431 research outputs found

    The Speed of Light and the Hubble Parameter: The Mass-Boom Effect

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    We prove here that Newtons universal gravitation and momentum conservation laws together reproduce Weinbergs relation. It is shown that the Hubble parameter H must be built in this relation, or equivalently the age of the Universe t. Using a wave-to-particle interaction technique we then prove that the speed of light c decreases with cosmological time, and that c is proportional to the Hubble parameter H. We see the expansion of the Universe as a local effect due to the LAB value of the speed of light co taken as constant. We present a generalized red shift law and find a predicted acceleration for photons that agrees well with the result from Pioneer 10/11 anomalous acceleration. We finally present a cosmological model coherent with the above results that we call the Mass-Boom. It has a linear increase of mass m with time as a result of the speed of light c linear decrease with time, and the conservation of momentum mc. We obtain the baryonic mass parameter equal to the curvature parameter, omega m = omega k, so that the model is of the type of the Einstein static, closed, finite, spherical, unlimited, with zero cosmological constant. This model is the cosmological view as seen by photons, neutrinos, tachyons etc. in contrast with the local view, the LAB reference. Neither dark matter nor dark energy is required by this model. With an initial constant speed of light during a short time we get inflation (an exponential expansion). This converts, during the inflation time, the Plancks fluctuation length of 10-33 cm to the present size of the Universe (about 1028 cm, constant from then on). Thereafter the Mass-Boom takes care to bring the initial values of the Universe (about 1015 gr) to the value at the present time of about 1055 gr.Comment: 15 pages, presented at the 9th Symposium on "Frontiers of Fundamental Physics", 7-9 Jan. 2008, University of Udine, Italy. Changed content

    Weak nuclear forces cause the strong nuclear force

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    We determine the strength of the weak nuclear force which holds the lattices of the elementary particles together. We also determine the strength of the strong nuclear force which emanates from the sides of the nuclear lattices. The strong force is the sum of the unsaturated weak forces at the surface of the nuclear lattices. The strong force is then about ten to the power of 6 times stronger than the weak force between two lattice points.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum Information and Wave function Collapse

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    Inofrmation-theoretical restrictions on information transferred in the measurement of object S by information system O are studied. It is shown that such constraints, induced by Heisenberg commutation relations, result in the loss of information about the purity of S state. Consequently, it becomes impossible for O to discriminate pure and mixed S states. In individual events this effect is manifested by the stochastic outcomes of pure S state measurement, i.e. the collapse of pure S state.Comment: 8 pages, talk given on Simposium 'Frontiers of fundamental Physics', Udine, Italy, January 2008, to appear in Proceeding

    Hidden-variable theory versus Copenhagen quantum mechanics

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    The main assumptions the Copenhagen quantum mechanics has been based on will be summarized and the known (not yet decided) contradiction between Einstein and Bohr will be newly analyzed. The given assumptions have been represented basically by time-dependent Schroedinger equation, to which some further assumptions have been added. Some critical comments have been raised against the given mathematical model structure by Pauli (1933) and by Susskind and Glogover (1964). They may be removed if only the Schroedinger equation is conserved and the additional assumptions are abandoned, as shown recently. It seems to be in contradiction to the numerous declarations that the Copenhagen model has been approved by experimental results. However, in the most of these experiments only the agreement with the mere Schroedinger equation has been tested. All mentioned assumptions have been tested practically only in the EPR experiment (measurement of coincidence light transmission through two polarizers) proposed originally by Einstein (1935). Also these experimental results have been interpreted as supporting the Copenhagen alternative, which has not been, however, true. In fact the microscopic world may be described correspondingly only with the help of the hidden-variable theory that is represented by the Schroedinger equation without mentioned additional assumptions, which has the consequence that the earlier interpretation gap between microscopic and macroscopic worlds has been removed. The only difference concerns the existence of discrete states. The possibilities of the human reason of getting to know the nature will be also shortly discussed in the beginning of this contribution.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures; v2: local refinements and improvements of the tex

    Biological Principles in Self-Organization of Young Brain - Viewed from Kohonen Model

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    Variants of the Kohonen model are proposed to study biological principles of self-organization in a model of young brain. We suggest a function to measure aquired knowledge and use it to auto-adapt the topology of neuronal connectivity, yielding substantial organizational improvement relative to the standard model. In the early phase of organization with most intense learning, we observe that neural connectivity is of Small World type, which is very efficient to organize neurons in response to stimuli. In analogy to human brain where pruning of neural connectivity (and neuron cell death) occurs in early life, this feature is present also in our model, which is found to stabilize neuronal response to stimuli

    Evidence for a New Light Boson from Cosmological Gamma-Ray Propagation?

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    An anomalously large transparency of the Universe to gamma rays has recently been discovered by the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) H.E.S.S. and MAGIC. We show that observations can be reconciled with standard blazar emission models provided photon oscillations into a very light Axion-Like Particle occur in extragalactic magnetic fields. A quantitative estimate of this effect is successfully applied to the blazar 3C279. Our prediction can be tested with the satellite-borne Fermi/LAT detector as well as with the ground-based IACTs H.E.S.S., MAGIC, CANGAROOIII, VERITAS and the Extensive Air Shower arrays ARGO-YBJ andMILAGRO. Our result also offers an important observational test for models of dark energy wherein quintessence is coupled to the photon through an effective dimension-five operator.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, Proceeding of the Conference "Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics", AIP Conference Proceedings 1018 (2008

    Organization of the Euclid Data Processing: Dealing with Complexity

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    The data processing development and operations for the Euclid mission (part of the ESA Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Plan) is distributed within a Consortium composed of 14 countries and 1300+ persons: this imposes a high degree of complexity to the design and implementation of the data processing facilities. The focus of this paper is on the efforts to define an organisational structure capable of handling in manageable terms such a complexity

    A novel background reduction strategy for high level triggers and processing in gamma-ray Cherenkov detectors

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    Gamma ray astronomy is now at the leading edge for studies related both to fundamental physics and astrophysics. The sensitivity of gamma detectors is limited by the huge amount of background, constituted by hadronic cosmic rays (typically two to three orders of magnitude more than the signal) and by the accidental background in the detectors. By using the information on the temporal evolution of the Cherenkov light, the background can be reduced. We will present here the results obtained within the MAGIC experiment using a new technique for the reduction of the background. Particle showers produced by gamma rays show a different temporal distribution with respect to showers produced by hadrons; the background due to accidental counts shows no dependence on time. Such novel strategy can increase the sensitivity of present instruments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Proc. of the 9th Int. Syposium "Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics" (FFP9), (AIP, Melville, New York, 2008, in press

    The MAGIC Experiment and Its First Results

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    With its diameter of 17m, the MAGIC telescope is the largest Cherenkov detector for gamma ray astrophysics. It is sensitive to photons above an energy of 30 GeV. MAGIC started operations in October 2003 and is currently taking data. This report summarizes its main characteristics, its rst results and its potential for physics.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium ''Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physics'' (FFP6), Udine (Italy), Sep. 26-29, 200

    Interaction of a CO molecule with a Pt monoatomic chain: the top geometry

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    Recent experiments showed that the conductance of Pt nanocontacts and nanowires is measurably reduced by adsorption of CO. We present DFT calculations of the electronic structure and ballistic conductance of a Pt monoatomic chain and a CO molecule adsorbed in an on-top position. We find that the main electronic molecule-chain interaction occurs via the 5σ5\sigma and 2π⋆2\pi^{\star} orbitals of the molecule, involved in a donation/back-donation process similar to that of CO on transition-metal surfaces. The ideal ballistic conductance of the monoatomic chain undergoes a moderate reduction by about 1.0 G_0 (from 4 G_0 to 3.1 G_0) upon adsorption of CO. By repeating all calculations with and without spin-orbit coupling, no substantial spin-orbit induced change emerges either in the chain-molecule interaction mechanism or in the conductance.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, in proceedings of Frontiers of Fundamental and Computational Physic
