7 research outputs found
Accessing European funds to develop rural entrepreneurship in Western Moldova
The purpose of this scientific approach consists in analyzing the entrepreneurial initiatives from rural areas of Western Moldova, after Romania joined the European Union in the context in which the rural entrepreneurship has become in recent decades, the main source of income for an important segment of the rural population, especially for people made redundant or are unable to find a job. In pursuit of this work they were used statistical method and mapping method for expressing information acquired and for determining the spatial characteristics of projects beneficiaries with European funded. At regional level, the analysis indicates that private beneficiaries of the Fund for Agriculture and Rural Development were interested to carry out agricultural activities and crop and livestock farming, based on specific traditions Romanian village. To these are added investments for the acquisition of machinery and equipment for field crops, construction of sheds and purchase of animals. By accessing these European funds were supported mainly the small and medium enterprises, considered to be able to develop new products or to capitalize the natural resources through innovation and adaptation. Thus, the investments made were focused on increasing the competitiveness of the economy, the need to protect water resources and improve the quality of life of rural inhabitants of Western Moldova
Implementation of the leader axis of the rural devlopment programmes 2007-2013 in Moldova
At European level, LEADER programme appeared in 1990, when the public programs for rural developmental from several countries, were limited about their investment objectives, they were managed in a traditional mode top-down (from the central level to local). Since 2007, LEADER has not represented a Community initiative, but it was been introduced as a axis in the National Rural Development Programme 2007-2013. LEADER was addressed in special to implementation the local development strategies as well as to achievement the cooperation projects, by the operation of Local Action Groups and the establishment of public-private partnerships. In Moldova, the eligible beneficiaries of this axis have applied in particular to financial support of the Local Action Groups, the most projects being implemented in Suceava County (LAG "Sucevita-Putna", LAG "Basin of Dorna", LAG "Bucovina of Mountain") and Bacau County (LAG Valley of the Mountain, LAG Valley of Trotus). A possible explanation of this situation it represents the low capacity to involvement of economic and social partners, of the local community to establish formulas for cooperation, or associations, to ensure a higher level of economic and political affirmation, according to available resources
The Situation of Investment Projects for Modernization of Agricultural Holdings in Moldova Before and After Romania’s Accession to the European Union
The purpose of this article is to present the situation of EU funds absorption for modernization the agricultural holdings in Moldova, geographical region considered to be among the poorest in Romania. After 1989, the essential changes in the land structures ownership on the replacement the old structures land ownership of socialist economy with private property, have profoundly marked the Romanian rural space and the food trade balance of Romania suffered a continuing deterioration. The funding based on projects implemented once the SAPARD pre-accession funds, has provided many perspectives Romanian farmers, especially by increasing the budget for investments in the field. This approach shows that the economic performance of representative agricultural holdings in Moldova has evolved positively, but differently across the region
The Regional and Local Distribution of Funds Allocated by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development in Romania
The objective of this study is to present and analyze the regional and local distribution of the funds allocated by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), European fund that finances rural development in Romania, in the post-accession period. This financing instrument was created by the European Union with the order to continue the main directions of investment of Special Pre-Accession Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (SAPARD). As a member state of the European Union, Romania observes the principles of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) while the development of the Romanian rural area for the programming period 2007-2013 is supported by the European Community through the National Rural Development Programme (RDP). This approach pays special attention to improving the quality of life in rural areas and the diversification of the rural economy because local communities in Romania have experienced some changes in this period, while accessing EAFRD funds contributed to increased regional disparities between developed and poor areas
Supporting of disadvantaged areas from Romania through agri-environment measures of the RDP 2007-2013
Rural development policy of the European Union provides funding for a wide range of measures that Member States use for supporting the sustainable development of rural areas with the aid of rural development programs (RDP) at national level according to their needs. In this respect, Romania has drafted in accordance with Community legislation in effect the National Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 to improve the balance between economicdevelopment and sustainable use of natural resources. In addition to this, it was created the legal basis of agri-environmental measures, measures which encouraged particularly the farmers to protect, to maintain and to improve the environmental quality by promoting a sustainable management of farmland and of forest surfaces. But, at the national level, the results of analysis indicate a low degree of implementing these measures due to very small number of projects completed</p
The Situation of Investment Projects for Modernization of Agricultural Holdings in Moldova Before and After Romania’s Accession to the European Union
The purpose of this article is to present the situation of EU funds absorption for modernization the agricultural holdings in Moldova, geographical region considered to be among the poorest in Romania. After 1989, the essential changes in the land structures ownership on the replacement the old structures land ownership of socialist economy with private property, have profoundly marked the Romanian rural space and the food trade balance of Romania suffered a continuing deterioration. The funding based on projects implemented once the SAPARD pre-accession funds, has provided many perspectives Romanian farmers, especially by increasing the budget for investments in the field. This approach shows that the economic performance of representative agricultural holdings in Moldova has evolved positively, but differently across the region