the germination tests of Cabralea canjerana seeds and the first counting can be performed at the 19th day and the final one at the 30th day after the test

    Influence of Fusarium spp. Inoculation and shading levels in the erva-mate growth and development

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    A erva-mate ( Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) \ue9 uma esp\ue9cie amplamente cultivada no sul do Brasil e pa\uedses vizinhos. Suas folhas e galhos finos, preparados segundo m\ue9todo apropriado, fornecem o mate ou chimarr\ue3o, o mais popular ch\ue1 consumido no Brasil e exportado para todo o mundo. Com o aumento da \ue1rea plantada, sobretudo na \ufaltima d\ue9cada, os problemas fitossanit\ue1rios causados por pragas e doen\ue7as aumentaram e, dentre estes, a podrid\ue3o-de-ra\uedzes vem se tornando um dos principais. A doen\ue7a \ue9 causada por Fusarium spp. e provoca s\ue9rios danos decorrentes da destrui\ue7\ue3o do sistema radicular, ocasionando, nos casos mais graves, morte da planta. A erva-mate \ue9 uma esp\ue9cie que habita o sub-bosque da mata e o cultivo de forma homog\ueanea a pleno sol pode ser um fator estressante ocasionando menor crescimento e desenvolvimento e tamb\ue9m torn\ue1-la mais suscept\uedvel \ue0 podrid\ue3o-de-ra\uedzes. Assim, foram instalados experimentos na \ue1rea do Viveiro Florestal pertencente ao Departamento de Ci\ueancias Florestais da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria com o objetivo de confirmar tais hip\uf3teses. O experimento foi desenvolvido em um esquema fatorial (2 x 5), composto pela inocula\ue7\ue3o de Fusarium spp. e por n\uedveis de sombreamento. Foi observado que plantas submetidas aos menores n\uedveis de sombreamento ou a pleno sol tiveram seu desenvolvimento prejudicado e ficaram mais suscet\uedveis \ue0 doen\ue7a. As plantas inoculadas com Fusarium spp. tiveram menor desenvolvimento em compara\ue7\ue3o com as n\ue3o inoculadas, especialmente nos menores n\uedveis de sombreamento.The erva-mate ( Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) is a species broadly cultivated in southern Brazil and neighboring countries, whose leaves and fine branches, prepared according to the appropriate method, make the mate or \u201cchimarr\ue3o\u201d, the most popular tea consumed in Brazil and exported around the world. With an increasing planted area, mainly in the last decade, phytosanitary problems caused by pests and disease have increased in this crop and root-rot is becoming one of the main problems. The disease is caused by Fusarium spp. and it causes serious damage to the roots, in the most serious cases, leading to the death of the plant. The erva-mate is a species that inhabits the forest underwood, and cultivation in a homogeneous way to full sun can be a stressful factor for the species causing less growth and development and, also, more susceptibility to root-rot. Therefore, experiments were conducted in the Forest Nursery area belonging to Forest Sciences Department of the Federal University Santa Maria with the objective of confirming these assumptions. The experiment was conducted in a factorial design (2 x 5), composed by Fusarium spp. inoculation and by shading levels. It was verified that plants submitted to lower shading levels or full sun had less development and were more susceptible to the disease. The plants inoculated with Fusarium spp. had less development in comparison with non-inoculated plants, mainly at the lower shading levels

    Limits for germination, purity, humidity and 1000-seed weight in seed analysis of native tree species in Rio Grande do Sul state

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo propor padr\uf5es de confiabilidade, em rela\ue7\ue3o \ue0 germina\ue7\ue3o, pureza, peso de mil sementes e grau de umidade das sementes, visando ao controle de qualidade das an\ue1lises de sementes de esp\ue9cies florestais. Para tanto, foram utilizados resultados de an\ue1lises de sementes de esp\ue9cies florestais em laborat\uf3rio, a partir do ano de 1997 at\ue9 2007, obtidos dos arquivos do Laborat\uf3rio de An\ue1lise de Sementes da Funda\ue7\ue3o Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecu\ue1ria do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os padr\uf5es de confiabilidade foram constru\ueddos com base em uma an\ue1lise de normalidade dos dados e da utiliza\ue7\ue3o do crit\ue9rio do pseudossigma. Os limites se mostraram eficientes no estabelecimento do valor m\uednimo aceit\ue1vel para que um lote de sementes seja comercializado, propondo que valores de germina\ue7\ue3o dentro dos limites de confiabilidade baixos devem ser descartados, pois n\ue3o apresentam \uedndices germinativos aceit\ue1veis.This study had the objective of establishing limits for seed germination, purity, 1000-seed weight and humidity, aiming at the quality control of laboratory seed analysis for forest species. To that end, results of forest species seed analysis from 1997 until 2007 were obtained from the archives of the Laboratory of Seed Analysis of the Agricultural Research Foundation of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. The limits of reliability were constructed from an analysis of data normality and the use of evaluation criteria of Pseudo-sigma. These limits were effective in the establishment of a minimum acceptable value in order for a plot of seeds to be commercialized, proposing that the germination values inside the low confidence limits must be discarded, because they don\ub4t present acceptable germination rates


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    Em 2004, algumas planta\ue7\uf5es de erva-mate (Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil.) do Vale do Taquari, RS, apresentaram estagna\ue7\ue3o do crescimento, amarelecimento, queda de folhas e necrose no sistema radicular, sintomas t\uedpicos da podrid\ue3o-de-ra\uedzes. Amostras de ra\uedzes de plantas foram coletadas, em propriedades dos munic\uedpios de Il\uf3polis e Putinga, e enviadas ao Laborat\uf3rio de Fitopatologia do Departamento de Defesa Sanit\ue1ria/CCR/UFSM para an\ue1lise fitopatol\uf3gica. Foi constatada a presen\ue7a de fungos dos g\ueaneros Rhizoctonia e Pythium e estes se mostraram patog\ueanicos quando inoculados em plantas de erva-mate. \uc9 a primeira constata\ue7\ue3o desses dois fungos causando podrid\ue3o-de-ra\uedzes em ervais no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.In 2004, some plantations of Ilex paraguariensis A. St.-Hil. In Taquari Valley, state of Rio Grande do Sul, started presenting growth stagnation, yellowing, leaf drop and necrosis in the root system, typical symptoms of root rot. Roots samples were collected in farms of two cities and sent for analysis at the Plant Disease Laboratory at the Department of Plant Protection/CCR/UFSM. The presence of Rhizoctonia and Pythium was diagnosed and these were pathogenic when inoculated in plants of erva-mate. This is the first observation of these two fungi causing root rot in erva-mate plantations in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

    Physiologic maturation and crop of Eugenia uniflora L. (Surinam cherry) seeds, Santa Maria, RS

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo acompanhar a matura\ue7\ue3o fisiol\uf3gica, seus par\ue2metros indicadores e identificar o momento adequado para a coleta de sementes de Eugenia uniflora , avaliando tamb\ue9m a incid\ueancia de fungos em frutos e sementes. A pesquisa foi realizada de agosto a outubro de 2004 em Santa Maria, RS. A coleta dos frutos e sementes ocorreu semanalmente, partindo de tr\ueas \ue1rvores matrizes, com in\uedcio aos 7 dias ap\uf3s a antese (DAA) e t\ue9rmino aos 77 DAA. As vari\ue1veis observadas foram: altura, di\ue2metro, peso verde e sanidade de frutos e sementes e teor de umidade, massa seca e germina\ue7\ue3o das sementes. Identificou-se que a \ue9poca adequada para a coleta das sementes, no per\uedodo e local de estudo, ocorreu entre 56 e 63 DAA, quando os frutos apresentavam colora\ue7\ue3o vermelha e as sementes elevada germina\ue7\ue3o. Nesse per\uedodo, o tamanho e o peso de frutos e sementes atingiram seus valores m\ue1ximos e o teor de umidade e mat\ue9ria seca das sementes mostraram tend\ueancia \ue0 estabiliza\ue7\ue3o. Os g\ueaneros f\ufangicos Cladosporium sp. e Alternaria sp. apresentaram as maiores taxas de incid\ueancia nos frutos e nas sementes e podem influenciar o armazenamento e a germina\ue7\ue3o das sementes de mudas de Eugenia uniflora.This study aimed to accompany the physiologic maturation, their indicative parameters and to identify the moment adapted for the seed harvest of Eugenia uniflora , evaluating also the incidence of fungus in fruits and seeds. The research was carried out from August to October of 2004 in Santa Maria, RS. Samples of fruits and seeds were collected weekly, from three main trees, with beginning to the seven days after the anthesis (DAA) and end to the 77 DAA. The observed variables were: length, diameter, weight and sanity of fruits and seeds and moisture content, dry mass and germination of the seeds. The appropriate time for the seed harvest, in the period and place being studied, occurred between 56 and 63 DAA, when the fruits presented red coloration and the seeds high germination. In that period, the size and the weight of fruits and seeds reached their maximum values and the moisture content and dry mass of the seeds showed tendency to the stabilization. The fungi Cladosporium sp. and Alternaria sp. presented the largest incidence taxes in the fruits and in the seeds and they can influence the storage and the germination Eugenia uniflora seeds

    MORPHOLOGICAL, MOLECULAR AND PATOGENICITY CHARACTERIZATION OF Fusarium acuminatum and Fusarium verticillioides TO Cordia americana SEEDS

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    Cordia americana (L.) Gottschling & J. S. Mill. (guajuvira) is a forest species widely distributed in Brazil and represents environmental and economic importance due to the quality of its timber and use in reforestation. In order to evaluate the pathogenicity of Fusarium sp. associated with seeds, characterizing the isolates morphologically and molecularly in order to identify them on the species level, was obtained four fungal isolates that were inoculated in seeds to demonstrate their pathogenicity. The morphological characterization was performed using an identification key for the genus Fusarium and, for the molecular identification, genomic regions Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) were sequenced with its elongation factor 1 alpha (TEF1-\u3b1). The results of the molecular identification agreed with the morphological characterization and allowed to identify the species Fusarium acuminatum and Fusarium verticillioides, both being pathogenic to Cordia americana, causing damping-off in pre and post emergence, and rotting of roots and necrosis of hypocotyl.Cordia americana (L.) Gottschling & J. S. Mill. (guajuvira) \ue9 uma esp\ue9cie florestal amplamente distribu\uedda no territ\uf3rio brasileiro e que apresenta import\ue2ncia econ\uf4mica e ambiental devido \ue0 qualidade de sua madeira e utiliza\ue7\ue3o em reflorestamentos. Com o objetivo de avaliar a patogenicidade de Fusarium sp. associado \ue0s sementes, foram caracterizados, morfol\uf3gica e molecularmente, quatro isolados do fungo que foram inoculados nas sementes de guajuvira. A caracteriza\ue7\ue3o morfol\uf3gica foi realizada com o aux\uedlio de uma chave de identifica\ue7\ue3o para o g\ueanero Fusarium e para a identifica\ue7\ue3o molecular foram sequenciadas as regi\uf5es gen\uf4micas Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) e Fator de elonga\ue7\ue3o 1 - alpha (TEF1-\u3b1). Os resultados do sequenciamento de DNA concordaram com os da caracteriza\ue7\ue3o morfol\uf3gica e permitiram identificar as esp\ue9cies Fusarium acuminatum e Fusarium verticillioides. No teste de patogenicidade, verificou-se que ambas as esp\ue9cies do fungo foram patog\ueanicas a Cordia americana, causando tombamento em pr\ue9 e p\uf3semerg\ueancia, al\ue9m de apodrecimento de ra\uedzes e necrose no hipoc\uf3tilo