1,878 research outputs found

    Lag-luminosity relation in gamma-ray burst X-ray flares

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    In strict analogy to prompt pulses, X-ray flares observed by Swift-XRT in long Gamma-Ray Bursts define a lag-luminosity relation: L_p,iso \propto t_lag^{-0.95+/-0.23}. The lag-luminosity is proven to be a fundamental law extending 5 decades in time and 5 in energy. This is direct evidence that GRB X-ray flares and prompt gamma-ray pulses are produced by the same mechanism.Comment: To appear in: "Deciphering the ancient universe with GRBs", Kyoto 2010, conference proceedin

    On the average Gamma-Ray Burst X-ray flaring activity

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    Gamma-ray burst X-ray flares are believed to mark the late time activity of the central engine. We compute the temporal evolution of the average flare luminosity in the common rest frame energy band of 44 GRBs taken from the large \emph{Swift} 5-years data base. Our work highlights the importance of a proper consideration of the threshold of detection of flares against the contemporaneous continuous X-ray emission. In the time interval 30st2.7±0.130 \rm{s}\propto t^{-2.7\pm 0.1}; this implies that the flare isotropic energy scaling is Eiso,flaret1.7E_{\rm{iso,flare}}\propto t^{-1.7}. The decay of the continuum underlying the flare emission closely tracks the average flare luminosity evolution, with a typical flare to steep-decay luminosity ratio which is Lflare/Lsteep=4.7L_{\rm{flare}}/L_{\rm{steep}}=4.7: this suggests that flares and continuum emission are deeply related to one another. We infer on the progenitor properties considering different models. According to the hyper-accreting black hole scenario, the average flare luminosity scaling can be obtained in the case of rapid accretion (tacctt_{\rm{acc}}\ll t) or when the last \sim 0.5 M_{\sun} of the original 14 M_{\sun} progenitor star are accreted. Alternatively, the steep t2.7\propto t^{-2.7} behaviour could be triggered by a rapid outward expansion of an accretion shock in the material feeding a convective disk. If instead we assume the engine to be a rapidly spinning magnetar, then its rotational energy can be extracted to power a jet whose luminosity is likely to be between the monopole (Le2tL\propto e^{-2t}) and dipole (Lt2L\propto t^{-2}) cases. In both scenarios we suggest the variability, which is the main signature of the flaring activity, to be established as a consequence of different kinds of instabilities.Comment: MNRAS accepte

    Constraints on the environment and energetics of the Broad-Line Ic SN2014ad from deep radio and X-ray observations

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    Broad-line type Ic Supernovae (BL-Ic SNe) are characterized by high ejecta velocity (104\gtrsim 10^4 km s1^{-1}) and are sometimes associated with the relativistic jets typical of long duration (2\gtrsim 2 s) Gamma-Ray Bursts (L-GRBs). The reason why a small fraction of BL-Ic SNe harbor relativistic jets is not known. Here we present deep X-ray and radio observations of the BL-Ic SN2014ad extending from 1313 to 930930 days post explosion. SN2014ad was not detected at either frequency and has no observational evidence of a GRB counterpart. The proximity of SN2014ad (d26d\sim 26 Mpc) enables very deep constraints on the progenitor mass-loss rate M˙\dot{M} and on the total energy of the fast ejecta EE. We consider two synchrotron emission scenarios for a wind-like circumstellar medium (CSM): (i) uncollimated non-relativistic ejecta, and (ii) off-axis relativistic jet. Within the first scenario our observations are consistent with GRB-less BL-Ic SNe characterized by a modest energy budget of their fast ejecta (E1045E \lesssim 10^{45} erg), like SNe 2002ap and 2010ay. For jetted explosions, we cannot rule out a GRB with E1051E \lesssim 10^{51} erg (beam-corrected) with a narrow opening angle (θj5\theta_j \sim 5^{\circ}) observed moderately off-axis (θobs30\theta_{\rm obs} \gtrsim 30^{\circ}) and expanding in a very low CSM density (M˙\dot{M} 106\lesssim 10^{-6} M_{\odot} yr1^{-1}). Our study shows that off-axis low-energy jets expanding in a low-density medium cannot be ruled out even in the most nearby BL-Ic SNe with extensive deep observations, and might be a common feature of BL-Ic SNe.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Ap

    The X-ray light curve of Gamma-ray bursts: clues to the central engine

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    We present the analysis of a large sample of gamma-ray burst (GRB) X-ray light curves in the rest frame to characterise their intrinsic properties in the context of different theoretical scenarios. We determine the morphology, time scales, and energetics of 64 long GRBs observed by \emph{Swift}/XRT \emph{without} flaring activity. We furthermore provide a one-to-one comparison to the properties of GRBs \emph{with} X-ray flares. We find that the steep decay morphology and its connection with X-ray flares favour a scenario in which a central engine origin. We show that this scenario can also account for the shallow decay phase, provided that the GRB progenitor star has a self-similar structure with a constant envelope-to-core mass ratio 0.020.03\sim 0.02-0.03. However, difficulties arise for very long duration (tp104t_p\gtrsim10^4 s) shallow phases. Alternatively, a spinning-down magnetar whose emitted power refreshes the forward shock can quantitatively account for the shallow decay properties. In particular we demonstrate that this model can account for the plateau luminosity vs. end time anticorrelation.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    A common stochastic process rules gamma-ray burst prompt emission and X-ray flares

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    Prompt gamma-ray and early X-ray afterglow emission in gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are characterized by a bursty behavior and are often interspersed with long quiescent times. There is compelling evidence that X-ray flares are linked to prompt gamma-rays. However, the physical mechanism that leads to the complex temporal distribution of gamma-ray pulses and X-ray flares is not understood. Here we show that the waiting time distribution (WTD) of pulses and flares exhibits a power-law tail extending over 4 decades with index ~2 and can be the manifestation of a common time-dependent Poisson process. This result is robust and is obtained on different catalogs. Surprisingly, GRBs with many (>=8) gamma-ray pulses are very unlikely to be accompanied by X-ray flares after the end of the prompt emission (3.1 sigma Gaussian confidence). These results are consistent with a simple interpretation: an hyperaccreting disk breaks up into one or a few groups of fragments, each of which is independently accreted with the same probability per unit time. Prompt gamma-rays and late X-ray flares are nothing but different fragments being accreted at the beginning and at the end, respectively, following the very same stochastic process and likely the same mechanism.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap

    An Embedded X-Ray Source Shines through the Aspherical AT 2018cow: Revealing the Inner Workings of the Most Luminous Fast-evolving Optical Transients

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    We present the first extensive radio to γ-ray observations of a fast-rising blue optical transient, AT 2018cow, over its first ~100 days. AT 2018cow rose over a few days to a peak luminosity L_(pk) ~ 4 × 10^(44) erg s^(−1), exceeding that of superluminous supernovae (SNe), before declining as L ∝ t^(−2). Initial spectra at δt ≾ 15 days were mostly featureless and indicated large expansion velocities v ~ 0.1c and temperatures reaching T ~ 3 × 10^4 K. Later spectra revealed a persistent optically thick photosphere and the emergence of H and He emission features with v ~ 4000 km s^(−1) with no evidence for ejecta cooling. Our broadband monitoring revealed a hard X-ray spectral component at E ≥ 10 keV, in addition to luminous and highly variable soft X-rays, with properties unprecedented among astronomical transients. An abrupt change in the X-ray decay rate and variability appears to accompany the change in optical spectral properties. AT 2018cow showed bright radio emission consistent with the interaction of a blast wave with v_(sh) ~ 0.1c with a dense environment (M ~ 10^(-3) – 10^(-4) M⊙ Yr^(-1) for v w = 1000 km s−1). While these properties exclude ^(56)Ni-powered transients, our multiwavelength analysis instead indicates that AT 2018cow harbored a "central engine," either a compact object (magnetar or black hole) or an embedded internal shock produced by interaction with a compact, dense circumstellar medium. The engine released ~10^(50)–10^(51.5) erg over ~10^3–10^5 s and resides within low-mass fast-moving material with equatorial–polar density asymmetry (M_(ej,fast) ≾ 0.3 M ☉). Successful SNe from low-mass H-rich stars (like electron-capture SNe) or failed explosions from blue supergiants satisfy these constraints. Intermediate-mass black holes are disfavored by the large environmental density probed by the radio observations