94 research outputs found

    Eco-Evaluation in Conceptual Design Phase ā€“ A Case Study

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    The use of qualitative eco-evaluation methods for product concept eco-evaluation is explored in a case study where mechanical engineers performed an eco-evaluation of product concepts in a two-stage evaluation process. In the first stage of the case study, the evaluators were asked to evaluate the environmental friendliness of the product concepts and to rank the concepts accordingly. The obtained rankings were based upon subjective preferences of the evaluators and their subjective interpretation of the eco-value of the considered concepts. In the second stage of the case study, the evaluators eco-evaluated the same concepts, but this time they used ecodesign guidelines as eco-criteria. The evaluators have obtained different rankings of the concepts, so the results of the two sets of rankings are compared. Findings are analysed in the context of confounding variables of the case study design

    Model rječnika za računalnu razmjenu informacija u distribuiranom razvoju proizvoda

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    Istraživanje prikazno u ovoj disertaciji započinje pregledom multidisciplinarne stručne i znanstvene literature, kojim je autor obuhvatilo značajke, prednosti i nedostatke tradicionalnoga i distribuiranoga razvoja proizvoda. Analizom postupaka, metoda i alata uključenih u razvoj proizvoda, ontologija područja prepoznata je kao općenita osnova za upravljanje i razmjenu znanja. Kreiranje rječnika za prikaz znanja o proizvodu kao prvoga koraka u kreiranju ontologije razvoja proizvoda definirano je kao poželjan rezultat istraživanja, pa su na taj način postavljeni ciljevi i granice istraživanja. U skladu s ciljem i granicama disertacije, zaključeno je kako se rječnik za prikaz znanja o proizvodu može kreirati metodologijom u dvije faze: empirijsko istraživanje i implemenataciju uporabom računala. Empirijsko istraživanje je obuhvatilo analizu dokumenta relevantnih za promatrano područje (teoretskih modela, industrijskih izvjeÅ”taja i dokumentacije te raznih softverskih alata), identifikaciju ključnih pojmova i veza među pojmovima na temelju analiziranih dokumenata te razvrstavanje pojmova u taksonomije koje čine predloženi rječnik. Kao teoretska osnova istraživanja odabran je genetički sustav modela konstrukcije [Mortensen, Andreasen 1999.] kao prihvatljiv model proizvoda koji u usporedbi s ostalim postojećim modelima pokazuje sveobuhvatnost pristupa povezivanjem opisa konstrukcije/proizvoda, susreta koji proizvod ima u raznim fazama svojega životnoga vijeka te sustava koji realiziraju životni vijek proizvoda. Nakon ekstrahiranja elementa rječnika uslijedila je karakterizacija pojmova i kreiranje njihovih definicija. Prethodno opisani proces rezultirao je sa Å”est glavnih vrsta entiteta podijeljenih između fizičkoga i apstraktnoga svijeta u koje su klasificirani pojmovi Å”to čine sadržaj predloženoga rječnika. Od posebne je važnosti prijednog kategorizacije raznih vrsta relacija koje su prepoznate među pojmovima na promatranom području, a na temelju njihovih logičkih svojstava simetričnosti, refleksivnosti i tranzitivnosti. Prijedlog rječnika vrednovan je ocjenjivanjem pouzdanosti razvrstavanja pojmova i taksonomija, Å”to su proveli relevantni stručnjaci na promatranom istraživačkom području primjenom socioloÅ”ke metode koja anulira subjektivnost predlagatelja. Nakon toga kreiran je računalni tezaurus upotrebom OntopriseĀ® razvojne okoline. Upotrebom tezaurusa opisani su realni proizvodi, pa je na skupu instanci pojmova i relacija koji je tako nastao ispitana konzistentnost predloženoga modela. Disertacija zavrÅ”ava prijedlogom metodologije implementacije rječnika kroz troslojnu arhitekturu sustava za upravljanje znanjem, Å”to se temelji na ontologiji razvoja proizvoda

    Managing the process of product development preparation - Ideas assessment and evaluation

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    Determining the Life Cycle Phase of a Technology Based on Patent Data

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    Developing new technologies is one of the most important goals of todayā€™s scientific and industrial research. Understanding how technology evolves, as well as its current state, is invaluable in an ecosystem where technology is evolving at an increasingly rapid pace. In this paper, patent data is used to determine a technologyā€™s life cycle. Two patent maps are created, one based on patent citations and one based on keywords. The citation patent map visualizes how patents cite each other, while the keyword patent maps visualize keywords used to describe patents and their relations. Both of these patent maps are dynamic, meaning they change over time thus giving insight into an examined technologyā€™s evolution. A growth analysis of both networks is conducted as well as a degree distribution analysis. Both of these analyses are used to help determine the technologyā€™s lifecycle phase as well as its patterns of growth. This insight is invaluable to stakeholders tasked to make strategic decisions related to technology development

    Agent-Based Modelling: Parallel and Distributed Simulation of Product Development Team

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    The successful collaboration of team members plays a crucial role in product development. Research of different teamwork factors may help understand the process, and computer simulation can be a suitable method of achieving this goal. This work aims to give an overview of agent-based modelling of product development teams and survey existing models that tackle this problem. Some tools and frameworks for agent-based modelling will be described with an emphasis on parallel and distributed architectures which are used to improve performance and enable very big and complex simulations


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    The goal of this research is to enhance the understanding of various categories of risks in product development (PD) and to carry out a comparative study on how risks occur in different phases of PD processes. Based on an extensive literature overview and the analysis of several risk identification methods, a Risk Breakdown Structure was created for product development. Mapping of identified risks, as the main contribution of the presented research, provides information about the existence of certain risk categories and subcategories in different phases of the product development process. The obtained information facilitates more successful risk identification in PD. The mapping was created in order to enable a comparison between certain PD process types by using the criterion of suitability for managing and coping with specific risk categories. To validate the proposed mapping, a questionnaire was sent to R&D organisations

    Intellectual Capital Performance Indicators for Complex Project Management

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    Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation of Product Development Teams

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    The success of product development highly depends on the quality of cooperation among members of a team involved in the process. Thus, a tool capable of simulating product development team may be beneficial for researchers interested in teamwork, as well as useful for managers struggling with team formation during process planning phase. This work aims at providing a detailed overview of agent-based simulators of product development teams. Specifically, the scientific databases Web of Science, Scopus, ACM DL, and IEEE were searched to extract relevant agent-based models of teamwork in mechanical engineering and aerospace context and obtained models were reviewed to identify their key advantages and limitations
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