1,936 research outputs found

    Promoting teacher–learner autonomy through and beyond initial language teacher education

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    With the growing international market for pre-experience MA in ELT/TESOL programmes, a key curriculum design issue is how to help students develop as learners of teaching through and beyond their formal academic studies. We report here on our attempts at the University of Warwick to address this issue, and consider wider implications for research and practice in initial language teacher education. At the Centre for Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick, we run a suite of MA programmes for English language teaching professionals from around the world. Most of these courses are for students with prior teaching experience, but our MA in English Language Studies and Methods (ELSM) programme is designed for students with less than two years’ experience and, in fact, the majority enrol straight after completing their undergraduate studies in their home countries

    Environmental perceptions : a case study of Fish Hoek Senior High School

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    Bibliography: leaves 134-143.The study was initiated as a result of a growing concern of the researcher at the apathy prevalent amongst his students at Fish Hoek Senior High School towards environmental activities which took place out of'school hours. Linked to this was a perceived lack of understanding of environmental issues and very little commitment towards positive environmental actions such as recycling. These were students in the final phase of their secondary education at a school situated in a valley bounded by mountains and two oceans and serving a community which is continually involved in disputes over environmental issues. It was therefore disturbing that the environmental experiences both inside and outside the school had largely failed to produce environmentally-committed students. The purpose of the study was to gauge student perceptions and feelings concerning a wide range of environmental concepts and issues both globally and locally. In addition, it was an attempt to establish the level of personal commitment of the students towards a variety of positive environmental actions

    Nearly free electrons in the layered oxide superconductor Ag5Pb2O6

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    We present first measurements of quantum oscillations in the layered oxide superconductor Ag5Pb2O6. From a detailed angular and temperature dependent study of the dHvA effect we determine the electronic structure and demonstrate that the electron masses are very light, m^* is approximately equalt to 1.2 m_e. The Fermi surface we observe is essentially that expected of nearly-free electrons - establishing Ag5Pb2O6 as the first known example of a monovalent, nearly-free electron superconductor at ambient pressure.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Making Anti-de Sitter Black Holes

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    It is known from the work of Banados et al. that a space-time with event horizons (much like the Schwarzschild black hole) can be obtained from 2+1 dimensional anti-de Sitter space through a suitable identification of points. We point out that this can be done in 3+1 dimensions as well. In this way we obtain black holes with event horizons that are tori or Riemann surfaces of genus higher than one. They can have either one or two asymptotic regions. Locally, the space-time is isometric to anti-de Sitter space.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, 6 postscript figures, uses epsf.te

    The Level of Vision Necessary for Competitive Performance in Rifle Shooting: Setting the Standards for Paralympic Shooting with Vision Impairment

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the level of vision impairment (VI) that would reduce performance in shooting; to guide development of entry criteria to visually impaired (VI) shooting. Nineteen international-level shooters without VI took part in the study. Participants shot an air rifle, while standing, toward a regulation target placed at the end of a 10 m shooting range. Cambridge simulation glasses were used to simulate six different levels of VI. Visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity (CS) were assessed along with shooting performance in each of seven conditions of simulated impairment and compared to that with habitual vision. Shooting performance was evaluated by calculating each individual’s average score in every level of simulated VI and normalizing this score by expressing it as a percentage of the baseline performance achieved with habitual vision. Receiver Operating Characteristic curves were constructed to evaluate the ability of different VA and CS cut-off criteria to appropriately classify these athletes as achieving ‘expected’ or ‘below expected’ shooting results based on their performance with different levels of VA and CS. Shooting performance remained relatively unaffected by mild decreases in VA and CS, but quickly deteriorated with more moderate losses. The ability of visual function measurements to classify shooting performance was good, with 78% of performances appropriately classified using a cut-off of 0.53 logMAR and 74% appropriately classified using a cut-off of 0.83 logCS. The current inclusion criteria for VI shooting (1.0 logMAR) is conservative, maximizing the chance of including only those with an impairment that does impact performance, but potentially excluding some who do have a genuine impairment in the sport. A lower level of impairment would include more athletes who do have a genuine impairment but would potentially include those who do not actually have an impairment that impacts performance in the sport. An impairment to CS could impact performance in the sport and might be considered in determining eligibility to take part in VI competition

    Early-Adulthood Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Profiles Among Individuals With and Without Diabetes in the Framingham Heart Study

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    OBJECTIVE Many studies of diabetes have examined risk factors at the time of diabetes diagnosis instead of considering the lifetime burden of adverse risk factor levels. We examined the 30-year cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor burden that participants have up to the time of diabetes diagnosis. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Among participants free of CVD, incident diabetes cases (fasting plasma glucose ≄126 mg/dL or treatment) occurring at examinations 2 through 8 (1979–2008) of the Framingham Heart Study Offspring cohort were age- and sex-matched 1:2 to controls. CVD risk factors (hypertension, high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, obesity) were measured at the time of diabetes diagnosis and at time points 10, 20, and 30 years prior. Conditional logistic regression was used to compare risk factor levels at each time point between diabetes cases and controls. RESULTS We identified 525 participants with new-onset diabetes who were matched to 1,049 controls (mean age, 60 years; 40% women). Compared with those without diabetes, individuals who eventually developed diabetes had higher levels of hypertension (odds ratio [OR], 2.2; P = 0.003), high LDL (OR, 1.5; P = 0.04), low HDL (OR, 2.1; P = 0.0001), high triglycerides (OR, 1.7; P = 0.04), and obesity (OR, 3.3; P < 0.0001) at time points 30 years before diabetes diagnosis. After further adjustment for BMI, the ORs for hypertension (OR, 1.9; P = 0.02) and low HDL (OR, 1.7; P = 0.01) remained statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS CVD risk factors are increased up to 30 years before diagnosis of diabetes. These findings highlight the importance of a life course approach to CVD risk factor identification among individuals at risk for diabetes

    On the quest for unification - simplicity and antisimplicity

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    The road towards unification of elementary interactions is thought to start on the solid ground of a universal local gauge principle. I discuss the different types of bosonic gauge symmetries in gravitational and nongravitational (standard model) interactions and their extensions both fermionic, bosonic and with respect to space-time dimensions. The apparently paradoxical size and nature of the cosmological constant is sketched, which at first sight does not readily yield a clue as to the envelopping symmetry structure of a unified theory. Nevertheless a tentative outlook is given encouraging to proceed on this road.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    The lattice stiffening transition in UO2 single crystals

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    The effective Debye temperatures (ΞDE) of the surface region of UO2 single crystals, prepared by the hydrothermal synthesis technique, were obtained from temperature-dependent x-ray photoemission in the temperature range of 300 K–623 K. A lattice stiffening transition, characterized by different regions of different effective Debye temperature, 500 ± 59 K below 475 K and 165 ± 21 K above 475 K is identified. A comparison of the temperature dependence of the effective UO2 Debye temperature, with the changes in the lattice expansion coefficient for UO2, support strong lattice-phonon interaction arising from the Jahn–Teller distortion

    Report on the State of Available Data for the Study of International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment

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    This report, prepared for the Committee on Economic Statistics of the American Economic Association, examines the state of available data for the study of international trade and foreign direct investment. Data on values of imports and exports of goods are of high quality and coverage, but price data suffer from insufficient detail. It would be desirable to have more data measuring value-added in trade as well as prices of comparable domestic and imported inputs. Value data for imports and exports of services are too aggregated and valuations are questionable, while price data for service exports and imports are almost non-existent. Foreign direct investment data are of high quality but quality has suffered from budget cuts. Data on trade in intellectual property are fragmentary. The intangibility of the trade makes measurement difficult, but budget cuts have added to the difficulties. Modest funding increases would result in data more useful for research and policy analysis.
