637 research outputs found

    Forage mixture productivity and silage quality from a grass/legume intercrop in a semiarid Mediterranean environment

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    In semiarid environments of the Mediterranean region, intercropping is a sustainable agricultural system of long standing. In this area, the pea (Pisum sativum L.) is one of the most commonly grown legume crops. Little information is available on the quality of silages to be obtained from forage mixtures of pea intercropped with cereals or annual grasses. In this study, two experiments were conducted over the course of two growing seasons in Sicily (Italy) with the aim to determine the biomass production of forage crop mixtures and assess, only in the second experiment, the silage quality of grass and legumes. Four cereals and one annual grass species were grown in pure stand and in mixture with pea, and their main agronomic traits were determined. The land equivalent ratio (LER), competitive ratio, and aggressivity index were also calculated. A number of parameters were considered to assess the quality of silage obtained from fermented biomasses derived from pea–ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. var. Westerwoldicum) intercropping. In the first experiment, the best performance between the intercrops was recorded for the pea–wheat mixture. The total LER calculated for fodder yields was always greater than 1, indicating crop yield advantages ranging from 2.0% to 47.0%. In the second experiment, the pea–ryegrass mixture appeared to respond well, depending on plant arrangement and seeding ratio factors: the ratios 50:50 and 100:50 showed the greatest crop yield advantages, of 12.0% and 11.0%, respectively. All silages revealed a very good suitability of a pea–ryegrass intercropping system with high-quality silage production in the Southern Mediterranean region

    Effect of irrigation with treated wastewater on bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) production and soil characteristics and estimation of plant nutritional input

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    In recent years, climate change has greatly affected rainfall and air temperature levels leading to a reduction in water resources in Southern Europe. This fact has emphasized the need to focus on the use of non-conventional water resources for agricultural irrigation. The reuse of treated wastewater (TWW) can represent a sustainable solution, reducing the consumption of freshwater (FW) and the need for mineral fertilisers. The main aim of this study was to assess, in a three-year period, the effects of TWW irrigation compared to FW on the biomass production of bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] plants and soil characteristics and to estimate the nutritional input provided by TWW irrigation. TWW was obtained by a constructed wetland system (CWs) which was used to treat urban wastewater. The system had a total surface area of 100 m2. An experimental field of bermudagrass was set up close to the system in a Sicilian location (Italy), using a split-plot design for a two-factor experiment with three replications. Results highlighted a high organic pollutant removal [five days biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5): 61%, chemical oxygen demand (COD): 65%] and a good efficiency in nutrients [total nitrogen (TN): 50%, total phosphorus (TP): 42%] of the CWs. Plants irrigated with TWW showed higher dry aboveground dry-weight (1259.3 kg ha-1) than those irrigated with FW (942.2 kg ha-1), on average. TWW irrigation approximately allowed a saving of 50.0 kg TN ha-1 year-1, 24.0 kg TP ha-1 year-1 and 29.0 kg K ha-1 year-1 on average with respect to commonly used N-P-K fertilisation programme for bermudagrass in the Mediterranean region. Soil salinity increased significantly (p ďż˝ 0.01) over the years and was detected to be higher in TWW-irrigated plots (+6.34%) in comparison with FW-irrigated plots. Our findings demonstrate that medium-term TWW irrigation increases the biomass production of bermudagrass turf and contributes to save significant amounts of nutrients, providing a series of agronomic and environmental benefits

    Assessment of production and qualitative characteristics of different populations of Salvia sclarea L. found in Sicily (Italy)

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    Salvia sclarea L. is an important industrial crop, valued for its herbal-aromatic properties and high quality essential oils, that is used in food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. In this study, carried out from 2009 to 2010, the morphological and production characteristics and essential oil content and composition of three Sicilian populations were studied. In particular, the composition of essential oils extracted from primary and secondary inflorescences using steam distillation was assessed. Morphological, production and qualitative data from the three populations were subjected to analysis of variance and cluster analysis. Regarding the quality of the oils, only the most prevalent compounds were taken into consideration in this study. The three populations were linalyl acetate/ linalool chemotypes. Highly significant variations were found for the effective local population and inflorescence type in the composition of the essential oil principal components. In particular, the primary inflorescences were found to be accumulation sites favoured by monoterpenes, and secondary inflorescences were favoured by sesquiterpenes and sclareol. Populations “S. Stefano Quisquina” and “Alcara Li Fusi” performed best on a morphological and production level, whereas populations “Prizzi”and “Alcara Li Fusi” performed best in terms of quality. Population “S. Stefano Quisquina” produced high levels of sclareol. Biotype selection from within the populations should be based on both morphological, production and quality analyses

    Growth and development of succulent mixtures for extensive green roofs in a Mediterranean climate

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    Green roof systems, aimed at reducing anthropic impact on the environment, are considered environmental mitigation technologies and adopted by many countries across the world to strengthen urban ecosystem services. This study evaluates two mixtures of succulent: one of Crassulaceae and the other of Aizoaceae, used in the creation of a continuous and homogenous plant groundcover in Mediterranean environments. To assess the species mixtures, the parameters plant height, growth index, cover percentage and flowering were observed. Hydrological observations were also carried out to evaluate the rainfall retained by the test system in any given month. All data were subjected to analysis of variance. Growth indicators in the study showed trends characteristic of xeric plants, which tend to slow down in dry, summer climate conditions to the point of halting plant vertical growth and ground cover development completely. The Aizocaeae mix, during the initial stage, showed prevalent horizontal growth, confirmed by greater a greater growth index (13,21) and cover percentage (45%) compared to Sedum (Growth index: 3,61; Cover: 36%). In contrast, the Sedum mix recorded greater vertical growth at the beginning (Sedum mixture: 7.53 cm; Aizoaceae mixture: 6,11 cm). During the final stages of observations, however, greater vertical growth in the Aizoaceae (7,88 cm) became apparent together with a recovery in horizontal growth in the Sedum (79%), albeit not sufficient to outperform the Aizoaceae mixture (87%). Flowering in the two mixtures occurred between late spring and late summer. The Sedum mixture guaranteed a longer flowering period (130 days) compared to the Aizoaceae (93 days), with a gradual start followed by steady flower emission. Regarding rainfall water retention, a comparison of the mixtures in late winter/early spring revealed that the Sedum performed best (44.9 L m2 vs 37.4 L m2), whilst the Aizoaceae outperformed the Sedum in Autumn (63 L m2 vs 55 L m2), in conjunction with favorable growth rates in both species mixtures. Both mixtures demonstrated satisfying results and are considered suited to a Mediterranean environment. Furthermore, based on the different growth rates of the species in the two test mixtures, this study suggests that new combinations of Sedum and Aizoaceae together might prove more resilient in Mediterranean environments

    Treatment of combined dairy and domestic wastewater with constructed wetland system in Sicily (Italy). Pollutant removal efficiency and effect of vegetation

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    Dairy wastewater (DWW) contains large amounts of mineral and organic compounds, which can accumulate in soil and water causing serious environmental pollution. A constructed wetland (CW) is a sustainable technology for the treatment of DWW in small-medium sized farms. This paper reports a two-year study on the performance of a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow system forDWWtreatment in Sicily (Italy). The CW system covered a total surface area of 100 m2 and treated approximately 6 m3 per day of wastewater produced by a small dairy farm, subsequent to biological treatment. Removal efficiency (RE) of the system was calculated. The biomass production of two emergent macrophytes was determined and the effect of plant growth on organic pollutant RE was recorded. All DWW parameters showed significant differences between inlet and outlet. For BOD5 and COD, RE values were 76.00% and 62.00%, respectively. RE for total nitrogen (50.70%) was lower than that of organic compounds. RE levels of microbiological parameters were found to be higher than 80.00%. Giant reed produced greater biomass than umbrella sedge. A seasonal variation in RE of organic pollutants was recorded due to plant growth rate Our findings highlight the efficient use of a CW system for DWW treatment in dairy-cattle farms

    Four-year study on the bio-agronomic response of biotypes of Capparis spinosa L. on the island of Linosa (Italy)

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    The caper plant is widespread in Sicily (Italy) both wild in natural habitats and as specialized crops, showing considerable morphological variation. However, although contributing to a thriving market, innovation in caper cropping is low. The aim of the study was to evaluate agronomic and production behavior of some biotypes of Capparis spinosa L. subsp. rupestris, identified on the Island of Linosa (Italy) for growing purposes. Two years and seven biotypes of the species were tested in a randomized complete block design. The main morphological and production parameters were determined. Phenological stages were also observed. Analysis of variance showed high variability between the biotypes. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis highlighted a clear distinction between biotypes based on biometric and production characteristics. Production data collected in the two-year period 2007–2008 showed the greatest production levels in the third year following planting in 2005. In particular, biotype SCP1 had the highest average value (975.47 g) of flower bud consistency. Our results permitted the identification of biotypes of interest for the introduction into new caper fields. Further research is needed in order to characterize caper biotypes in terms of the chemical composition of the flower buds and fruits

    Flavouring extra-virgin olive oil with aromatic and medicinal plants essential oils stabilizes oleic acid composition during photo-oxidative stress

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    Essential oils (EOs) from medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) are well-known as natural antioxidants. Their addition to extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) can contribute to reducing fat oxidation. The main aim of this study was to improve both food shelf-life and aromatic flavour of EVOO, adding different EOs of Sicilian accessions of common sage, oregano, rosemary and thyme. The morphological and production characteristics of 40 accessions of MAPs were preliminarily assessed. EOs from the most promising accessions of MAPs were analysed by gas-chromatography and mass spectrometry. Photo-oxidative studies of the EOs were carried out and the determination of the EVOO fatty acids obtained from 4 Italian olive varieties was also made. EO content was on average 1.45% (v/w) for common sage, 3.97% for oregano, 1.42% for rosemary and 5.90% for thyme accessions. The highest average EO yield was found in thyme (172.70 kg ha1) whilst the lowest (9.30 kg ha1) in rosemary accessions. The chemical composition of EOs was very different in the four MAPs in the study. No significant change of oleic acid percentage was detected in the mixture of EVOO with EO samples. The results seem to highlight the presence of an antioxidant effect of EOs on EVOO

    Effectiveness of a Food Supplement Based on Glucomannan, D-Chiro-Inositol, Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume and Inulin in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with cardiovascular risk factors, such as insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia, hypertension and abdominal obesity. Given the growing need to investigate food supplements with positive health effects, this study was aimed at testing the benefits of a specific supplement for people with MetS. Fifty-eight subjects with MetS and T2DM or impaired glucose tolerance assuming metformin, were randomly assigned to take a food supplement of glucomannan, D-chiro-inositol, Cinnamomum zeylanicum blume and inulin at a daily fixed dose of 4 g orally for four months. Body weight, waist circumference, plasma lipid profile (total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglyc-erides), plasma glycaemic profile and visceral adiposity index (VAI) were measured at baseline and after four months of supplementation. After 16 weeks, in subjects with T2DM or insulin resistance who took the supplement (+ metformin), there was a significant reduction in body weight and BMI (p < 0.0001), serum insulin (p < 0.05) and the HOMA index (p < 0.01), as well as in the lipaemic pattern, with a significant improvement in total serum cholesterol (p < 0.005), triglycerides (p < 0.03) and LDL (p < 0.02). Our study shows that the food supplement tested is a valid and safe alternative therapeutic approach in the management of MetS and all its resulting risk factors, as its efficacy has been demonstrated across anthropometric, glucose, lipid and hepatic parameters

    Effects of irrigation, peat-alternative substrate and plant Habitus on the morphological and production characteristics of Sicilian rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) biotypes grown in pot

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    Irrigation and growing substrate are considered as essential cultivation practices in order to obtain good productive and qualitative performance of potted rosemary plants. In pot growing, the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of the substrate must be stable over time in order to allow regular plant growth. However, the effects of cultivation techniques on the characteristics of potted rosemary are little known. Peat is traditionally used as the organic growing medium; however, despite numerous advantages, its use has determined a degradation of peatlands in the northern hemisphere and an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of irrigation and peat-alternative substrates on the morphological, aesthetic and production characteristics of potted Sicilian rosemary biotypes with different habitus types. Two years, two different irrigation levels, three peat-alternative substrates and three types of rosemary plant habitus were tested in a split-split-split-plot design for a four-factor experiment. The results highlight that irrigation and substrate determined significant differences for all tested parameters. Rosemary plants demonstrated the best performances when irrigation was more frequent; vice versa, the greatest percent content in essential oil was obtained when irrigation events were less frequent. The chemical–physical characteristics of peat-alternative substrates changed with decreases in the peat content and increases in the compost content. The erect habitus biotype showed the best adaptation capacity to the various treatments. Our results suggest that irrigation and peat-alternative substrates significantly affect the growth of rosemary plants and should, therefore, be taken into consideration in order to improve the cultivation of this species in pots for ornamental purposes

    Foliar application of various biostimulants produces contrasting response on yield, essential oil and chemical properties of organically grown sage (Salvia officinalis L.)

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    Sage (Salvia officinalis L.) is a medicinal and aromatic plant (MAP) belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Its morphological, productive and chemical characteristics are affected by abiotic and biotic factors. The use of biostimulants seems to be one of the most interesting innovative practices due to fact they can represent a promising approach for achieving sustainable and organic agriculture. Despite a large application in horticulture, the use of biostimulants on MAPs has been poorly investigated. On this basis, a field experiment in a 2-year study was done to assess the effect of foliar treatments with different types of biostimulants (containing seaweeds, fulvic acids and protein hydrolysates) and two frequencies of application on morphological, productive, and chemical characteristics of S. officinalis grown organically in Mediterranean environment. Morphological, productive, and chemical parameters were affected by the factors. The biostimulant application generated higher plant height, chlorophyll content, relative water content, biomass yield and essential oil yield compared to control plants. In addition, more frequent application of biostimulants produced higher biomass and essential oil yield. The application of fulvic acid and protein hydrolysates every week produced the highest total fresh yields (between 3.9 and 8.7 t ha-1) and total dry yields (between 1.3 and 2.5 t ha-1). The essential oil yield almost doubled (33.9 kg ha-1) with a higher frequency of protein hydrolysates application. In this study, 44 essential oil compounds were identified, and the frequency factor significantly influenced the percentage of 38 compounds. The highest percentage of some of the most representative monoterpenes, such as 1,8-cineole, α-thujone and camphor, were observed in biostimulated plants, with average increases between 6% and 35% compared to control plants. The highest values for total phenolics, rosmarinic acid, antioxidant activity were obtained in control plants and with a lower frequency of biostimulant applications. This study emphasizes how biostimulant applications may be used to improve sage production performance and essential oil parameters when produced in agricultural organic system. At the same time, biostimulants application caused a decrease in total phenolic, antioxidant activity and rosmarinic acid values
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