395 research outputs found

    Personalized Anomaly Detection in PPG Data using Representation Learning and Biometric Identification

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    Photoplethysmography (PPG) signals, typically acquired from wearable devices, hold significant potential for continuous fitness-health monitoring. In particular, heart conditions that manifest in rare and subtle deviating heart patterns may be interesting. However, robust and reliable anomaly detection within these data remains a challenge due to the scarcity of labeled data and high inter-subject variability. This paper introduces a two-stage framework leveraging representation learning and personalization to improve anomaly detection performance in PPG data. The proposed framework first employs representation learning to transform the original PPG signals into a more discriminative and compact representation. We then apply three different unsupervised anomaly detection methods for movement detection and biometric identification. We validate our approach using two different datasets in both generalized and personalized scenarios. The results show that representation learning significantly improves anomaly detection performance while reducing the high inter-subject variability. Personalized models further enhance anomaly detection performance, underscoring the role of personalization in PPG-based fitness-health monitoring systems. The results from biometric identification show that it's easier to distinguish a new user from one intended authorized user than from a group of users. Overall, this study provides evidence of the effectiveness of representation learning and personalization for anomaly detection in PPG data

    A comparison of univariate and multivariate gene selection techniques for classification of cancer datasets

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    BACKGROUND: Gene selection is an important step when building predictors of disease state based on gene expression data. Gene selection generally improves performance and identifies a relevant subset of genes. Many univariate and multivariate gene selection approaches have been proposed. Frequently the claim is made that genes are co-regulated (due to pathway dependencies) and that multivariate approaches are therefore per definition more desirable than univariate selection approaches. Based on the published performances of all these approaches a fair comparison of the available results can not be made. This mainly stems from two factors. First, the results are often biased, since the validation set is in one way or another involved in training the predictor, resulting in optimistically biased performance estimates. Second, the published results are often based on a small number of relatively simple datasets. Consequently no generally applicable conclusions can be drawn. RESULTS: In this study we adopted an unbiased protocol to perform a fair comparison of frequently used multivariate and univariate gene selection techniques, in combination with a ränge of classifiers. Our conclusions are based on seven gene expression datasets, across several cancer types. CONCLUSION: Our experiments illustrate that, contrary to several previous studies, in five of the seven datasets univariate selection approaches yield consistently better results than multivariate approaches. The simplest multivariate selection approach, the Top Scoring method, achieves the best results on the remaining two datasets. We conclude that the correlation structures, if present, are difficult to extract due to the small number of samples, and that consequently, overly-complex gene selection algorithms that attempt to extract these structures are prone to overtraining

    Improving performance of heart rate time series classification by grouping subjects

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    Unlike the more commonly analyzed ECG or PPG data for activity classification, heart rate time series data is less detailed, often noisier and can contain missing data points. Using the BigIdeasLab_STEP dataset, which includes heart rate time series annotated with specific tasks performed by individuals, we sought to determine if general classification was achievable. Our analyses showed that the accuracy is sensitive to the choice of window/stride size. Moreover, we found variable classification performances between subjects due to differences in the physical structure of their hearts. Various techniques were used to minimize this variability. First of all, normalization proved to be a crucial step and significantly improved the performance. Secondly, grouping subjects and performing classification inside a group helped to improve performance and decrease inter-subject variability. Finally, we show that including handcrafted features as input to a deep learning (DL) network improves the classification performance further. Together, these findings indicate that heart rate time series can be utilized for classification tasks like predicting activity. However, normalization or grouping techniques need to be chosen carefully to minimize the issue of subject variability

    Identification of cancer genes using a statistical framework for multiexperiment analysis of nondiscretized array CGH data

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    Tumor formation is in part driven by DNA copy number alterations (CNAs), which can be measured using microarray-based Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH). Multiexperiment analysis of aCGH data from tumors allows discovery of recurrent CNAs that are potentially causal to cancer development. Until now, multiexperiment aCGH data analysis has been dependent on discretization of measurement data to a gain, loss or no-change state. Valuable biological information is lost when a heterogeneous system such as a solid tumor is reduced to these states. We have developed a new approach which inputs nondiscretized aCGH data to identify regions that are significantly aberrant across an entire tumor set. Our method is based on kernel regression and accounts for the strength of a probe's signal, its local genomic environment and the signal distribution across multiple tumors. In an analysis of 89 human breast tumors, our method showed enrichment for known cancer genes in the detected regions and identified aberrations that are strongly associated with breast cancer subtypes and clinical parameters. Furthermore, we identified 18 recurrent aberrant regions in a new dataset of 19 p53-deficient mouse mammary tumors. These regions, combined with gene expression microarray data, point to known cancer genes and novel candidate cancer genes

    Pooling breast cancer datasets has a synergetic effect on classification performance and improves signature stability

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    Background: Michiels et al. (Lancet 2005; 365: 488-92) employed a resampling strategy to show that the genes identified as predictors of prognosis from resamplings of a single gene expression dataset are highly variable. The genes most frequently identified in the separate resamplings were put forward as a 'gold standard'. On a higher level, breast cancer datasets collected by different institutions can be considered as resamplings from the underlying breast cancer population. The limited overlap between published prognostic signatures confirms the trend of signature instability identified by the resampling strategy. Six breast cancer datasets, totaling 947 samples, all measured on the Affymetrix platform, are currently available. This provides a unique opportunity to employ a substantial dataset to investigate the effects of pooling datasets on classifier accuracy, signature stability and enrichment of functional categories. Results: We show that the resampling strategy produces a suboptimal ranking of genes, which can not be considered to be a 'gold standard'. When pooling breast cancer datasets, we observed a synergetic effect on the classification performance in 73% of the cases. We also observe a significant positive correlation between the number of datasets that is pooled, the validation performance, the number of genes selected, and the enrichment of specific functional categories. In addition, we have evaluated the support for five explanations that have been postulated for the limited overlap of signatures. Conclusion: The limited overlap of current signature genes can be attributed to small sample size. Pooling datasets results in more accurate classification and a convergence of signature genes. We therefore advocate the analysis of new data within the context of a compendium, rather than analysis in isolatio

    Constitutive nuclear lamina-genome interactions are highly conserved and associated with A/T-rich sequence

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    In metazoans, the nuclear lamina is thought to play an important role in the spatial organization of interphase chromosomes, by providing anchoring sites for large genomic segments named lamina-associated domains (LADs). Some of these LADs are cell-type specific, while many others appear constitutively associated with the lamina. Constitutive LADs (cLADs) may contribute to a basal chromosome architecture. By comparison of mouse and human lamina interaction maps, we find that the sizes and genomic positions of cLADs are strongly conserved. Moreover, cLADs are depleted of synteny breakpoints, pointing to evolutionary selective pressure to keep cLADs intact. Paradoxically, the overall sequence conservation is low for cLADs. Instead, cLADs are universally characterized by long stretches of DNA of high A/T content. Cell-type specific LADs also tend to adhere to this “A/T rule” in embryonic stem cells, but not in differentiated cells. This suggests that the A/T rule represents a default positioning mechanism that is locally overruled during lineage commitment. Analysis of paralogs suggests that during evolution changes in A/T content have driven the relocation of genes to and from the nuclear lamina, in tight association with changes in expression level. Taken together, these results reveal that the spatial organization of mammalian genomes is highly conserved and tightly linked to local nucleotide composition

    Combinatorial effects of environmental parameters on transcriptional regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: A quantitative analysis of a compendium of chemostat-based transcriptome data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microorganisms adapt their transcriptome by integrating multiple chemical and physical signals from their environment. Shake-flask cultivation does not allow precise manipulation of individual culture parameters and therefore precludes a quantitative analysis of the (combinatorial) influence of these parameters on transcriptional regulation. Steady-state chemostat cultures, which do enable accurate control, measurement and manipulation of individual cultivation parameters (e.g. specific growth rate, temperature, identity of the growth-limiting nutrient) appear to provide a promising experimental platform for such a combinatorial analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A microarray compendium of 170 steady-state chemostat cultures of the yeast <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae </it>is presented and analyzed. The 170 microarrays encompass 55 unique conditions, which can be characterized by the combined settings of 10 different cultivation parameters. By applying a regression model to assess the impact of (combinations of) cultivation parameters on the transcriptome, most <it>S. cerevisiae </it>genes were shown to be influenced by multiple cultivation parameters, and in many cases by combinatorial effects of cultivation parameters. The inclusion of these combinatorial effects in the regression model led to higher explained variance of the gene expression patterns and resulted in higher function enrichment in subsequent analysis. We further demonstrate the usefulness of the compendium and regression analysis for interpretation of shake-flask-based transcriptome studies and for guiding functional analysis of (uncharacterized) genes and pathways.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Modeling the combinatorial effects of environmental parameters on the transcriptome is crucial for understanding transcriptional regulation. Chemostat cultivation offers a powerful tool for such an approach.</p