1,754 research outputs found

    Attentional modulation of orthographic neighborhood effects during reading: Evidence from event-related brain potentials in a psychological refractory period paradigm

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    It is often assumed that word reading proceeds automatically. Here, we tested this assumption by recording event-related potentials during a psychological refractory period (PRP) paradigm, requiring lexical decisions about written words. Specifically, we selected words differing in their orthographic neighborhood size–the number of words that can be obtained from a target by exchanging a single letter–and investigated how influences of this variable depend on the availability of central attention. As expected, when attentional resources for lexical decisions were unconstrained, words with many orthographic neighbors elicited larger N400 amplitudes than those with few neighbors. However, under conditions of high temporal overlap with a high priority primary task, the N400 effect was not statistically different from zero. This finding indicates strong attentional influences on processes sensitive to orthographic neighbors during word reading, providing novel evidence against the full automaticity of processes involved in word reading. Furthermore, in conjunction with the observation of an underadditive interaction between stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) and orthographic neighborhood size in lexical decision performance, commonly taken to indicate automaticity, our results raise issues concerning the standard logic of cognitive slack in the PRP paradigm

    A Structurally Flat Triangular Form Based on the Extended Chained Form

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    In this paper, we present a structurally flat triangular form which is based on the extended chained form. We provide a complete geometric characterization of the proposed triangular form in terms of necessary and sufficient conditions for an affine input system with two inputs to be static feedback equivalent to this triangular form. This yields a sufficient condition for an affine input system to be flat.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2002.0120

    A Flat System Possessing no (x,u)-Flat Output

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    In general, flat outputs of a nonlinear system may depend on the system's state and input as well as on an arbitrary number of time derivatives of the latter. If a flat output which also depends on time derivatives of the input is known, one may pose the question whether there also exists a flat output which is independent of these time derivatives, i.e., an (x,u)-flat output. Until now, the question whether every flat system also possesses an (x,u)-flat output has been open. In this contribution, this conjecture is disproved by means of a counterexample. We present a two-input system which is differentially flat with a flat output depending on the state, the input and first-order time derivatives of the input, but which does not possess any (x,u)-flat output. The proof relies on the fact that every (x,u)-flat two-input system can be exactly linearized after an at most dim(x)-fold prolongation of one of its (new) inputs after a suitable input transformation has been applied

    Asset-Preise als geldpolitische Zielgröße: Das Beispiel der USA

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    Die internationalen Börsen erleben derzeit einen Crash auf Raten. Gleichzeitig ist die amerikanische Federal Reserve Bank bemüht, mit Zinssenkungen dagegenzuhalten. Wie konnte es zu der Kursblase kommen? Hat die Geldpolitik hier versagt? --

    Die Finanzmärkte im Spannungsfeld der New Economy

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    Die Aktienmärkte in Europa und vor allem in den USA melden seit Jahren Rekorde. Skeptiker befürchten jedoch, dass sich diese Hausse als spekulative Blase erweist. Wie ist die derzeitige Entwicklung im historischen Vergleich mit dem Crash von 1929 zu beurteilen? Sind die Kurssteigerungen durch die Entwicklung der Fundamentaldaten gerechtfertigt? Sollten die Notenbanken steuernd eingreifen? --

    Computing expected moments of the R\'enyi parking problem on the circle

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    A highly accurate and efficient method to compute the expected values of the count, sum, and squared norm of the sum of the centre vectors of a random maximal sized collection of non-overlapping unit diameter disks touching a fixed unit-diameter disk is presented. This extends earlier work on R\'enyi's parking problem [Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Kutat\'{o} Int. K\"{o}zl. 3 (1-2), 1958, pp. 109-127]. Underlying the method is a splitting of the the problem conditional on the value of the first disk. This splitting is proven and then used to derive integral equations for the expectations. These equations take a lower block triangular form. They are solved using substitution and approximation of the integrals to very high accuracy using a polynomial approximation within the blocks

    "Leaving them behind" - global trends in forced migration

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    Regions with civil wars will continue to be characterised by endemic violent conflicts and forced displacement in the coming decade. Accordingly, the number of displaced people from war-like contexts will increase. Due to the absence of durable solutions the number of forcibly displaced people who informally remain in a receiving country without a chance of ever obtaining citizenship of that country will grow. Countries of the Global South are likely to follow the practices of the Global North and refuse reception of refugees or even enforce collective deportation. This makes it all the more difficult to implement international agreements to manage forced displacement. Forced migrants are increasingly seeking protection in urban agglomerations. This increases the risk that social services in the cities will collapse and societal tensions will mount. Against the backdrop of the increasing duration and cyclical recurrence of violent conflict, the operational separation between refugees and IDPs can hardly be maintained. In addition, the boundaries between humanitarian aid and development cooperation will blur ever more. Aid organisations will be caught in a situation in which their engagement in support of displaced people might at the same time contribute to accommodating donors' interests of channelling and impeding refugee movements