15 research outputs found

    The relationship among spawning period, length at first maturity and depth distribution of Mullus barbatus and Upeneus moluccensis inhabiting the Northeastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey

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    This study examined the spawning characteristics and distribution of Mullus barbatus and Upeneus moluccensis in Babadillimani Bight, in the northeastern Mediterranean (near Mersin, Turkey) between of May 1999 and April 2000. Sampling was carried out monthly at depths of 0-50 m, 50-100 m and >100 m using commercial trawl net mesh size 22 mm knot to knot. The results showed no difference between the length at first maturity of males and females (t-test, P>0.001) in either M. barbatus or U. moluccensis. This length for the combined sexes was calculated to be 11.7 cm and 10.9 cm in M. barbatus and U. moluccensis, respectively. When monthly changes in the Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) values were evaluated, the spawning period was determined as July-November for M. barbatus and May-August for U. moluccensis. The mean total lengths from the individuals belonging to M. barbatus from depth layers of 0-50 m, 50-100 m and >100 m were calculated as 8.65 cm, 8.70 cm and 12.70 cm, respectively. Total lengths for U. moluccensis were calculated as 8.40 cm, 11.66 cm and 13.32 cm, respectively. The mean total length of M. barbatus and U. moluccensis increased from coastal areas to deeper waters. Therefore bottom trawl fishing must be conducted in waters deeper than 100 m for both M. barbatus and U. moluccensis

    Babadıllimanı koyu'ndaki (Silifke-Mersin) derin su pempe karidesinin (parapenaeus longirostris lucas, 1846) biyoekolojik özellikleri ve populasyon dinamiği parametreleri

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    TEZ6707Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2008.Kaynakça (s.101-112) var.x, 113 s. : rnk.res. ; 29 cm.This study was carried out in the waters of 0-50m, 50-100m and >100m of depths in Babadillimani Bight between May 1999 and April 2000 through monthly deep trawls applications. Mean CPUE of total 36 deep-trawls was 68.600 61.889kg/h, and mean CPUE of the deep-water rose shrimps,was 5.480 5.463kg/h, which consists of 8% of the total catching. After the measurements and calculations of 3886 deep-water rose shrimps, it was determined that male/female ratio was 1:3, and length at first maturity lengths was 18.2mm and (%CL50) value was 14.53mm. It was also determined that female individuals had developed eggs in the period between November and June, and reproduced intensively two times a year: between December and March, and between April and June. The diameter of ripe eggs varied from 0.54mm to 0.60mm, and average fecundity was 49126.52 25523.86.Bu çalısma, Mayıs 1999 ile Nisan 2000 tarihleri arasında Babadıllimanı Koyu'nda 0- 50m, 50-100m ve 100m'den daha derin sularda aylık dip trolü çekimleri ile gerçeklestirilmistir. Toplam 36 dip trolü çekiminin ortalama birim çabada yakalanan ürün (BÇYÜ) değerinin 68.600 61.889kg saat-1; bunun içinde derin su pembe karidesinin ortalama BÇYÜ değerinin ise 5.480 5.463kg saat-1 ve toplam avın %8'ini olusturduğu hesaplanmıstır. Toplam 3886 derin su pembe karidesinde yapılan ölçümler ve hesaplamalar sonucunda; erkek/disi oranının 1:3; ilk eseysel olgunluğa ulastıkları karapaks boyun 18.2mm ve ilk yakalama boyunun (%KB50) 14.53mm olduğu belirlenmistir. Disi bireylerin Kasım ayından Haziran ayına kadarki dönemde olgun yumurtalara sahip oldukları ve yılda 2 kez olmak üzere; yoğun olarak Aralık-Mart ile Nisan-Haziran dönemlerinde üreme faaliyetini gerçeklestirdiği; olgun yumurta çaplarının 0.45- 0.60mm'ler arasında değistiği ve yumurta verimliliğinin ortalama 49126.52 25523.86 adet birey olduğu saptanmıstır.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:SÜF2003D

    Abundance and Depth Distribution of Deep Water Rose Shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris Lucas, 1846) in Babadillimanı Bight (Turkey)

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    Bu çalışma, Mayıs 1999-Nisan 2000 tarihleri arasında Babadıllimanı Koyu'nda 0-50, 50-100 ve 100 m'den daha derin sularda aylık dip trolü çekimleri ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Toplam 36 dip trolü çekiminden 2469,125 kg canlı elde edilmiş olup; ortalama Birim Çabada Yakalanan Ürün (CPUE) değeri 68.600 ±61.889 kg saat-1 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Toplam av içerisinde kemikli balıkların %53,06'lık bir değerle birinci sırada yer aldığı; bunu %15.93, %13.16, %9.47 ve %8.89'lik değerlerle kabuklular, kıkırdaklı balıklar, kafadan bacaklılar ve diğerlerinin oluşturduğu belirlenmiştir. Kabuklular grubunda bulunan derin su pembe karidesinin (Parapenaeus longirostris) ortalama CPUE değerinin ise, 5.480 ±5.463kg saat-1 olduğu ve toplam avın %8'ni oluşturduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca derinlik katmanlarına göre, bu türün en yüksek av miktarının %83.65'lik bir değerle 100m'den daha derin derinlik katmanından sağlanmış olduğu; bunu %14.19'luk bir değerle 50-100m ve %2.16'lık bir değerle de 0-50m derinlik katmanlarının izlendiği belirlenmiştir. Derin su pembe karidesinin yaşam alanı olarak daha çok siltli ve killi sediment yapısını tercih ettiği; derinlik ve sıcaklık artıkça ürün miktarının da arttığı saptanmıştırThis study was carried out in Babadıllimanı Bight between May 1999 and April 2000 in 0- 50m, 50-100m and >100m depth ranges using monthly deep trawling. Through total 36 deep trawls, 2569.12 kg material was obtained at total, while the mean CPUE was 68.600±61.889 kg/hour. The fish accounted for 33.06 of total catch, while the crustaceans (13.73%), chondrichthyes (9.47%) and cepholapod (8,89%) followed it. Deep water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) explained 8% of total catch, and its mean CPUE was calculated as 5.480±5.463 kg/hour. As to depth ranges, the highest abundance of this species was found in the depths of >100m, and this was followed by 50-100m (14.19 %) and 0-50m (2.16%). The species seem to prefer silt-clay sediments to live in, and its abundance increases with depth and temperature

    Growth, mortality rate and exploitations rate of the deep-water rose shrimp (parapenaeus longirostris) in the Babad?lliman? Bight(Silifke-Mersin)

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    Bu çalışma, Haziran 1999-Nisan 2000 tarihleri arasında Babadıllimanı Koyu'nda 0-50m, 50-100m ve 100m'den daha derin sularda aylık dip trolü çekimleri ile gerçekle?tirilmiştir. Karapaks boyu-Toplam boy arasındaki ilişkinin erkek bireyler için CL= -0,2257+0,2243*TL (R2=0,9216, n= 923), dişi bireyler için CL= -0,2148+0,222*TL (R2 =0,9649, n= 2859) ve toplam bireyler için ise CL= -0,0952+0,2223*TL (R2= 0,9652, n= 3886) şeklinde doğrusal; karapaks boyu-ağırlık ilişki denkleminin erkekler için W= 0,0015*CL2,6252, dişiler için W= 0,0009*CL2,8190 ve bunların toplamı için W=0,001*CL2,7954 olduğu hesaplanmıştır. von Bertalanffy boyca büyüme sabitlerinin erkek bireyler için CL = 31,20mm, K= 0,76 yıl1yıl^ {-1}, t0= -0,386 yıl, C= 0,65, WP= 0,65; di?i bireyler için CL = 32,30mm, K= 0,77 yıl1yıl^ {-1}, t0= -0,387 yıl, C= 0,80, WP= 0,57 ve her iki e?ey ile jüvenil bireylerinde olu?turdu?u toplam bireyler için ise CL = 32,10mm, K= 0,76 yıl1yıl^ {-1}, t0= -0,394 yıl, C= 0,60 ve WP= 0,65 olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada söz konusu türün toplam bireyleri için toplam (Z), do?al (M), balıkçılık nedeniyle olan (F) ölümlerin üssi katsayıları ve stoktan yararlanma düzeyinin sırasıyla 4,00 yıl1yıl^ {-1}, 1,29 yıl1yıl^ {-1}, 2,71 yıl1yıl^ {-1} ve 0,67 yıl1yıl^ {-1} olduğu saptanmıştır.This study was carried out through monthly deep trawls applications in the waters of 0-50m, 50-100m and >100m of depths in Babadillimani Bight between June 1999-April 2000. There was a linear relationship between carapace length and total length in males and females CL= -0.2257+0.2243*TL (R2= 0.9216, n= 923) for males, CL= -0.2148+0.222*TL (R2= 0.9649, n=2859) for females, and CL= 0.0952+0.2223*TL (R2= 0.9652, n= 3886) for total individuals. As to equation of relationship between carapace length and weight, it was W= 0.0015*CL2.6252 for males, W= 0.0009*CL2.8190 for females, and W= 0.001*CL2.7954 for total individuals. The von Bertalanffy growth constants in length was CL = 31.20mm, K= 0.76/year, t0= -0.386 year, C= 0.65, WP=0.65 for males; CL = 32.30mm, K= 0.77 year1year^ {-1}, t0= -0.387 year, C= 0.80, WP= 0.57 for females; and CL = 32.10mm, K= 0.76 year1year^ {-1}, t0= -0.394 year, C= 0.60 and WP= 0.65 for total individuals including juveniles as well as sexually maturated ones. In the study, for all the individuals of the species, the total (Z), natural (M) and fishing (F) mortality coefficient and exploitation rates (E) were determined as 4.00, 1.29, 2.71 and E= 0.67 year1year^ {-1}, respectively

    Some biological peculiarities of thornback ray, Raja clavata (Linnaeus, 1758) in the northeast Mediterranean

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    Bu çalışma, 1999-2003 yılları arasında dip trolü avcılığından elde edilen Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz’deki Deniz Tilkisi (Raja clavata Linnaeus, 1758)’nin bazı biyolojik özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. İncelenen 90 adet bireylerin % 58,88’inin erkek, % 41,12’sinin ise dişilerden oluştuğu saptanmış olup; incelenen balık boylarının boy ölçüm değerlerinin minimum 29,30 cm ve maksimum 64,60 cm arasında değişirken; ağırlık değerlerinin 110,00-1120,00 g kadar değişim gösterdiği ve yaş gruplarının I. ile VIII. yaşlar arasında değiştiği saptanmıştır. Boy-ağırlık ilişkisinin W= 0,0034*L3.1003 ve von Bertalanffy Boyca ve Ağırlıkça büyüme sabitlerinin L?= 79,66 cm, K= 0,133 yıl-1, t0= -2,70 yıl ve W?= 2666,20 gr olduğu hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca stoktan yararlanma oranının E= 0,54 yıl-1 olduğu; böylece bölge deniz tilkilerinin avcılık baskısının oluşmaya başladığı ve buna ek olarak bu türün mide içeriğinin temel bileşenini kabukluların oluşturduğu belirlenmiştir.This study was performed to identify the biological peculiarities of thornback, collected using deep trawl from the Northeast Mediterranean between 1999 and 2003. It was determined that 90 individuals were composed of 58.88% males and 41.12 % females; while the lengths ranged from 29.30-64.60 cm, weight varied between of 110.00-1120.00 g and age composition changed from I to VIII. The total length-weight relationship were W=0.0034*L3.1003 and von Bertalanffy's growth constant in length and weight were also estimated as L∞=79.66 cm, K=0.133 year-1, t0=-3.03 year and W∞=2666.20 g. In addition, it was identified that the exploitation rate is E=0.54 year-1. Therefore, it was estimated that fishing on the thornback stock, and this species stomachs contained mainly Crustacea

    Babadıllimanı Koyu’ndaki (Kuzeydoğu Akdeniz) İndo-Pasifik Iskarmoz Balığı’nda (Saurida undosquamis, Richardson, 1848) popülasyon parametreleri.

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    Bu çalışma, kuzeydoğu Akdeniz’deki Indo-Pasifik Iskarmozu (Saurida undosquamis Richardson, 1848)’nun yaş, büyüme, üreme ve ölüm oranlarını belirlenmek amacıyla yapılmış olup; Mayıs 1999-Nisan 2000 tarihleri arasında aylık olarak gerçekleştirilen dip trolü örneklemeleri sonucunda elde edilen 2757 adet S. undosquamis incelenmiştir. Boy-Ağırlık ilişkisinin l-1, to = --1, M=0.4033yıl-1 ve F=0.3631yıl-1 olduğu, stoktan yararlanma düzeyleri dikkate alındığında ise, bölgede hemen hemen optimum düzeyde yararlanıldığı (0.47 yıl-1) belirlenmiştir.This study was performed to assess exploitation, growth characteristics, reproduction, mortality rates and exploitation rate of the Brushtooth lizardfish (Saurida undosquamis), from the Babadillimanı Bight, located in the Western entrance of Mersin Bay. For this purpose, 2757 individuals Brushtooth lizardfish were obtained by monthly samplings between May 1999 and April 2000, and they consisted of 39 % males, 29% females and 32% juveniles. Considering growth characteristics, Length-weight relationship was W = 0.0047xL3.095, and von Bertalanffy growth constants in length and weight were L∞ = 41.57 cm, K = 0.118 year-1, to =-1.895 year and W∞ = 474.59 g, respectively. It was also estimated that total mortality was Z = 0.7664 year-1, and its components were M = 0.4033 year-1, F = 0.3631 year-1. When exploitation rate was taken into account, it was found that the Brushtooth lizardfish was under exploited (E=0.47 year-1) in the Babadillimanı Bight

    Population dynamics of an emergent invasive fish, striped piggy, Pomadasys stridens (Actinopterygii, Perciformes, Haemulidae) in the Gulf of İskenderun, north-eastern Mediterranean

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    The striped piggy, Pomadasys stridens (Forsskål, 1775), is a recent invasive fish species in the eastern Mediterranean. Although its population dynamics was investigated in detail in its natural distribution area, the western Indian Ocean, an important data gap still exists in the Mediterranean. This study was carried out to determine the growth, mortality, and the length–weight and length–length relations of invasive striped piggy right after its establishment in the area. Samples were collected seasonally between April 2014 and December 2015 by using bottom trawl from 10 and 20 m depth contours off the north-western coast of the Gulf of Iskenderun. After the length, weight, and sex of fish were recorded, sagittal otoliths were extracted and examined for age determination. Then length–length, length–weight, and length at age relations, growth performance, and mortality rates were calculated for both sexes and pooled data. In the study, a total of 1131 individuals were investigated, the total length of which ranged between 7.3 and 18.9 cm. The mean length was 12.32 ± 0.11 cm. There was no significant difference between the length–weight relation (LWR) parameters of sexes and pooled data. The overall LWR was found to be TW = 0.0113 * TL^3.096 in all specimens. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters were not significantly different between males and females. The model parameters for both sexes were L∞ = 22.01 cm, K = 0.22 years–1, t0 = –1.30 years. The growth performance index (Ø′) was calculated as Ø′ = 2.03. For combined sexes, the total, natural and fishery mortality rates were Z = 1.14 years–1, M = 0.66 years–1, and F = 0.48 years–1, respectively. The exploitation rate of the stock was found to be E = 0.42. The growth performance of the invasive striped piggy population was determined to be similar to the ones reported from the Gulf of Suez where was the closest natural distribution area of the species. Although striped piggy is proper for human consumption and commercially caught in its native range, its fishery has not yet been established in the Eastern Mediterranean and we found that there was insufficient fishery pressure on the invasive population