22 research outputs found

    Calendario para el Reyno de Valencia...: Año 1902

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    Microfilme. Valencia : BV, ca. 1990Recurso electrónico. Valencia : BVNP, 20141902_A_95667

    Effect of hemin on macrophage-inflammatory-protein-1 alpha (MIP-1α) in perirenal adipose tissue and the kidneys of ZDF.

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    <p>Hemin therapy significantly reduced the elevated levels of MIP-1α in (<b>A</b>) perirenal adipose tissues and (<b>B</b>) kidney from ZDF, but the hemin-effect was annulled by co-treatment with the HO blocker SnMP, while treatment with SnMP alone further increased the levels Bars represent means ± SEM; <i>n = 6</i> rats per group (*p<0.01 <i>vs</i> all groups; <sup>†</sup>p<0.05, <i>vs</i> all groups; <b><sup>§</sup></b>p<0.01 <i>vs</i> all groups).</p

    Effect of hemin on the expression of ED-1, ED2, CD206 and IL10 in renal tissues of ZDF.

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    <p>Representative Western immunoblots and relative densitometry indicates that hemin therapy significantly (<b>A</b>) reduced ED-1, but (<b>B</b>) enhanced ED2, (<b>C</b>) increased CD206, and (<b>D</b>) enhanced IL10 expression in ZDF. Bars represent means ± SEM; <i>n = 4</i> rats per group (*p<0.05, **p<0.01 vs ZL-Control; <b><sup>§</sup></b>p<0.05, <b><sup>§§</sup></b>p<0.01 <i>vs</i> ZL-Control; <sup>#</sup>p<0.01 <i>vs</i> ZL-Control; <sup>@</sup>p<0.01 <i>vs</i> ZDF-Control).</p

    Effects of hemin, the HO inducer and SnMP, the HO inhibitor on TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β, of the parirenal adipose tissue from ZDF and ZL rats.

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    <p>Hemin therapy significantly reduced the elevated levels of (<b>A</b>) TNF-α, (<b>B</b>) IL-6 and (<b>C</b>) IL-1β in ZDF rats, but the hemin effects were reversed by co-treatment with the HO blocker SnMP, while treatment with SnMP alone further increased the levels. Hemin also reduced TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β in ZL rats, but less effectively as compared to ZDF rats. Bars represent means ± SEM; <i>n = 6</i> rats per group (*p<0.05, **p<0.01 <i>vs</i> all groups;<sup> †</sup>p<0.05, <sup>††</sup>p<0.01 <i>vs</i> all groups; <b><sup>§</sup></b>p<0.05, <b><sup>§§</sup></b>p<0.01 <i>vs</i> all groups).</p

    Immunolabelling of HO-1 in the kidney of ZDF-control and ZDF-treated with hemin therapy.

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    <p>Representative images of kidney section from different rats reveal that HO-1 is more expressed in ZDF+hemin group (panels <b><i>iv–vi</i></b>) as compared to the ZDF-control group (panels <b><i>i–iii</i></b>). (Magnification×200).</p

    Effect of hemin, the HO inducer and SnMP, the HO inhibitor on plasma ANP, urinary cGMP and plasma adiponectin in ZDFs and ZLs.

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    <p>Hemin therapy significantly increased the depressed basal levels of (<b>A</b>) ANP, (<b>B</b>) urinary cGMP and (<b>C</b>) plasma adiponectin in ZDF rats, but was reversed by co-treatment with the HO blocker SnMP, while treatment with SnMP alone further depleted the basal levels. Hemin also increased plasma ANP, urinary cGMP and plasma adiponectin in ZL rats. Bars represent means ± SEM; <i>n = 6</i> rats per group (*p<0.05 <i>vs</i> all groups, <sup>†</sup>p<0.01 <i>vs</i> all groups, <sup>§</sup>p<0.05 <i>vs</i> all groups).</p

    Effects of hemin, the HO inducer and SnMP, the HO inhibitor on 8-isoprostane and ET-1 of the parirenal adipose tissue from ZDF and ZL rats.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) The basal 8-isoprostane levels in ZDF rats were markedly elevated as compared to ZL-control rats, but were significantly reduced by hemin, whereas SnMP nullified the hemin effect. (<b>B</b>) The basal ET-1 levels in ZDF rats were significantly elevated as compared to ZL-control rats, but were reduced by hemin, whereas SnMP nullified the hemin effect. Hemin also reduced 8-isoprostane and ET-1 in ZL rats, but less effectively as compared to ZDF rats. Bars represent means ± SEM; <i>n = 6</i> rats per group (*p<0.05 <i>vs</i> all groups, <sup>†</sup>p<0.05, <sup>††</sup>p<0.01 <i>vs</i> all groups;<sup> §</sup>p<0.05 <i>vs</i> all groups).</p

    Effect of hemin and stannous mesoporphyrin (SnMP) on physiological variables in Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) and Zucker lean (ZL) rats.

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    †<p>p<0.05 vs controls;</p>*<p>p<0.05,</p>**<p>p<0.01 <i>vs</i> control ZDF or control ZL,</p>§<p>p<0.05 <i>vs</i> ZDF+Hemin, n = 6 per group.</p

    Masson’s trichrome staining of collagen deposition and fibrosis the in kidney.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Representative images of kidney section from two different rats. Sections from untreated ZDF-controls (panels <b><i>A-iii</i></b> and <b><i>A-iv</i></b>) indicate severe fibrosis in tubulointerstitial, perivascular and glomerulus as compared with ZL-control rats (panels <b><i>A-i</i></b> and <b><i>A-ii</i></b>), which interestingly were attenuated by hemin (panels <b><i>A-v</i></b> and <b><i>A-vi</i></b>). (Magnification×200) (<b>B</b>) Semi-quantitative evaluation showed that hemin reduced collagen deposition. Bars represent means ± SEM; <i>n = 4–6</i> rats per group (*p<0.05 <i>vs</i> all groups).</p

    Effect of hemin therapy on liver expression of TGF-β, fibronectin, collagen-IV and osteopontin in ZDFs.

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    <p>Representative Western immunoblots and relative densitometry revealed that hemin therapy markedly reduced the elevated basal expression of (A) TGF-β, (B) fibronectin, (C) collagen-IV and (D) osteopontin in ZDFs. Bars represent means ± SEM; <i>n = 4</i> rats per group (*p<0.01 <i>vs</i> Control-ZL; <sup>†</sup>p<0.05 <i>vs</i> Control-ZL).</p