4,366 research outputs found


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    El Estado de México es productor de ornamentales y hortalizas, lo que ha generado contaminación por el uso excesivo de agroquímicos y fertilizantes, y la utilización de agua de riego de mala calidad, lo que aumenta salinidad, provocando a la planta la dificultad de absorber agua y nutrientes. Existen estudios encaminados a investigar la tolerancia al estrés biótico y/o abiótico, a través de la utilización de moléculas señal como el ácido salicílico (AS). Estudios recientes han demostrado que el AS participa en los procesos fisiológicos de la planta, como la inducción de tolerancia a factores de estrés salino. Por lo que el objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto del AS en la tolerancia a estrés salino en microplantas de crisantemo (Dendranthema grandiflora Tzvelev) variedad Polaris white. Se utilizaron microplantas de crisantemo, para evaluar el efecto del AS en la tolerancia al estrés salino por cloruro de sodio (NaCl). Primero se estableció el modelo de respuesta al NaCl en microplantas, de acuerdo a la supervivencia y parámetros de crecimiento. De aquí se determinó utilizar 150 mM de NaCl en los subsecuentes experimentos. Los resultaron indicaron que las microplantas de crisantemo son altamente tolerantes al NaCl. Después se evaluó el efecto del AS sobre las microplantas de crisantemo, donde se encontró que la concentración 10-5 M de AS favorece la tolerancia a la salinidad. En las plantas pretratadas es AS (Etapa 1) y trasplantadas a 150 mM de NaCl (Etapa 2). Se cuantifico la actividad enzimática de catalasa (CAT), peroxidasa (POX) y ascorbato peroxidasa (APX) y el contenido de H2O2, prolina, y pigmentos fotosintéticos, estas cuantificaciones se realizaron en las dos etapas. Se observaron tendencias al incremento de la actividad enzimática por efecto de AS, mientras que, prolina incremento, el contenido de H2O2 decremento en los tratamientos con AS

    Ownership Structure of Cooperatives as an Environmental Buffer.

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    In this paper, we propose that the ownership structure in the cooperative form acts as an environmental buffer. It is a mechanism to obtain stronger linkages with suppliers by internalizing them, and in this way, obtaining fundamental resources. Using this strategy, the cooperative form can isolate itself from adverse environments and from competition from other organizational forms. Although cooperatives have higher survival probability in any economic context, in rival ideological environments they have less support than other organizational forms. To test these ideas, we have chosen data from the Spanish olive oil milling industry for 1944–98. During this period, Spain changed from a dictatorial to a democratic regime and from a self-subsistence economy in the post civil-war period to a broad liberal international economy. The results show that, whereas other organizational forms are affected by economic and ideological influences, the cooperative form isolates itself by changing the competition level.

    Relationship between legitimation, competition and organizational death: current state of the art.

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    There is agreement among ecology researchers that the concepts of legitimation and competition are partly responsible for organizational selection. Finding adequate measures to represent these concepts, however, has been elusive and has been the main obstacle to the development of this stream of investigation. On the basis of the germinal density dependence model, we identify two lines of research, which have generated seven distinct models. This survey shows that there has been a general tendency to use only three variables to measure legitimation and competition, which are often measured together. However, we argue that fruitful results have emerged when efforts have been made to separate both concepts and that there is some potential in using new measures (mass or concentration) which have so far only found limited application in the field of population demography. These findings, together with the inconclusive results of this stream of research, allow us to identify the existing gaps in the literature and comment on directions for future research.Sociología de la organización; Cambio organizativo;