2 research outputs found

    Application of new drying techniques for the production of apple chips

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    U radu su analizirane sorte jabuke Cripps Pink, Granny Smith, Jonagold, Idared, Golden Delicious i Braeburn u svrhu pogodnosti plodova za sušenje. Rezultati istraživanja, odnosno polinomne jednadžbe krivulje sušenja, ukazuju da su neke sorte jabuka pogodnije za proizvodnju čipsa od jabuka (Cripps Pink, Golden Delicious, Idared). Kako bi se sačuvala kvaliteta listića (čips) i smanjili troškovi, nužno je prosec sušenja podijeliti u više faza. Priprema jabuka za dobivanje čipsa dosta je zahtjevna, što izravno utječe na troškove, pa je stoga nužno pripremne faze maksimalno mehanizirati.The paper analyzes the varieties of apples; Cripps Pink, Granny Smith, Jonagold, Idared, Golden Delicious and Braeburn for the purpose of amenities of fruits for drying. The research results, or polynomial equation of drying curve, indicate that some apple varieties suitable for the production of apple chips (Cripps Pink, Golden Delicious, Idared). In order to preserve the quality of slips (chips) and reduce costs, it is necessary to divide the drying process in several stages. Preparing for apple chips is getting quite challenging, which directly affects the cost, so it is necessary that the preparatory phase is maximally mechanize