64 research outputs found

    Piano di sviluppo del Piemonte : studi e documenti : prima analisi dell'agricoltura alessandrina

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    Quaderni ; n.4- Indice #5- Sintesi delle caratteristiche del settore #11- L'impresa #21- Il capitale agrario #34- L'azienda agraria #50- Le colture e le produzioni #56- Gli aspetti più rilevanti dell'agricoltura della provincia #8

    Tvorbe u ženskoj zdjelici – zamke u tumačenju snimaka dobivenih višeslojnom kompjutoriziranom tomografijom (MSCT) i magnetskom rezonancijom (MR)

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    Different conditions within the pelvis are presented with very few symptoms. Likewise, their imaging characteristics are usually non-specific, implying high chance of misinterpretation. The aim of this paper is to point to the misinterpretation possibilities in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) studies of the pelvic lesions and to outline their differential diagnosis. CT (11), MR (seven) or both (four patients) were performed in 22 female patients (age 23-69) with suspicious pelvic masses. Relevant laboratory and medical history data were available for most of the patients. Twenty patients underwent subsequent surgery and pathological findings were available in 18 cases. After radiological examinations different diagnoses were proposed in respect to imaging findings and available clinical data: pelvic inflammatory disease (one), ovarian tumor (six), uterine tumor (eight), metastatic or recurrent tumor (four), lymphocele (one), and post-irradiation and post-chemotherapy changes (two) patients. Postoperative results of the pathological analysis differed from radiological diagnosis in three of 18 pathologically examined materials: one benign tumor was falsely characterized as possibly malignant by the radiologist, one surgically transposed ovary was described as tumor, and one case of post-irradiation changes was described as recurrent tumor. Aside from knowing imaging characteristics, it is of great importance for radiologists to be aware of clinical, laboratory, and surgical protocols information as well as to have insight in patients’ prior imaging material in order to be able to correctly interpret imaging findings of the pelvic lesions.Simptomi različitih stanja u zdjelici neznatni su pa su prema tome i njihove značajke na snimkama obično nespecifične, što podrazumijeva i veliku mogućnost pogrešnog tumačenja. Cilj ovoga rada jest upozoriti na mogućnosti pogrešnog tumačenja komjutorizirane tomografije (CT) i magnetske rezonancije (MR) lezija u zdjelici te u glavnim crtama prikazati i razmotriti diferencijalnu dijagnozu. CT (11), MR (sedam) ili oboje (četiri bolesnice) obavljeno je u 22 bolesnice (dob 23-69) sa sumnjivim tvorbama u zdjelici. Za većinu su bolesnica na raspolaganju bili njihovi prethodni relevantni laboratorijski i medicinski podaci. Dvadeset bolesnica bilo je podvrgnuto kirurškom zahvatu i za 18 bili su dostupni patološki nalazi. Nakon radiološkog pregleda predložene su različite dijagnoze s obzirom na snimke i raspoložive kliničke podatke: upalna bolest zdjelice (jedan), tumor jajnika (šest), tumor maternice (osam), metastatski tumor ili recidiv (četiri), limfokela (jedna), te postiradijacijske i postkemoetrapijske promjene (dvije bolesnice). Postoperativni nalazi patološke analize razlikovali su se od radiološke dijagnoze u tri od 18 pregledanih materijala: jedan dobroćudni tumor radiolog je pogrešno opisano kao vjerojatnom zloćudni, jedan kirurški transponirani jajnik opisan je kao tumor, a u jedne su bolesnice postiradijacijske promjene opisane kao recidiv tumora. Osim prepoznavanja značajaka na snimkama, za ispravno tumačenje snimaka lezija u zdjelici radiolozima su vrlo važni i podaci dobiveni kliničkim, laboratorijskim i kirurškim postupcima te uvid u prethodne snimke pacijenata

    Ricerca sulla 'patologia' fondiaria ed aziendale nell'agricoltura piemontese

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    - Indice #5- Caratteri e problemi della proprietà #15- La "Patologia" fondiaria a livello nazionale #55- I rapporti tra impresa e proprietà #175- Il riordino fondiario ed aziendale #19

    Piano provinciale di Alessandria: rapporto Ires sull'agricoltura della provincia di Alessandria

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    Quaderno; n.36- Indice #7- Analisi spaziale dell'agricoltura alessandrina #13- L'irrigazione in provincia di Alessandria #63- Strutture produttive e commerciali, bilanci produzione-consumo e industrie trasformatrici dei prodotti agricoli in provincia di Alessandria #115- Conclusioni #14

    Trauma and stressor-related disorders

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    Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders are psychiatric conditions related to exposure to a traumatic or stressful event, resulting in significant psychological distress social, professional and other relevant areas of the individual’s life. The clinical presentation of these disorders is characterized by symptoms of anxiety and fear, anhedonia, dysphoria, externalizations of anger, aggressiveness and dissociative symptoms. According to the 5th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the diagnostic categories included in this spectrum are Reactive Attachment Disorder, Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Acute Stress Disorder and Adjustment Disorders. The objective of this review is to introduce the debate on clinical conceptualization and therapeutic guidelines of Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders, directing professional’s choice for proper therapeutic practices related to such diagnostic categories. Also, the authors discuss the consequences of early life stress (traumatic situations that occur in childhood and adolescence) in adulthoodOs Transtornos relacionados a traumas e a estressores são quadros psiquiátricos relacionados a exposi- ção a um evento traumático ou estressante, resultando em sofrimento psicológico relevante, prejuízo social, profissional e em outras áreas importantes da vida do indivíduo. A apresentação clínica de tais transtornos é caracterizada por sintomas de ansiedade e de medo, anedonia, disforia, externalizações da raiva, agressividade e sintomas dissociativos. De acordo com a 5ª edição do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais (DSM-5), as categorias diagnósticas inclusas nesse espectro são Transtorno de Apego Reativo, Transtorno de Interação Social Desinibida, Transtorno de Estresse PósTraumático, Transtorno de Estresse Agudo e os Transtornos de Adaptação. O objetivo desta revisão é introduzir o debate sobre a conceituação clínica e as diretrizes terapêuticas dos Transtornos Relacionados a Traumas e a Estressores, direcionando a escolha do profissional pelas práticas terapêuticas adequadas relacionadas a tais categorias diagnósticas. Além disso, os autores discutem as consequências do Estresse Precoce (situações traumáticas ocorridas na infância e adolescência) na vida adult

    Relationship Between Depression and Subtypes of Early Life Stress in Adult Psychiatric Patients

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    Numerous studies have researched the aggravating and maintainer effect of Early Life Stress in patients adults with psychiatric disorders. This study examined the relationship between depression and subtypes of early life stress among 81 psychiatric patients treated at the inpatient Day Hospital Unit of a University General Hospital. Psychiatric diagnosis was confirmed according to the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI). The Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) was used for evaluating as retrospective assessment of the presence of ELS on these patients, and we also evaluated the severity of hopelessness with the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS). Our results suggested that the occurrence of depression in adulthood is related to situations of emotional abuse, sexual, and physical neglect during childhood. The analysis between depression and childhood emotional abuse was significant after a multiple logistic regression analysis OR (IC 95%): 4.4 (1.7–11.2), even accounting for gender adjusted OR [AOR] 4.0; (IC 1.5–10.5); psychiatry family history AOR 3.8 (1.4–10.5); previous suicide attempted AOR 3.7; (1.4–10.5) and Hopelessness AOR 3.2 (1.11–9.4). Thus, these findings demonstrate emotional abuse as a significant risk factor to be part of the mechanism involved in the pathogenesis of depression related to early life stress