13 research outputs found

    Comparative miR expression in progenitor cell populations with cardiogenic potential.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Hierarchical clustering for samples and miRs of three independent replicates of mouse CSCs (CSC), adult BMCs isolated from mouse bone marrow (BM) and mouse embryonic heart day E9 (EMB). Box highlights the miR branch separating CSCs from BMCs and embryonic heart cells, composed almost exclusively of miR-17/92 family members. Data shown refers to normalized Ct values (color key) of filtered subset of 41 differentially expressed miRs, out of the 95 miRs analyzed (see methods). <b>B.</b> The mouse miR-17/92 family loci. Expression levels for all members of this cluster were determined, with the exception of miR-363, which was not present in the PCR array used in this study.</p

    Differential expression analysis of microRNAs.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Differentially expressed miRs in adult cardiac and immature bone marrow stem cell populations (CSCs and BMCs). Average log2 expression ratio of all differentially expressed miRs (p<0.01). <b>B.</b> Comparison of expression of muscle specific miRs in embryonic heart cells (EMB), BMCs and CSCs, and mouse heart tissue using Taqman probes (n = 3). Data shows relative expression (2<sup>−ΔCt</sup>) normalized to sno202 RNA expression levels. <b>C.</b> Differentially expressed miRs in adult cardiac versus embryonic mouse heart cells. Average log2 expression ratio of all differentially expressed miRs (p<0.01). <b>D.</b> miR-15/107 family expression levels in the cell populations characterized in this study. Plot displays normalized Ct values for each independent biological replicate sample of miR-15/107 family members present in the qPCR array. miR-107 is specifically downregulated in CSCs. Horizontal bar marks average Ct.</p

    Expression of myc and Isl1 in CSCs.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Proposed regulatory network involving differentially expressed miRs in embryonic heart (EMB) and CSCs. <b>B.</b> Expression of c-Myc and Isl1 in embryonic heart and CSCs by semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Results are representative of three independent replicate samples. <b>C.</b> Quantification of relative expression levels of c-Myc and Isl1 (n = 3). Expression levels are normalized to GAPDH.</p