179 research outputs found

    Characterization of Rome’s rainwater in the early of 2018 aiming to find correlations between chemical-physical parameters and sources of pollution: a statistical study

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    Analysis of rainwater in historical cities plays a key role to save ancient monuments from atmospheric agents. In this study we sampled the Rome’s rainwater from February to July of 2018 and we analysed them to determine their chemical and physical parameters: pH, redox potential, conductivity, temperature, and the concentration of the main inorganic ions (Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++, F−, Cl−, NO3−, SO4−−). The volume of the daily fallen rainwater, the speed and direction of the wind in the sampling site were also collected. In order to find a correlation between all the above data we used the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Results evidenced that there aren’t authentic “acid rains” as the minimum pH value that we found is 5.2. In some cases high concentrations of nitrates and sulphates were found with maximum values of 12.4 ppm and 18.7 ppm respectively. We also found no correlation between the rainwater’s composition and the seasonal period; on the contrary, the speed and direction of the wind, especially when coming from the sea or industrial country near Rome, play a noticeable role on the rainwater composition. [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2020, The Author(s)

    Ecopharmacology: Deliberated or casual dispersion of pharmaceutical principles, phytosanitary, personal health care and veterinary products in environment needs a multivariate analysis or expert systems for the control, the measure and the remediation

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    .The increasing human and animal use and abuse of drugs as well as of personalhealthcare and gross domestic products, involve disposal and waste problems and, as a consequence, affect the environmental condition. Actually most of the active principles are complex synthesised organic molecules that react, inside human or animal body, by specific biochemical reactions that in no case can reach a 100% yield and produce residues that could be more noxious of the starting compounds. Just reading the indication sheet accompanying any drugs, it is easy to state that no drug can be considered healthy, so, their use constitutes a serious pollution source. The full awareness of this relatively new environmental problem let many researchers to face it from different point of view. Current studies are considering the sources of these substances in the environment, the effects on human health as well as on the flora and fauna species, the recalcitrance and possible degradation methods, analytical techniques able to determine them and their metabolites even at low concentrations and in complex matrices. Literature on the subject continuously increases and a comparison of all data became more and more difficult both for a single drug and for different ones based on the same or different active principles. This is a typical case in which chemometrics can extract a full information in the easier way, so the design of a European database coupled to suitable expertsystem software should be strongly suggested

    Retouching matt contemporary paint layers: a new approach using natural polymers

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    Different painting techniques, materials and application methods that characterise contemporary artworks, with predominantly matt surfaces and uniform tones, make retouching one of the most complicated conservation treatments, since sameness is the main target. The retouching intervention carried out at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea in Rome on Tempi prospettici (1969), an installation by the Italian artist Carlo Alfano, gave the opportunity to investigate a method to obtain different matt/glossy values through the use of natural polymers as binders. The binders chosen (different polysaccharides, cellulose derivatives and isinglass) were analysed, both individually and mixed, through colorimetric and glossmetric measurements. The pigment-binder ratio and the addition of silica to get a modulation of the matt appearance of paint formulations were also evaluated. The comparation of the colorimetric values of painting samples and those of the original paint led to the identification of the best solution for the retouching of the artwor

    Applications of biopolymers to processes of environmental control

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    Two new methods of insolubilizing in cellulose triacetate membranes, natural or synthetic polyelectrolytes, able to bind heavy metal ions, were experimented and discussed. The efficiency of the obtained membranes was tested by monitoring the cupric ion adsorption with a copper ion selective electrode (ISE

    Ancient spring waters still emerging and accessible in the Roman Forum area. Chemical–physical and microbiological characterization

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    The presence of abundant surface and underground waters and, consequently, fertile and flat soils favored the birth and expansion of Rome. Before the construction of the first aqueduct, the “springs” were probably the only source of drinking water in Rome. At the same time, today, many of them are only scarce outcrops that, anyway, constitute an important heritage for their hydrogeological, archaeological, and monumental significance. In the present study, a multiparametric analytical approach is reported to highlight possible differences among the still emerging and accessible sources in the area of the Roman Forum and to exclude infiltrations from the water and/or sewage network. Temperature, conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, and redox potential were measured in situ, while the salt and bicarbonate content, the fixed residue, some UV-Vis indices, and the volatile organic compounds were determined in the laboratory. The microbiological water quality was evaluated by assaying Escherichia coli, intestinal Enterococci, and Salmonella, with the total bacterial count at 22 and 37°C. As expected, all samples are non-potable. Nevertheless, the comparison of data on standpipes close to the springs allowed us to exclude important infiltrations from the water network and the microbiological analysis of those from the sewer network

    Ancient coins: cluster analysis applied to find a correlation between corrosion process and burial soil characteristics

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    Although it is well known that any material degrades faster when exposed to an aggressive environment as well as that "aggressive" cannot be univocally defined as depending also on the chemical-physical characteristics of material, few researches on the identification of the most significant parameters influencing the corrosion of metallic object are available

    Microclimate monitoring in the Carcer Tullianum: temporal and spatial correlation and gradients evidenced by multivariate analysis; first campaign

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    Too often microclimate studies in the field of cultural heritage are published without any or scarce information on sampling design, sensors (type, number, position) and instrument validation. Lacking of this fundamental information does not allow an open discussion in the scientific community. This work aims to be an invitation for a different approach

    XPS characterization of (copper-based) coloured stains formed on limestone surfaces of outdoor Roman monuments

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    Limestone basements holding bronzes or other copper alloys artefacts such as sculptures, decorations and dedicatory inscriptions are frequently met both in modern and ancient monuments. In outdoor conditions, such a combination implies the corrosion products of the copper based alloy, directly exposed to rainwater, will be drained off and migrate through the porous surfaces, forming stains of different colours and intensities, finally causing the limestone structures to deteriorate

    Impianto di illuminazione a LEDs e relativo procedimento per inibire lo sviluppo di organismi biodeteriogeni fotosintetici in ambienti ipogei

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    E\ stato messo a punto un sistema di illuminazione composto da serie di Led monocromatici di lunghezze d'onda che escludono quelle in grado di attivare la fotosintesi e quindi la crescita di biodeteriogeni che la utilizzano. E' studiato per l'illuminazione di ambienti ipogei di interesse storico artistico, pertanto e' possibile modulare l'intensita' dei singoli Led o gruppi di Led per ottenere una luce in grado di far apprezzare al megloi il colore della zona da illuminare.Puo' comunque essere utilizzato in qualunque ambiente ipogeo anche ad uso civile. I Led sono facilmente sostituibili per ottenere spettri diversi in grado di inibire la crescita di diversi biodeteriogen
