3 research outputs found


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    The environmental education constitutes a dimension of the process of initial formation of the educational one of Biology, this educational process has its concretion level in the educational-educational process of the biological disciplines. The discipline Anatomy and Physiology offers potentialities to develop an educational work directed to the development in performance ways in relation to the conservation and sustainable use of the biodiversity. These considerations leave of recognizing to the human organism as part of an atmosphere in which it also meet other alive organisms with those which it exchanges, in way assumes these interactions like part of an ecosystem. Many are the forms in that the man it exchanges with the rest of the biodiversity, this indicates that the man's survival depends that they stay the ecological conditions in that it is developed. To explain the biological integrity of the human organism it is necessary to characterize the atmosphere firstly where this it is developed.La educaci贸n ambiental constituye una dimensi贸n del proceso de formaci贸n inicial del docente de Biolog铆a, este proceso educativo tiene su nivel de concreci贸n en el proceso docente-educativo de las disciplinas biol贸gicas. La disciplina Anatom铆a y Fisiolog铆a ofrece potencialidades para desarrollar un trabajo educativo dirigido al desarrollo de modos de actuaci贸n en relaci贸n a la conservaci贸n y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad. Estas consideraciones parten de reconocer al organismo humano como parte de un ambiente en el que tambi茅n se encuentran otros organismos vivos con los cuales interact煤a, de modo asumamos estas interacciones como parte de un ecosistema. Muchas son las formas en que el hombre interact煤a con el resto de la biodiversidad, esto indica que la supervivencia del hombre depende de que se mantengan las condiciones ecol贸gicas en que se desarrolla. Para explicar la integridad biol贸gica del organismo humano se precisa caracterizar primeramente el ambiente donde este se desarrolla


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    En el contexto cubano ha retomado sumo inter茅s, la atenci贸n y el seguimiento a los problemas del lenguaje cient铆fico durante la formaci贸n de los profesionales, a partir de subrayar su influencia en la base cultural para la expresi贸n de los saberes con una alta competencia. En este sentido, no basta con apreciar su valor como incidente directo en el proceso formativo, sino que se necesita, a la par, dar tratamiento preciso a las problem谩ticas que atentan contra el uso adecuado de este lenguaje. En la carrera de Biolog铆a-Qu铆mica, una de las situaciones que necesita una mirada puntual se refiere a la preparaci贸n did谩ctico-metodol贸gica que recibe el futuro profesional para enfrentar 鈥搖na vez graduado- las diversas situaciones a las que deber谩 dar soluci贸n. 驴Garantiza la carrera una preparaci贸n did谩ctico-metodol贸gica, tomando en cuenta el lenguaje cient铆fico en las ciencias naturales para que el futuro egresado muestre una adecuada actuaci贸n profesional? 驴C贸mo ordenar la preparaci贸n did谩ctico-metodol贸gica de los futuros profesores de Biolog铆a tomando en cuenta el lenguaje cient铆fico y su incidencia en las ciencias naturales? El presente trabajo versa acerca de esta problem谩tica y su inter茅s de transformaci贸n.PALABRAS CLAVE: lenguaje cient铆fico; ordenamiento; preparaci贸n did谩ctico-metodol贸gicaTHE ATTENTION TO THE SCIENTIFIC LANGUAGE IN THE FORMATION OF NATURAL SCIENCES麓 TEACHERSABSTRACTIn the Cuban context it has recaptured supreme interest, the attention and the pursuit to the problems of the scientific language during the formation of the professionals, starting from underlining their influence in the cultural base for the expression of the knowledge with a high competition. In this sense, it is not enough with appreciating their value like direct incident in the formative process, but rather it is needed, at the same time, to give precise treatment to the problems that attempt against the appropriate use of this language. In the career of Biology-chemistry, one of the situations that need a punctual look refers to the didactic-methodological preparation that he/she receives the professional future to face -once graduate- the diverse situations to those they will give solution. Does it guarantee the career a didactic-methodological preparation, taking into account the scientific language in the natural sciences so that the future graduates show an appropriate professional performance? How to order the didactic-methodological preparation of the future professors of Biology taking into account the scientific language and their incidence in the natural sciences? The present work turns about this problem and its transformation interest.KEYWORDS: scientific language; classification; didactic-methodological preparation</p

    The method of specialized discursive conceptual systematizing: field practice with students of Biology-Chemistry at Oriente University

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    The experience presented developed in the process of the professors of Biology initial formation, starting from the application, to the practical of field, of the method discursive conceptual systematizing and its procedures: the systematic classification, the discursive conceptual disposition, the discursive production and the reflection. For it, is supported in a methodology that is structured starting from logic in the classification of the stages of the discursive conceptual progression. As particularity, the methodology has support in the focus socio cultural of knowledge, talkative, of the maternal language, quality that contributes to the improvement of the professors of Biology continuous didactic formation in the systematizing from the treatment to the systematic concepts.</p