2 research outputs found

    Vliv regulačních požadavků na bilanční strukturu vybraných skupin bank v zemích V4

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    The subject of this diploma thesis is to carry out the analysis of banking regula-tion on minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) and based on this analysis to identify possible impacts on the balance structure of se-lected groups of banks in V4 countries. The main reasons for creating the MREL regulation are defined in the thesis. Furthermore, the thesis describes the devel-opment of banking regulations in connection with the events on the world mar-kets and the expected impacts on the banking sectors of the V4 countries. Based on the data from the annual reports of the selected banks, it is assessed whether the selected banks and their groups have the required amount of regulatory capi-tal

    Dopady Zákona o spotřebitelském úvěru č.257/2016 Sb. na poskytovatele a zprostředkovatele spotřebitelských úvěrů v ČR

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    Malovaná, P. The impacts of law on consumer credit Act No 257/2016 Coll. on providers and intermediaries of consumer credit in the Czech Republic. Bachelor thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2017. The subject of this bachelor thesis is to analyse the main changes in the legislative concerning the providers and intermediaries acting on the consumer credit market in the Czech Republic, and then to identify possible impacts on providers and intermediaries based on this analysis. The thesis specifies the main reasons leading to the creation of a new law on consumer credit. The thesis also describes the characteristics of the consumer credit market prior to the effective date of the Act, as well as the supposed impacts of this Act on providers and intermediaries. Based on the most significant legislative changes which the law has brought for providers and intermediaries, a questionnaire was made and a questionnaire survey was conducted to evaluate the impact of the law