13 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: of GWASeq: targeted re-sequencing follow up to GWAS

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    Regional plots of associations for each targeted region. rs numbers and purple circles indicate the focal GWAS SNP that the region was selected around. Colored circles indicate degree of LD among SNPs. Grey circles indicate novel SNPs that lack LD information based on the 2012 release of the 1000 Genomes data. The rs number at figure top is centered around the location of the focal SNP. (ZIP 1921 kb

    Meta-analysis of interaction between SNP variant allele, aspirin-only use and colorectal cancer risk.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Forest plot depicting meta-analysis odds ratio of GxE interaction term. I-squared is the measure of the variation in odds ratio attributable to heterogeneity [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0192223#pone.0192223.ref030" target="_blank">30</a>] and <i>P</i>-value tests for heterogeneity between the UK-CCSG and NIH-CCFR datasets. (<b>B</b>) Association between <i>UGT1A6</i> SNP rs2070959 (T181A) variant allele and CRC risk stratified by aspirin use. <i>P</i><sub><b>interaction</b></sub> = 0.01. (<b>C</b>) Association between <i>UGT1A6</i> SNP rs1105879 (R184S) variant allele and CRC risk stratified by aspirin use. <i>P</i><sub><b>interaction</b></sub> = 0.02. *<i>P-</i>value for association <0.001; UK-CCSG: UK-Colorectal Cancer Study Group; NIH-CCFR: NIH-Colon Cancer Family Registry.</p

    Interaction between polymorphisms in aspirin metabolic pathways, regular aspirin use and colorectal cancer risk: A case-control study in unselected white European populations - Fig 2

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    <p><b>Meta-analysis of site-specific interaction between SNP variant allele, aspirin-only use and (A) colon cancer risk and (B) rectal cancer risk</b>. (<b>A</b>) Association between <i>UGT1A6</i> rs2070959 (T181A) variant allele and colon cancer risk stratified by aspirin use (<i>P</i><sub>interaction</sub> = 0.006); association between <i>UGT1A7</i> rs1105879 (R184S) variant allele and colon cancer risk stratified by aspirin use (<i>P</i><sub>interaction</sub> = 0.008). (<b>B</b>) Association between <i>UGT1A6</i> rs2070959 (T181A) variant allele and rectal cancer risk stratified by aspirin use (<i>P</i><sub>interaction</sub> = 0.22); association between <i>UGT1A6</i> rs1105879 (R184S) variant allele and rectal cancer risk stratified by aspirin use (<i>P</i><sub>interaction</sub> = 0.26). Forest plot depicting meta-analysis odds ratio of gene x environment interaction term. I-squared is the measure of the variation in odds ratio attributable to heterogeneity [<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0192223#pone.0192223.ref030" target="_blank">30</a>] and <i>P</i>-value tests for heterogeneity between the UK-CCSG and NIH-CCFR datasets. <i>*P-</i>value for association <0.05; CC: Colon Cancer; RC: Rectal Cancer; UK-CCSG: UK-Colorectal Cancer Study Group; NIH-CCFR: NIH-Colon Cancer Family Registry.</p

    Sensitivity analyses using pooled data for associations between genetically predicted BMI and breast cancer risk in the BCAC.

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    <p>(A) Adjusted for age, study sites, and the first eight principal components. (b) Adjusted for age, study sites, the first eight principal components, and additional breast cancer risk factors: age at menarche, parity, use of contraceptive, use of hormone replacement therapy, breast feeding, and smoking status. Weighted: the BMI-GS was constructed using the additive model weighted by external beta reported from previous literatures. Unweighted: the BMI-GS was constructed using the additive model without any weight.</p

    Associations of the weighted BMI-GSs with BMI and traditional breast cancer risk factors.

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    <p>Associations of the weighted BMI-GSs with BMI and traditional breast cancer risk factors.</p