12,383 research outputs found

    Luminosity functions of Lyman-alpha emitters at z=6.5, and z=5.7: evidence against reionization at z=6

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    Lyman-alpha emission from galaxies should be suppressed completely or partially at redshifts beyond reionization. Without knowing the instrinsic properties of galaxies at z = 6.5, this attenuation is hard to infer in any one source, but can be infered from a comparison of luminosity functions of lyman-alpha emitters at redshifts just before and after reionization. We combine published surveys of widely varying depths and areas to construct luminosity functions at z=6.5 and 5.7, where the characteristic luminosity L_star and density phi_star are well constrained while the faint-end slope of the luminosity function is essentially unconstrained. Excellent consistency is seen in all but one published result. We then calculate the likelihood of obtaining the z=6.5 observations given the z=5.7 luminosity function with (A) no evolution and (B) an attenuation of a factor of three. Hypothesis (A) gives an acceptable likelihood while (B) does not. This indicates that the z=6.5 lyman-alpha lines are not strongly suppressed by a neutral intergalactic medium and that reionization was largely complete at z = 6.5.Comment: Submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Harnessing motivation to alleviate neglect

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    This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. Copyright: © 2013 Russell, Li and Malhotra. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in other forums, provided the original authors and source are credited and subject to any copyright notices concerning any third-party graphics etc.The syndrome of spatial neglect results from the combination of a number of deficits in attention, with patients demonstrating both spatially lateralized and non-lateralized impairments. Previous reports have hinted that there may be a motivational component to neglect and that modulating this might alleviate some of the debilitating symptoms. Additionally, recent work on the effects of reward on attention in healthy participants has revealed improvements across a number of paradigms. As the primary deficit in neglect has been associated with attention, this evidence for reward's effects is potentially important. However, until very recently there have been few empirical studies addressing this potential therapeutic avenue. Here we review the growing body of evidence that attentional impairments in neglect can be reduced by motivation, for example in the form of preferred music or anticipated monetary reward, and discuss the implications of this for treatments for these patients. Crucially these effects of positive motivation are not observed in all patients with neglect, suggesting that the consequences of motivation may relate to individual lesion anatomy. Given the key role of dopaminergic systems in motivational processes, we suggest that motivational stimulation might act as a surrogate for dopaminergic stimulation. In addition, we consider the relationship between clinical post stroke apathy and lack of response to motivation

    Demonstration of Extracellular Space by Freeze-Drying in the Cerebellar Molecular Layer

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    In electron micrographs of the molecular layer of the mouse cerebellum frozen within 30 sec of circulatory arrest and subsequently dried at -79 °C an appreciable extracellular space was found between the axons of the granular cells. Tight junctions were regularly observed between pre- and postsynaptic structures and the enveloping glia cells. In micrographs of cerebellum frozen 8 min after decapitation the space between the axons was absent and tight junctions between the nerve fibres were almost exclusively encountered. The extracellular space of asphyxiated and non-asphyxiated tissue in electron micrographs of frozen-dried material is similar to the space in comparable tissues treated by freeze-substitution. These observations suggest that there is an appreciable amount of extracellular material in oxygenated, living tissue which is taken up by cellular elements during asphyxiation

    A study of mitochondrial membranes in relation to elementary particles

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    Elementary particles that commonly have been seen by electron microscopy to be attached by stalks to mitochondrial cristae in negatively stained preparations, were not apparent in similarly stained mitochondria from exponentially growing wild-type Neurospora crassa when these were isolated in sucrose solution containing 1 x 10^-3 M EDTA. However, elementary particles were easily demonstrable in electron micrographs if the mitochondria were isolated without EDTA in the sucrose solution. A biochemical study indicated that both kinds of mitochondrial preparations, isolated in the presence or absence of EDTA, had about the same capacity for oxidative phosphorylation. Observations on rat-liver mitochondria also suggested that the stalked elementary particles were more easily demonstrated if the preparation was made in the absence of EDTA. It was difficult to demonstrate elementary particles in wild-type Neurospora mitochondria isolated with or without EDTA and subsequently prepared for electron microscopy by spreading on the surface of an aqueous solution of potassium phosphotungstate. Elementary particles could be demonstrated in poky Neurospora mitochondria isolated with EDTA if the mitochondria were spread on the surface of an aqueous solution of phosphotungstate. It was concluded that biochemical functions associated with elementary particles are independent of structural configuration as seen by electron microscopy

    Reward modulates spatial neglect

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    Copyright @ 2012 The Authors. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and 85 reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. The article was made available through the Brunel University Open Access Publishing Fund.BACKGROUND: Reward has been shown to affect attention in healthy individuals, but there have been no studies addressing whether reward influences attentional impairments in patients with focal brain damage. METHODS: Using two novel variants of a widely-used clinical cancellation task, we assessed whether reward modulated impaired attention in 10 individuals with left neglect secondary to right hemisphere stroke. RESULTS: Reward exposure significantly reduced neglect, as measured by total targets found, left-sided targets found and centre of cancellation, across the patient group. Lesion analysis showed that lack of response to reward was associated with damage to the ipsilateral striatum. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first experimental evidence that reward can modulate attentional impairments following brain damage. These results have significant implications for the development of behavioural and pharmacological therapies for patients with attentional disorders.PM is supported by a HEFCE Clinical Senior Lectureship Award and this research was funded by grants from the UK Academy of Medical Sciences/Wellcome Trust and the NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Imperial College London. DS is supported by a grant from the UK Medical Research Council (89631). CR is supported by a Brunel Research Initiative Award (BRIEF) and a scientific bursary from the Bial foundation, Portugal

    Dissecting the Heterogeneity of Treatment Response in First-Episode Schizophrenia

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    The Mental Health Centers for Intervention Development and Applied Research (CIDAR) program prioritized research to provide an evidence base for biomarker development. At the Zucker Hillside Hospital (ZHH), our CIDAR grant supported research on a comprehensive investigation of treatment response and outcome in first episode schizophrenia. Results provide evidence that baseline neuroimaging, neurocognitive, and genetic measures are significantly associated with clinical response to treatment, and that our currently available interventions can effectively treat aspects of psychotic illness, as well as potentially reduce comorbidity associated with illness. Future research may include combining modalities to more robustly predict response and identify treatment targets, as well as to further develop more effective intervention strategies for these devastating and disabling disorders

    Nature of Compounds of Tl(III) Chloride with Oxygen & Nitrogen Bases

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    Compounds of Thallium(III) Chloride with Some Lewis Acids

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