11 research outputs found
Biomechanical properties of the body and angle of the sheep mandible under bending loads
Aim: ;The aim of the study was to compare the body and angle of the sheep mandible in terms of bone density and biomechanical competence under bending load conditions. Material and Methods: ;Nineteen sheep mandibles were used in this study. The mandibles were separated at the symphysis into two halves. Three regions of interest on the body and angle of the hemi-mandibles were selected for measurements of bone mineral density (g cm-2) by dual energy X-ray absorbtiometry. Biomechanical properties of the left mandibular body and right mandibular angle were measured by three-point bending test using a material testing machine. The load and deformation were recorded, and the load-deformation curves were obtained. The values of failure load (FL), yield load (YL), yield deformation (YD), postyield deformation (PD), stiffness, energy to yield point (EY) and energy to failure point (EF) were calculated with the analysis of load-deformation curves. Groups were compared using independent samples Student's t-test. Results: ;The mandibular angle exhibited the lower bone density (-64%) and biomechanical properties (FL; -45%, YL; -40%, PD; -7% stiffness, -40% EY; -48% and EF; -34%) than the mandibular body under bending loads, and there was no significant difference in values of YD between the two regions. Conclusion: ;Our results show that the mandibular angle is weaker than the mandibular body under bending loads
The need for antibiotic prophylaxis before urodynamic studies
WOS: 000295498300017Aim: The use of antibiotic prophylaxis before urodynamic studies (US) is not recommended routinely. We investigated the factors that would enable us to predict bacteriuria that is likely to develop after US, and that make us consider the need for prophylaxis. Materials and methods: One hundred and four patients who would undergo US with a suspicion of lower urinary tract dysfunction were enrolled in the present study and followed up prospectively. The relationship between bacteriuria and several parameters, such as gender, age, body mass index, glomerular filtration rates, systemic diseases, urinary flow rates, residual urine volume, the type of process performed, and maximum cystometric capacity values, was investigated. Results: Following US, a bacteria level of 105 was detected in 7 of 104 patients (6.7%). According to the results of the Pearson's chi square test, there was a statistically significant relationship only between the presence of diabetes and bacteriuria (P = 0.013). Logistic regression analysis revealed statistically significant results indicating a direct proportion between the incidence of bacteriuria and increased post-void residual volume (P < 0.0001), with an inverse proportion between the frequency of bacteriuria and decreased bladder capacity (P = 0.021). Conclusion: Due to low rates of bacteriuria after US, the use of prophylactic antibiotics is not a routine procedure except in selected patients
Zależność między współczynnikami neutrofile/limfocyty i płytki krwi/limfocyty a zaawansowaniem choroby wieńcowej u chorych poddanych planowej koronarografii
Background: Atherosclerosis is a chronic systemic inflammatory disease. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) are systemic inflammatory markers that are correlated with poor cardiovascular outcomes.
Aim: To explore the relation of NLR and PLR with severity of coronary artery disease (CAD).
Methods: The study population consisted of 180 consecutive patients who underwent elective coronary angiography (CAG). While 100 patients (22 female, mean age: 60.6 ± 12.6 years) had abnormal CAG, 80 patients (44 female, mean age: 57.2 ± 10.9 years) had normal CAG. NLR and PLR were calculated as the ratio of neutrophil count to lymphocyte count and as the ratio of platelet count to lymphocyte count, respectively.
Results: Although age distribution was similar between the two groups (p = 0.073), female gender was significantly higher in the normal CAG group (p < 0.001). Patients with abnormal CAG had significantly higher NLR and PLR when compared to patients with normal CAG (3.7 ± 2.6 vs. 2.2 ± 1.7, p < 0.001 and 125.9 ± 72.3 vs. 102.6 ± 33.8, p = 0.027, respectively). NLR and PLR were significantly correlated with SYNTAX score and GENSINI score. In logistic regression analyses, only NLR (odds ratio: 1.576, confidence interval: 1.198–2.072, p = 0.001) was an independent predictor of CAD. An NLR of 2.3 or higher predicted the CAD with a sensitivity of 66% and specificity of 70%.
Conclusions: NLR and PLR seem to be a simple method to predict severity of CAD in patients undergoing elective CAG, and it may be part of cardiovascular examination before CAG.Wstęp: Miażdżyca jest przewlekłą chorobą ogólnoustrojową o charakterze zapalnym. Stosunek liczby neutrofili do limfocytów (NLR) i stosunek liczby płytek krwi do limfocytów (PLR) to wskaźniki układowego stanu zapalnego związane z powikłaniami sercowo-naczyniowymi.
Cel: Celem badania była ocena zależności między współczynnikami NLR i PLR a stopniem ciężkości choroby wieńcowej (CAD).
Metody: Badana populacja obejmowała 180 kolejnych pacjentów poddanych koronarografii (CAG) w trybie planowym. U 100 chorych (22 kobiety, średnia wieku: 60,6 ± 12,6 roku) stwierdzono nieprawidłowości w CAG, natomiast u pozostałych 80 chorych (44 kobiety, średnia wieku: 57,2 ± 10,9 roku) obraz w CAG był prawidłowy. Obliczono współczynniki NLR i PLR jako odpowiednio stosunek liczby neutrofili do liczby limfocytów and stosunek liczby płytek krwi do liczby limfocytów.
Wyniki: Mimo że rozkład płci był podobny w obu grupach (p = 0,073), w grupie z prawidłowym obrazem w CAG odsetek kobiet był istotnie większy (p < 0,001). U chorych z nieprawidłowościami w CAG wartości współczynników NLR i PLR były znamiennie wyższe niż w grupie z prawidłowym obrazem w CAG (odpowiednio 3,7 ± 2,6 vs. 2,2 ± 1,7; p < 0,001 i 125,9 ± 72,3 vs. 102,6 ± 33,8; p = 0,027). Współczynniki NLR i PLR korelowały istotnie z punktacją w skali SYNTAX i skali GENSINIEGO. W analizach regresji logistycznej tylko współczynnik NLR (iloraz szans: 1,576; przedział ufności: 1,198–2,072; p = 0,001) był niezależnym czynnikiem predykcyjnym CAD. Współczynnik NLR wynoszący 2,3 lub więcej pozwalał prognozować wystąpienie CAD z czułością 66% i swoistością 70%.
Wnioski: Współczynniki NLR i PLR umożliwiają w prosty sposób prognozować o stopniu ciężkości CAD u chorych poddanych koronarografii w trybie planowym i mogą stanowić element badania układu sercowo-naczyniowego przed CAG