22 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Intention Resistance to Change: A Study of Jabatan Zakat Negeri Kedah Darulaman

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    This study investigates the factors influencing intention resistance to change: A study of Jabatan Zakat Negeri Kedah Darul Aman (JZNK). A research model was developed based on Theory of Reasoned Action to indicate the relationship between attitudes and subjective norms towards intention resistance to change. The objectives of the study are to determine the relationship between attitudes towards intention resistance to change and to examine the relationship between subjective norms and intention resistance to change in organization. This study used the quantitative method involving 80 employees of JZNK. The study hypotheses have been tested by using multiple regression analysis. The results of the study found attitudes factor is supported while subjective norms factor is not supported the hypotheses, which accept the hypothesis HI and reject Hz

    Case study of the Saujana Aromatica Spa and Beauty: Market growth a quest to achieve sustainable enterprise

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    This case examines the impact of the internal and external environment on enterprise business specifically on spa and beauty business. Financial, human and technical constraints appeared to be a major setback for these companies to grow and expand. Ineffective joint venture and lack of effective marketing plan further worsen the company’s earnings as the losses occurred due to poor resources management and limited sources of earning which is mainly from spa service and sales commission.The aim of the case is to emphasis on issues faced by the spa and beauty business specifically registered under enterprise status

    Conceptual framework on transformational leadership style towards employee engagement

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    Over the past two decades, several issues have been raised on employee engagement with regards to contemporary human resource that describes employee engagement as a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind.Employee engagement can be further characterized into vigour, dedication and absorption at workplace.However, some of the problems that decline due to high turnover and related issues arise in organization such as low loyalty, hopping to another organization and high absenteeism.Thus in this research work, it is proposed to investigate the factors that influence employee engagement at Westport Malaysia Sdn Bhd. This correlational study was carried out based on the structured questionnaire circulated to employees who work in various departments.The questionnaires represent the employee engagement as dependent variable and transformational style as independent variable.Initially, a pilot study has been conducted through reliability test and obtained excellent result.Hence, in the further analysis, methodology through statistical analysis is proposed to evaluate the obtained variables

    The effects of workforce diversity towards organizational creativity and the moderating role of knowledge sharing

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    In today’s globalize business environment, organizations face huge challenge in order to successfully survive in competitive market. As a significance, the organizations should continuously improve their performance in order to remain in competitive global market. There are several reason for the growing interest in creativity research. For innovation, creativity considered as fundamental for organizational performance and continuity in global market (Bodla, 2016). When the innovation process constantly demanding for novel solutions for products and service, creativity play an important role in merge and utilize diverse individual’s knowledge (Bouncken et al.,2016). The present study explore one of most current topic which is organizational creativity. In early 1990’s, the issue of organizational creativity received significant attention in many area of social science (Giustiniano et al., 2014). Organizational creativity refer to the creation of valuable and useful new products, service, ideas, procedures or process by individuals who working together in complex social system (Woodman et al., 1993). Organizational creativity serves as creative result of groups, not happen simultaneously with innovation, while it accomplished by gradual changes

    An empirical study on CSFs for pre-development processess implementation at SMEs in Malaysia

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    New product development processes and product innovation in manufacturing organization is promoting an environment of competitive advantage for organization that can make adequate use of the processes.However, Malaysian SMEs is facing with huge obstacles in implementing various product innovation activities particularly the pre development processes due to scarce financial resources, manpower, knowledge, and expertise. In fact, the previous research result shows that more focus were given to the discussing about critical success factor for pre-development process implementation in large organizations compared with SMEs.In reality, SMEs having different characteristics compared with large organizations.Primarily, this study is performed, to identify the critical factors which are able to increase the successful implementation of pre-development in SMEs. In achieving the research objective, Delphi techniques have been used for confirmation to identify critical factors based on previous literature's, whether those factors are suitable with the characteristics and surrounding nature of SMEs.The survey form were sent to 35 respondents whose expertise are in the field of pre-development process.However, the researcher managed to interview 20 expert panels.The result of the research showed that top management factor, team leaders and members of the team were the main contributors leading the successfulness of the pre-development process in the SMEs organization worthwhile training program factor’s effect is low

    Exploring The Drivers of Working from Home Preferences During Covid-19 Pandemic Among Engineers in Manufacturing Company

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    COVID-19 pandemic has changed and forced many parties, including individuals and business organizations, to alter their lifestyles, business patterns and working arrangement. Consequently, this situation cause majority of businesses to implement work from home (WFH) to the employees to ensure the business operations can operate continuously and sustainably. This study is conducted to explore the drivers that contributes to working from home preferences during covid-19 pandemic among engineers in manufacturing company. Specifically, this study examines the work environment, work-life balance, job satisfaction and performance, and work from home preferences. This study employed a purposive sampling technique with several inclusion criteria and was quantitative by using a survey involving 172 engineers in the manufacturing company. The study findings revealed that work environment and work-life balance significantly influence work from home preferences while job satisfaction and job performance are vice versa. This study also highlights the study implications, limitations, and possible future studies

    Halatuju dan permasalahan pelaksanaan proses pra pembangunan produk baharu: Perspektif PKS Malaysia

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    Small and medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) form a substantial role in the development of Malaysian economy. In order to compete in market SMEs needs to develop, produce and introduce new product continuously.The literature reviews have found that there are relatively great numbers of SMEs fail in their new product within a year in market. The first objective of this study is to identify the main goal of SMEs implementing product pre-development process and the second objective is to identify the obstacles that can results failure in product pre-development process implementation especially among food and beverages SMEs in Malaysia.A qualitative approach were employed in this study.A total of 187 food and beverages SMEs involve in this study.The finding indicate that SMEs involve in product predevelopment process because to producing quality product, to ensure product success in market and to prepare accurate financial budget.Meanwhile, the main barrier of pre-development process implementation is lack of careful planning, lack of skill workers and inappropriate training program.The finding in this research can be a useful guideline to food and beverages SMEs for the implementation of the predevelopment process

    Demographic factors associated with retirement planning: A study of employees in Malaysian health sectors

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    Retirement is a stage of life where involvement in certain social activities and desirable conducts become less or narrow.Retirement life without planning requires continuous employment or working and the life style remain same with young age although the individual reaches retirement age. Lack of proper retirement planning preparation will generally bring some disappointment during retirement.Thus, having a proper retirement planning is extremely important.The main aim of the study is to investigate the significant of demographic factors in determining of retirement planning among health sectors based employees. While, the objectives of the current study are to determine the relationship between demographic factors consists of age, education level, gender and household income towards retirement planning. There are 110 set of questionnaires distributed to respondents worked in health sectors.The results of the study revealed that age; education level and household income were supported however intriguing findings for gender was not supported. The findings and the framework of the study will be useful to the Malaysians in preparing a proper retirement planning in their life. The study also serves a guideline to the government and policy maker as well as banking and financial institutions in satisfying the needs and wants from the market

    Implementation of green new product development among SMEs: barriers and critical success factors

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    The phenomenon of outsourcing has spawned a rich body scholarly reseach in sveral decades. However, the answer to one of the pertinent question has remained elusive: Does cost reduction and business strategy really matters to the human resource outsourcing impacts. Looking at this question it is important for the organization to embark on the practice of human resource outsourcing to save operating cost and remain competitive. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the effects of cost reduction and business starategy towards human resource outsourcing impacts. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed and the top management in Malaysian Government Link Companies (GLC’) is the unit of analysis. The findings revelaved that, both variables are significant statistically and non statically i.e from the experts opinion. Finally, the study also provides useful directions for future research, HR Practitioners and policy maker particularly in managing and organizing human reseouce matters

    Cost reduction and business strategy matters to human resource outsourcing? a validation by HR experts from Government Link Companies (GLC’s).

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    The phenomenon of outsourcing has spawned a rich body scholarly reseach in sveral decades. However, the answer to one of the pertinent question has remained elusive: Does cost reduction and business strategy really matters to the human resource outsourcing impacts. Looking at this question it is important for the organization to embark on the practice of human resource outsourcing to save operating cost and remain competitive. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the effects of cost reduction and business starategy towards human resource outsourcing impacts. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were employed and the top management in Malaysian Government Link Companies (GLC’) is the unit of analysis. The findings revelaved that, both variables are significant statistically and non statically i.e from the experts opinion. Finally, the study also provides useful directions for future research, HR Practitioners and policy maker particularly in managing and organizing human reseouce matters