240 research outputs found

    Medicinal Plants Used by Herbal Healers in Narasipura and Manchale Villages of Sagara Taluk, Karnataka, India

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    The present study was designed to study the Medicinal plants used by herbalhealers in Narasipura and Manchale villages of Sagara Taluk, Karnataka, India. The people, particularly from rural places, depend on herbs for primaryhealth care where ethnomedicinal use of plants has been practiced since timeimmemorial. Sagara taluk is located in the midst of the Western Ghats regionof Shivamogga District, Karnataka State, India. Ethnobotanical field surveyswere conducted from January to March 2012 to document the uses of medicinal plants by herbal healers in villages Narasipura and Manchale ofSagarataluk, Karnataka state, India. A total of 21 plants in Narasipura and 14plants in Manchale were documented. The information about local name,partsused, type of formulation and disorders for which they were used aredocumented


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    In the last few years, several studies efforts had been executed to merge the Internet of Things (IoT) with smart metropolis environments. The reason to make a city “clever” is springing up as a likely approach to reduce the troubles due to the city population growth and fast urbanization. Attention additionally has targeted at the pedestrian crossings because of the truth they may be one of the maximum dangerous locations inside the delivery place. Information and Communications Technologies can virtually be a notable assist in growing infrastructures that might first-rate manage pedestrian crossing. This mission uses an onboard laptop that is typically termed as a microcontroller. It acts as the coronary heart of the mission. This onboard pc can correctly speak with the sensors being used. The controller is supplied with some internal memories to keep the code. This memory is used to unload some units of meeting commands into the controller. And the functioning of the controller is depending on the ones assembly instructions. When there's Vehicle arrival, the microcontroller indicators thru buzzer and clears off the movable platform. Limit switches help the microcontroller to evaluate the platform movement. The device detects any presence of people and controls the gadgets like lighting fixtures. The device uses LDR sensor for day or night time daylight sensing and moreover controls the electric devices like lighting, fans and many others using relay switches

    Empowering Visually Impaired through the Assistance of SAHAYAK – A Walking Aid for the Blind

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    To help blind people overcoming difficulty in their movement in the physical environment and even in their home, a study on an engineering concept is very much necessary. So, our research comes out with an aid that will help blind people in their surroundings. It can detect any obstacle that will block the path of the blind. And The motion of the user can be sensed by the bot. Thus, Blind people can comfortably receive the help of our bot in assisting their movement from one place to another. This paper describes about an automated vehicle which can be controlled by an ultrasonic sensor to avoid obstacles when they move in their environment. Our automated robotic system is made up of an ultrasonic sensor and Arduino micro controller controls our automated bot. It is located in the front part of the bot. The ultrasonic sensor retrieves the data from the environment through the sensors attached to the bot. When any obstacle is detected then immediately that path is changed and an obstacle free path is chosen. The bot wheel is moved based on the data received by the controller from the sensor. The direction and wheel movement of the bot and will be decided from the ultrasonic sensor sensing and also using wheel encoder. It is used for detection and avoidance of interference. The controller is also programmed to be used with an android application

    Using Multi-Label Multi-Class Support Vector Machines with Semantic and Lexical Features for Aspect Category Detection

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    In contrast to the aspects, aspect categories are often coarser and don't always appear as terms in sentences. Besides, the typical way to element the types associated with part is generally grainier concerning factors and doesn't exist within verdicts. The primary intent of the study is to investigate the efficacy of Lexicon, linguistic, vector-based, and features correlated to semantics within the aspect of the responsibility built with the finding of aspect category detection ACD). Semantic and emotional data are captured via vector-based features. Further, it examines vector-based feature superiority issues within the compression of features of text-based characteristics. Study purposes to the linguistic efficacy with the Lexicon, linguistic, and semantic features, also vector-based dependent to the system. Also, the information led with vector-based features that capture the semantic with sentimental analysis characteristics. With the experimental outcomes, the performance efficacy with the vector-based features outperformed text-based features. The methodologies associated with deep learning have generated features within the vector orientation relevant to the word-based structures. Therefore, the proposed method achieved effectiveness with the determined constraints by applying the metrics of precision, recall, and F1 scores. Correlating with the performance of ABSA's state-of-the-art techniques, the proposed research process gained superior outcomes

    Ascertaining Along With Taxonomy of Vegetation Folio Ailment Employing CNN besides LVQ Algorithm

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    In agriculture, early disease detection is crucial for increasing crop yield. The diseases Microbial Blotch, Late Blight, Septoria leaf spot, and yellow twisted leaves all have an impact on tomato crop productivity. Automatic plant illness classification systems can assist in taking action after ascertaining leaf disease symptoms. This paper emphasis on multi-classification of tomato crop illnesses employs Convolution Neural Network (CNN) model and Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) algorithm-based methodology. The dataset includes 500 photographs of Tomato foliage with four clinical manifestations. CNN paradigm performs feature extraction and categorization in which color information is extensively used in plant leaf disease investigations. The model's filters have been applied to triple conduit similar tendency on RGB hues. The LVQ was fed during training by a yield countenance vector of the convolution component. The experimental results reveal that the proposed method accurately detects four types of solanaceous leaf diseases


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    In the cloud, for accomplishing access control and keeping information classified, the information proprietors could embrace trait based encryption to encode the put away information. Clients with restricted registering power are however more inclined to assign the veil of the decoding undertaking to the cloud servers to diminish the figuring cost. Thus, quality based encryption with designation develops. In any case, there are admonitions and inquiries staying in the past significant works. For example, amid the assignment, the cloud servers could alter or supplant the designated ciphertext and react a fashioned figuring result with vindictive plan. They may likewise cheat the qualified clients by reacting them that they are ineligible with the end goal of cost sparing. Besides, amid the encryption, the entrance strategies may not be sufficiently adaptable too. Since approach for general circuits empowers to accomplish the most grounded type of access control, a development for acknowledging circuit ciphertext-approach property based cross breed encryption with undeniable designation has been considered in our work. In such a framework, joined with unquestionable calculation and encode then-macintosh instrument, the information classification, the fine-grained get to control what's more, the accuracy of the appointed figuring comes about are very much ensured in the meantime. Plus, our plan accomplishes security against picked plaintext assaults under the k-multilinear Decisional Diffie-Hellman supposition. In addition, a broad recreation crusade affirms the possibility and productivity of the proposed arrangement

    Utilizing genomic resources for understanding the stay-green QTLs interactions in Sorghum

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    Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] is a fifth most important cereal crop in the world providing food, fodder/forage and bio-fuel. The postrainy sorghum crop in India is grown on residual moisture and inadvertently faces terminal drought. “Stay-green” (delayed senescence) is a post-flowering drought tolerance response, which help plants to maintain photosynthetically active leaf area and continue to fill their grains normally under stress. Sorghum crop is referred to express functional type of staygreen and the trait has been mapped to six major QTLs viz., Stg1, Stg2, Stg3A, Stg3B, StgC and Stg4. However, the gap in understanding the key mechanism has not been deciphered clearly. In this scenario to understand the actual mechanism of the stay-green pathway the information from different crops on candidate genes responsible for stay-green phenotype were considered viz., STAY-GREEN (SGR) along with one or two homologous (SGR1or NYE1/SGRL); Pheophytin Pheophorbide Hydrolase (PPH); Pheophorbide a Oxygenase (PAO); Red Chlorophyll Catabolite Reductase (RCCR); Non-Yellow Coloring (NYC) and it’s homologous NYC1-Like (NOL); 7-Hydroxymethyl Chlorophyll a Reductase (HCAR) from Zea mays, Arabidopsis thaliana and Orzya sativa. Apart from these, senescence associated genes SAG2, SAG102 and SAG39 were also considered from Arabidopsis thaliana and Orzya sativa respectively. The sequence and functional/annotation information for these genes retrieved for sequence similarity search and it has revealed 45 to 88 % of similarity in sorghum. The mapping of these candidate gene sequences within the defined QTL regions contributing for Stay-green has given an insight to utilize the re-sequencing data for improved drought tolerance in sorghum


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    The recommended kinds of automatic test packet generation will discover the sorts of router and can produce a model that's device-independent. While automatic test packet generation approach goodies links like common rules of forwarding, its complete coverage assurances testing of each and every single link within the network. Two most ordinary causes of failures of network are hardware failures in addition to software bugs, which issues will noticeable themselves as throughput degradation. The recommended kinds of automatic test packet generation will produce packets instantly for testing of performance assertions helping in recognition of errors by individually and methodically testing every forwarding entry, in addition to packet processing rules within network. To understand the failures we initiate an example test packet generation that produces tiniest packet looking for testing of live lines of fundamental topology and congruence among data plane condition in addition to specifications of configuration
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