270 research outputs found

    CFC-Multiscalar Challenges : Land-Links: Multi-Cities, Agro Landscapes, Hyper-Foods, Inno-Fields. 5 Factors for a Balanced Geo-Urbanity

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    The new contemporary multi-city, the fractal, irregular and networked poly-polis (Gausa 2018), needs the landscape, as a eco-systemic and proactive infrastructure, conceived not only as a network of ‘green open spaces’. The in-between transversal landscape of the new city needs agriculture to ensure its positive and relational conservation. Agriculture, especially if developed in low or medium intensity contexts, requires programmatic innovative mixture and diversity— associated with its uses and crops, but also with an agro-tourism based on zero kilometre hospitality, gastronomy, energy production, digital manufacturing, technical research—to ensure its own resilient livelihood capacity. Creative Food Cycles (CFC) covers all these scales and levels of action—with a socio-cultural activism approach—promoting a strategic and innovative integration, from the territorial and urban perspective to the creative-social dimension and to the scale of product design. The food factor, from a mere productive indicator, becomes an agent inducing new sustainable and innovative processes

    Multi-cities, Hyper-Foods, Agro-Landscapes

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    Food Cycles Interaction, Best Practices. catalogue of best exemples and key-products

    The Morandi Bridge and La Val Polcevera

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    After the colapse of the Morandi Bridge the challenge now is not only the construction of a new bridge (and its possible combination with the consolidation of the remains of the old one) but the generation of multiple "bridges" with the treatment of the entire Polcevera Valley \u2013 a river valley with a wide variety of urban, landscape, industrial, and heritage structures, which existed for years with its \u201cback to the city\u201d. That valley, today, can be (re)signified \u2013 treated with ambition and urban quality \u2013 as a new fundamental focal point in the city

    Paesaggio in bivio. Land-Links / Lands-in-Land. Il paesaggio come infra- / intra- / eco- (e info-) struttura territoriale

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    Abbordaggio critico sulla condizione contemporanea del progetto architettonico in relazione alla citt\ue0. Urbanistica e nuova strategia urbana. Importanza del Paesaggio come struttura territoriale Insegnare architettura e design, come tema su cui riflettere nel primo numero; membri del comitato scientifico, studiosi, architetti e designers raccontano le diverse esperienze didattiche; riflessioni teoriche generali sul tema; ricerche specifiche sulla storia dell\u2019inse- gnamento di architettura e design; indagini sui modi diversificati, sia geograficamente che storicamente, in cui questo insegnamento e\u300 avvenuto; contributi specifici sui luoghi in cui questo insegnamento avviene o e\u300 avvenuto (scuole, accademie, universita\u300, ma anche atelier privati); indagini e riflessioni sul ruolo e il modo in cui le diverse discipline hanno contribu- ito, contribuiscono o possono contribuire alla formazione dell\u2019architetto e del designer

    Mapping (in) the New Time. New Analytical-Synthetic Representations for the New n-City and its Multi-Territories

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    Our cities \u2013as translations of our societies themselves\u2013 are the most complex dynamic and informational systems that exist: they are space-time (as well as sensorial) systems constantly exchanging information among the elements that comprise them, and between the latter and the surrounding environment, mutating and fluctuating in an evolutionary manner

    TOPOLOGIE VERDI E PAESAGGI OLTRE IL PAESAGGIO 30 anni di ricerche sulla ibridizzazione del verde

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    I nuovi metabolismi urbani e la loro condizione antropica accelerata richiedono una nuova visione sistemica ambientale interconnessa, capace di favorire non solo un’effi- cace interazione tra ‘fabbriche’ e ‘paesaggi’ inter- ed endo- urbani, ma anche una nuo- va dimensione ‘verde’ più fluida e trasversale, volta a incoraggiare un fertile incontro tra natura e città, eco-struttura e infra-struttura, tecnologia, topografia e topologia, intrec- ciando il territorio, re-informando i suoi stessi tessuti strutturali e soprattutto ‘re-natura- lizzando’, attraverso maglie flessibili, le sue diverse e variegate preesistenze. Si rendo- no necessarie nuove strategie eco-sistemiche ‘città-architettura-infrastruttura-paesag- gio’ ma anche nuovi tipi di repertori spaziali dalle geometrie più complesse (più flessibi- li, elastiche e organiche) legate alle dinamiche di un ambiente in mutazione e alle sue manifestazioni multi-scalari: nuove topografie, topologie e topomorfie (ma anche para- tipologie) più ibride perché, paradossalmente, più sensibili alla natura; approcci favoriti dall’attuale capacità eco-tecnologica di lavorare con nuovi materiali responsivi in cui la vegetazione e tutti gli organismi bio-attivi si combinerebbero in nuovi dispositivi spaziali multi-scalari, ‘ambienti in/di rete’, evidenziando il passaggio da un’ecologia difensiva a un’ecologia proattiva e persino a un’ecologia sempre più tecno-performativa

    Barcelona: haec omnia – divisa – tibi dabo
: cohesión y división en la evolución (geo)urbana de una ciudad ambivalentemente compacta

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    Desde la cima del Tibidabo Barcelona se ha presentado, durante muchos años, como un Todo unitario (haec omnia tibi dabo
Todo esto te darĂ©, Mateo 4:9): una masa compacta, sensiblemente regular, extendida entre los dos rĂ­os laterales y el mar (los lĂ­mites que, en el pasado, habĂ­an delimitado su geografĂ­a). Incluso con el salto de escala reciente Barcelona ha conservado su aparente claridad estructural, a pesar de los procesos difusos que han caracterizado estas Ășltimas dĂ©cadas. Sin embargo, bajo esa aparente “unidad/uniformidad”, civil y cĂ­vica, Barcelona ha sido siempre una ciudad dividida, tanto en lo fĂ­sico como en lo social. Lo mĂĄs sorprendente de esa divisiĂłn es su carĂĄcter sistĂ©mico a lo largo del tiempo, al coincidir –en cada periodo– “divisiĂłn sociocultural” y “divisiĂłn fĂ­sica” en ciertos espacios de lĂ­mite claramente reconocibles en la propia estructura urbana y en su propio desarrollo (desde la ciudad romana y medieval hasta la ciudad industrial y postindustrial o la ciudad informacional contemporĂĄnea). En este texto se revisan diversos ejemplos suficientemente explĂ­citos en los que la paradĂłjica ecuaciĂłn unidad-divisiĂłn ha marcado la historia (mesuradamente contradictoria y dual) de una ciudad abierta y cerrada, domĂ©stica y cosmopolita, liberal y conservadora, ambiciosa y temerosa, emprendedora y auto-referencial; una ciudad en la que, en sus mejores momentos, las dos caras de la moneda –los conocidos seny (sentido comĂșn) y rauxa (rabia emocional)– habrĂ­an dejado paso a una tercera vĂ­a, la empenta (el empuje, racional y creativo) capaz de superar solercias e inercias, convenciones, y divisionesFrom the top of Tibidabo, Barcelona has presented itself, for many years, as a unitary Whole (haec omnia tibi dabo ... All this I will give you, Matthew 4: 9): a compact mass, sensibly regular, extended between the two lateral rivers and the sea (the limits that, in the past, had delimited its geography). Even with the recent leap in scale, Barcelona has preserved its apparent structural clarity, despite the diffuse processes that have characterized these last decades. However, under that apparent “unity / uniformity”, civil and civic, Barcelona has always been a divided city, both physically and socially. The most surprising thing about this division is its systemic character over time, as “sociocultural division” and “physical division” coincide –in each period– in certain boundary spaces that are clearly recognizable in the urban structure itself and in its own development (from the Roman and medieval city to the industrial and post-industrial city or the contemporary informational city). In this text several sufficiently explicit examples are reviewed in which the paradoxical unit-division equation has marked the history (moderately contradictory and dual) of an open and closed city, domestic and cosmopolitan, liberal and conservative, ambitious and fearful, entrepreneurial and self -referential; a city in which, in its best moments, the two sides of the coin –the well-known seny (common sense) and rauxa (emotional rage)– would have given way to a third way, the empenta (the drive, rational and creative) capable of overcoming abilities and inertias, conventions, and divisions.Do alto do Tibidabo, Barcelona se apresentou, por muitos anos, como um Todo unitĂĄrio (haec omnia tibi dabo ... Tudo isso Vou te dar, Mateus 4: 9): uma massa sensĂ­vel, compacta e regular, estendida entre dois rios laterais e o mar (os limites que, no passado, delimitaram sua geografia). Mesmo com o recente salto de escala e apesar dos processos difusos que caracterizaram estas Ășltimas dĂ©cadas, Barcelona tem preservado sua aparente clareza estrutural. No entanto, sob essa aparente “unidade / uniformidade”, civil e cĂ­vica, Barcelona sempre foi uma cidade dividida, tanto fĂ­sica como socialmente. O mais surpreendente aspecto desta divisĂŁo, ao longo do tempo, Ă© o seu carĂĄcter sistĂ©mico, uma vez que em cada perĂ­odo coincidem, em determinados espaços de fronteira, a “divisĂŁo sociocultural” e a “divisĂŁo fĂ­sica”, espaços esses claramente reconhecĂ­veis na estrutura urbana e em seu prĂłprio desenvolvimento - desde a cidade romana e medieval Ă  cidade industrial e pĂłs-industrial, ou ainda Ă  cidade informacional contemporĂąnea. Neste texto, sĂŁo revisados exemplos suficientemente explĂ­citos da paradoxal equação unidade-divisĂŁo, que marcou a histĂłria de forma moderada, contraditĂłria e dual: de uma cidade aberta e fechada, domĂ©stica e cosmopolita, liberal e conservadora, ambiciosa e temerosa, empreendedora e auto-referencial; uma cidade em que, nos seus melhores momentos, as duas faces da moeda - o bem conhecido seny (senso comum) e rauxa (fĂșria emocional) - teriam dado lugar a uma terceira alternativa, o empenta (a pulsĂŁo, o racional e criativo) capaz de superar habilidades e inĂ©rcias, convençÔes e divisĂ”es

    Black Ecologies

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    While the adjective "black" or \u201cdark\u201d encompasses the \u201cmurky\u201d condition of urban, peri-urban \u2013 and increasingly para-natural \u2013 scenarios and materials, its sustainable complement (\u201cecologies\u201d) posits the need to foster an investigation of \u201cenvironmental conditions\u201d that leave behind the Bucolic, the Platonic and/or Apollonian ideal: \u201cenvironmental conditions\u201d in which parameters of \u201cnoise\u201d, pollution, attrition, corruption and/or hybridization are considered as a substantive part of the processes being addressed


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    Today the urban planners, through the study of the SMGI data, are able to quickly obtain quantitative and quantitative information on the spatial dynamics of the citizens in the urban context. This practice will be increasingly exploited in the future, especially in the context of environmental or culpable disasters, in which the redesign of an area requires tight deadlines. The question that arises is spontaneous: it will be possible to rethought an urban context in which everyone, being able to access the social networks, will have power to represent their future image of space? What would be the consequences of the user\u2019s immediate responses? Starting from Google Maps and Instagram would you see an overlap or a split between the maps of the physical movements and the maps of the emotional geographies


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    o studio territoriale di reti socio/infra/intra-strutturali ambisce non solo ad integrare differenti sistemi, quanto, e soprattutto, a creare fra questi sinergia e risonanza; focalizzandosi non unicamente sulla mobilit\ue0 urbana infrastrutturale, ma anche, sull\u2019interconnessione fra realt\ue0 geografiche e sociali oggi interrotte: territori oggi frammentati e complessi (come quello della val Polcevera) hanno la necessit\ue0 e l\u2019opportunit\ue0 di essere riattivati e rintrecciati in nuove trame geourbane, in cui connessioni ed interconnessioni assumono un ruolo fondamentale. L\u2019analisi strategica di questi casi di studio vuole illustrare un nuovo approccio contemporaneo ad una pianificazione pi\uf9 multi-sistemica (e multilivello) che invita all\u2019 esplorazione di nuovi tipi di cartografia, mappatura, analisi grafica (diagrammi, ideogrammi, schemi, masterizzazioni) associati ad una rappresentazione pi\uf9 espressiva, comunicativa, plastica e concettualmente esplicita del Disegno Urba
