58 research outputs found

    University as a social phenomenon

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    © Serials Publications. The paper analyzes the mission of the university as a social phenomenon which implies, first of all, that having rich cultural and academic traditions as well as advanced facilities and resources, the university is destined to become a major educational, cultural, and business center of the Region, its driving force. There are various mechanisms for the university to perform its multipurpose role. One of them is based on its educational and cultural functions and can be presented by a variety of options beyond its academic curriculum. The paper presents the experience of Kazan Federal University in implementing a life-long learning (LLL) program, its basic stages and achievements. The authors arrive at the conclusion that the LLL program can help to promote social inclusion and personal fulfillment, as well as to increase people's employability and social adaptability The central point of the program is the idea that people at any age and at any stage of their life should have a chance to take intense training courses in various fields of knowledge. Kazan Federal University offers a multifaceted LLL program that has several levels and profiles (Children's University, Minor University, optional short- and long-term courses for undergraduates in different fields of knowledge, University of the Third Age). The LLL program contributes a lot to further creative development of the people of the Volga Region

    Asset Price Dynamics in a “Bull and Bear Market”

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    We generalize an existing asset market model with heterogenous agents. In particular, we consider the case in which no-trade and low-trade intervals of chartists and fundamentalists respectively are not congruent. Thus we model chartist and fundamentalists who respond to asset prices in agent-specific neighborhoods around the fundamental value with different trade intensities. The resulting asset price dynamics is generated by a one-dimensional 5-piece linear map with discontinuities. Our analysis of this map focusses on coexisting price equilibria. Conditions for their existence and stability are determined analytically. By visualizing the results we allow for a basic bifurcation analysis in a 4-dimensional parameter space. According to our findings the extent of the disparity between the no-trade and low-intervals effects the existence of equilibria but not their stability. © 2020

    Mathematical modeling of synchronous electric drive of reversible rolling stand

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    Данная статья посвящена разработке математической модели синхронного электропривода реверсивной прокатной клети применительно к одноклетьевым толстолистовым станам горячей прокатки. Представлена математическая модель электромеханической системы главного электропривода прокатной клети. Достоверное математическое описание главного электропривода позволяет анализировать ударные приложения нагрузки на электромеханическую систему клети при прокатке слябов из труднодеформируемых марок стали. Модель рекомендуется для анализа динамических режимов электроприводов реверсивных прокатных клетей при отработке управляющих и возмущающих воздействий.This article addresses the development of a mathematical model of a synchronous electric drive of a reversible rolling stand. There is the mathematical model of the electromechanical system of main electric drive of rolling mill in the article. The mathematical model allows one to analyze a shock loading on the mec hanical system of rolling stand. The mathematical model is recommended to research shock and control dynamic conditions of synchronous electric drives

    Energy-saving control of back to back converters for powerful ac electric drives

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    Основная цель данной работы посвящена разработке нового энергосберегающего способа управления активным двунаправленным преобразователем частоты (АДПЧ) в составе мощных реверсивных электроприводов переменного тока (РЭПТ). Для достижения этой цели был проведен теоретический анализ возможного управления активной, реактивной и полной мощности в системе АДПЧ – питающая сеть. По результатам теоретических исследований были построены зависимости потоков мощности в системе АДПЧ – питающая сеть, на основе которых разработана новая система автоматического регулирования (САР) АДПЧ. Определено, что с помощью новой САР АДПЧ при питании РЭПТ можно компенсировать реактивную мощность и корректировать коэффициент мощности питающей сети. Это позволит снизить расход электроэнергии, стабилизовать напряжение и повысить пропускную способность сети.The main aim of the study is to develop a new energy-saving control method of a back to back converter (BtBC) in AC electric drive systems (EDSs). The research focus was concerned with the theoretical analysis of active, reactive and apparent power controlling in a system BtBC – grid. From the results obtained, the dependences of the power flows in the system BtBC – grid have been plotted. These dependences allow us to create a new closed loop system (CLS) of the BtBC. The principal conclusion from this work is that reactive power compensation and power factor correction by the new CLS of the BtBC supplying ac EDSs is determined. It can reduce a share of the consumption reactive power from a substation and improve the power quality

    The effect of vaping and cigarettes on the body of 3rd-year students of the medical and preventive faculty of the Ural state medical university

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    The purpose of the study is to compare the effects of cigarettes and electronic devices (vape) on 3rd year students of the Faculty of Prevention and Prevention of USMU.Цель исследования - сравнить влияние сигарет и электронных устройств (вейпа) у студентов 3 курса медико-профилактического факультета УГМУ


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    The present work was centered on the studies of crystal structure and oxygen nonstoichiometry of intermediate phases in (Gd, Sm)-Sr-Co-O. The projections of isothermal–isobaric phase diagram for the (Gd, Sm)-Sr-Co-O systems to the compositional triangle of metallic components was presented


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    The present work was centered on the studies of crystal structure and oxygen non-stoichiometry of intermediate phases in (Gd, Sm)-Sr-Co-O. The projections of isothermal–isobaric phase diagram for the (Gd, Sm)-Sr-Co-O systems to the compositional triangle of metallic components was presented

    Phase Equilibrium, Crystal Structure and Properties of Intermediate Oxides in the Pr2O3-SrO-CoO System

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    Данная работа посвящена изучению кристаллической структуры и кислородной нестехиометрии сложных оксидов в системе Pr2O3-SrO-CoO. Была исследована температурная зависимость кристаллической структуры сложного оксида, что ранее не встречалось в литературе. Также были исследованы термические свойства и электропроводность сложных оксидов, образующихся в данной системе, в интервале температур 25 – 1100 °С.This work is devoted to the study of the crystal structure and oxygen nonstoichiometry of complex oxides in the Pr2O3-SrO-CoO system. The temperature dependence of the crystal structure of a complex oxide was investigated, which was not previously found in the literature. The thermal properties and electrical conductivity of complex oxides formed in this system were also investigated in the temperature range of 25 – 1100 В°C

    Comparative assessment of posture among 1st and 3rd year students of the medical and preventive faculty of the Ural state medical university

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    The purpose of the study is to identify and compare the features and patterns of posture disorders in students of the 1st and 3rd courses of the medical and preventive faculty of USMU.Цель исследования - выявить и сравнить особенности и закономерности нарушений осанки у студентов 1 и 3 курсов медико-профилактического факультета УГМУ

    Dependence of the accommodative ability of the eye on the type of refraction

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    The article conducted an analysis of the accommodative ability of the eyes with different types of refraction in three clinical cases. As a result, the authors come to the conclusion that the type of refraction directly depends on the accommodative ability of a person’s eyes. This information can be used for diagnostic purposes for practicing ophthalmologists.В статье предложен анализ аккомодационной способности глаз при различных типах рефракций в трех клинических случаях. В результате исследования сделан вывод о прямой зависимости определенных типов рефракции глаз человека от их аккомодационной способности, что может быть использовано в диагностических целях у практикующих офтальмологов