3 research outputs found


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    Human language skills aim to communicate with other humans. Therefore, language has important rules in human life, including early childhood. Language development is very important in early childhood education, so one of the methods of learning is the storytelling method. Learning through storytelling can develop expressive abilities in early childhood. This study aims to determine the extent of early childhood language development in developing expressive language skills in early childhood. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The data collection techniques were carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation with thematic data analysis techniques. The results showed that the existence of the storytelling method in Kober At-tauhid shows the development of expressive language in children, especially the ability to speak through role-playing through hand puppets applied in Kober At-Tauhid. The child becomes active in responding to the information provided by the teacher and the child is able to answer questions based on the knowledge and experience gained while listening environment.Kemampuan bahasa yang dimiliki manusia bertujuan untuk berkomunikasi dengan manusia lainnya. Oleh karena itu,bahasa memiliki peraturan penting dalam kehidupan manusia termasuk salah satunya adalah anak usia dini.Perkembangan bahasa sangat penting dalam pendidikan usia anak dini, maka salah satu metode dalam pembelajarannya adalah metode storytelling.Pembelajaran melalui storytellingdapat mengembangkan kemampuan ekpresifanak usia dini.Penelitian ini  bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana perkembangan bahasa anak usia dini   dalam  mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa ekpresif pada anak usia dini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitiandeskriptif  kualitatif.Adapun  teknik pengumpulan data   dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasidengan teknik analisi data tematik.Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya metode story telling di Kober At-tauhid maka terlihat  perkembangan bahasa ekspresif  pada anak terutama kemampuan berbicara melalui bermain peran melalui boneka tanganyang diterapkan di Kober At Tauhid. Anak menjadi aktif dalam merespon informasi yang diberikan guru dan anak mampu menjawab pertanyaan yang didasari pada pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang diperoleh saat mendengarkan


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    This research was motivated to analyze students' mathematical problem-solving abilities. This research is a study that uses qualitative descriptive methods. The subjects of this study were class XII students, totaling 20 students in one of the Cimahi City Aliyah Madrasas. The stages of this research start from the process of planning, implementation, and observation. The instrument problem solving a mathematical problem that is given is a question that has been tested validation by mathematicians, amounting to 5 questions. From the results of the research that has been carried out, there are difficulties in students' difficulties in solving existing problems. Students who have low level of ability, difficulty factors that occur among them students have not been able to understand the problems faced with the problem, students still have difficulty in planning the completion model that will be used in answering each question, students also still not right to determine the next line in the arithmetic sequence. So that students cannot solve the problem of mathematical problem-solving skills properly