3 research outputs found
Childhood Trauma Effects on the Development of Personality and Mental Health
Childhood traumas are represented by events influencing a person's life affectingpersonality development and mental health. These traumas can be of several kinds, interpersonal andevents that happen outside on a wider scale. The effects of traumatic events are observed on physicalhealth, founding of relations, but also on mental health through the possibility of developing mentaldisorders. Young children pose an increased risk for traumatic events due to their dependence onparents or careers. But not all traumatic events affect more people, sometimes they come back tonormal life. But those who are severely affected by traumatic events may develop mental disorderssuch as post-traumatic stress or schizophrenia
Eating Disorders and the Media
Eating disorders are an increasingly common problem affecting younger people. These areof different types with effects and symptoms related to both the physical and the psychic side. Themedia is the main tool that leads to the spread of an image considered ideal which then induces a feelingof dissatisfaction among the population and a desire to reach that physical ideal. Thus, eating disordersarise from the desire to be someone else and to overcome an image of a fragile self
Psychology and Art-Painting
Psychology and art seem to have two areas that do not have much in common but the twohave been combined in such a way that the psychology of art has appeared. A product of this psychologyis even art therapy, and painting is one of the most effective methods used in this therapy. Alsopsychology topics are played in many paintings over time, and this may be one of the reasons why weare attracted to certain paintings