195 research outputs found


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    金沢大学理工研究域金属を高レベルで吸収・蓄積する植物(金属集積植物)を用いて、ヒ素の汚染環境を浄化する技術(ファイトレメディエーション)の開発に取り組んだ。今年度は、有機金属の無機化細菌(分解細菌)が植物の有機ヒ素集積を促すことを、土壌栽培法を用いて実証した。化学物質による汚染事例のうち、国内でもっとも件数の多い物質はヒ素である。従って,ヒ素に関する成果が得られた意義は大きい。以下に成果を示す。【I有機ヒ素分解細菌の探索】環境試料(湖沼)中において,粒子物質が有機ヒ素の分解にかかわることを突き止め、有機ヒ素分解細菌を多数分離した。【II金属集積植物体内の金属定量】植物体内の金属定量法のみならず土壌中のヒ素濃度の定量法を確立する必要が生じ、連続ヒ素抽出法を考案し、酸抽出画分および水抽出各分の定量を可能とした。これによって土壌ヒ素の浄化量を評価しやすくなった【III金属集積植物の生理機能の解明】ヒ素化学種が植物のヒ素集積に及ぼす影響を明らかにした。土壌栽培においても、モエジマシダは,無機ヒ素に較べ,メチルヒ素を1/20程度と少量しか集積せず,有機ヒ素の浄化量も少なくなった。【IV細菌による植物のヒ素集積の促進】土壌栽培したモエジマシダに,有機ヒ素分解細菌株を接種した結果,植物のヒ素集積が約10倍に促進された。また、実汚染サイトでのファイトレメディエーションの実施を見据えた野外実験を行ったところ、細菌による植物のヒ素集積の向上およびヒ素浄化促進を実証した。研究課題/領域番号:17710061, 研究期間(年度):2005 – 2007出典:「砒素のファイトレメディエーション効果を促す有機ヒ素分解細菌の実用化」研究成果報告書 課題番号17710061(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所))(https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-17710061/)を加工して作

    Determination of Cu, Pb, Fe, and Zn in plant component polymers of a hyperaccumulating plant

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    金沢大学自然計測応用研究センターエコテクノロジー研究部門金沢大学工学部Phytoremediation is an innovative technology that utilizes the natural properties of plants to remediate hazardous waste sites. For more cost-effective phytoremediation, it is important to utilize a hyperaccumulating plant after phytoremediation, i.e. the recovery of valuable metals and the production of useful materials. In this work, the determination of metals in plant component polymers in a fern, Athyrium yokoscense, as a hyper-accumulating plant was established using steam explosion, Wayman\u27s extraction method, and ICP emission spectrometry. After A. yokoscense plants were treated by steam explosion, the steam-exploded A. yokoscense were separated into four plant component polymers, i.e. water-soluble material fraction, holocellulose fraction, methanol-soluble lignin fraction, and residual lignin fraction. The concentrations of Cu, Pb, Fe, and Zn in these plant component polymers and the dry weights of plant component polymers were measured. These analytical process determining metals in the plants will contribute to not only the evaluation and the efforts of phytoremediation using a hyperaccumulating plant, but also to the development of more effective phytoremediation. 2005 © The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry

    Isolation of monomethylarsonic acid-mineralizing bacteria from arsenic contaminated soils of Ohkunoshima Island

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科物質情報解析Chemical warfare agents, composed of harmful organoarsenic compounds have contaminated the soils of Ohkunoshima Island with high levels of arsenic. As a basic research establishing useful bioremediation techniques, environmental factors such as arsenic concentrations and bacterial biomass in the soils were investigated. Among the five stations of Ohkunoshima Island, the soils of four stations were contaminated by high levels of arsenic compounds at concentrations of 125,12.7, 3.29 and 0.504 g/kg soil, while the other station with low arsenic concentrations of 0.007 g/kg soil was considered an uncontaminated area. The distribution of arsenic compounds originating from the chemical weapon agent differs among the various areas of Ohkunoshima Island. The cell densities of arsenate-resistant bacteria also varied among the five stations, ranging from 106 to 108 cells/g soil. In an attempt to isolate bacteria that strongly mineralize the organoarsenic compounds, the mineralization activities for monomethylarsonic acid [MMAA(V)] of 48 isolates of arsenate-resistant bacteria were determined. Only nine isolates reduced 140 μg/1 of MMAA(V), giving decreasing percentages ranging from 5 to 100% within 14 days. Among the nine isolates, two remarkably converted 140 μg/1 of MMAA to more than 71 μg/1 of inorganic arsenic. Presumably only specific members of the environmental bacterial population have strong mineralization activities for MMAA. Phylogenetic analysis using 16S rDNA sequences showed that the two isolates belonged to the Pseudomonas putida strains, which are known to have strong mineralization activity for various organic compounds. In the soil contaminated by arsenic at a high level, few bacteria in the arsenate-resistant bacterial group would significantly mineralize organoarsenic compounds. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Lung inflammation by fungus, Bjerkandera adusta isolated from Asian sand dust (ASD) aerosol and enhancement of ovalbumin-induced lung eosinophilia by ASD and the fungus in mice.

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    BackgroundBjerkandera adusta (B. adusta) is one of the most important etiological fungi associated with chronic cough. However, precise details of the inflammatory response to exposure are not well understood yet. B. adusta was recently identified in Asian sand dust (ASD) aerosol. Therefore, in the present study the exacerbating effects of ASD on B. adusta-induced lung inflammation and B. adusta + ASD on ovalbumin (OVA)-induced murine lung eosinophilia were investigated using experimental mice.MethodsIn order to prepare testing samples, B. adusta obtained from ASD aerosol was inactivated by formalin and ASD collected from the atmosphere was heated to remove toxic organic substances (H-ASD). CD-1 mice were instilled intratracheally with 12 different samples prepared with various combinations of B. adusta, H-ASD, and OVA in a normal saline solution. The lung pathology, cytological profiles in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), and the levels of inflammatory cytokines/chemokines in BALF were investigated.ResultsH-ASD aggravated the lung eosinophilia induced by B. adusta alone, which also aggravated the lung eosinophilia induced by OVA. The mixture of OVA, H-ASD, and B. adusta caused serious fibrous thickening of the subepithelial layer, eosinophil infiltration, and proliferation of goblet cells in the airways along with remarkable increases of IL-13, eotaxin, IL-5, and MCP-3 in BALF.ConclusionsThe results of the present study demonstrated that B. adusta isolated from ASD aerosol induces allergic lung diseases. H-ASD enhanced allergic reactions caused by OVA or B. adusta. A mixture of B. adusta, H-ASD, and OVA caused the most remarkable exacerbation to the allergic airway inflammation via remarkable increases of pro-inflammatory mediators

    Transport of DMAA and MMAA into rice (Oryza sativa L.) roots

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    Arsenate (As(V)) transport into plant cells has been well studied. A study on rice (Oryza sativa L.) showed that arsenite is transported across the plasma membrane via glycerol transporting channels. Previous studies reported that the dimethylarsinic acid (DMAA) and monomethylarsonic acid (MMAA) uptake in duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza L.) differed from that of As(V), and was unaffected by phosphate (H2PO4). This article reports the transport mechanisms of DMAA and MMAA in rice roots. Linear regression analysis showed that the DMAA and MMAA uptake in rice roots increased significantly (p竕、0.0002 and 竕、0.0001 for DMAA and MMAA, respectively) with the increase of exposure time. Concentration-dependent influx of DMAA and MMAA showed that the uptake data were well described by Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The MMAA influx was higher than that of DMAA. The DMAA and MMAA uptake in rice roots were decreased significantly (p竕、0.0001 and 竕、0.0077 for DMAA and MMAA, respectively) with the increase of glycerol concentration indicating that DMAA and MMAA were transported into rice roots using the same mechanisms of glycerol. Glycerol is transported into plant cells by aquaporins, and DMAA and MMAA are transported in a dose-dependent manner of glycerol which reveals that DMAA and MMAA are transported into rice roots through glycerol transporting channels. The DMAA and MMAA concentration in the solution did not affect the inhibition of their uptake rate by glycerol.. © 2010 Elsevier B.V

    Characteristics of cosmopolitan microbial communities transported by Asian desert dust (KOSA)

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第33回極域生物シンポジウム 11月18日(金) 統計数理研究所 3階リフレッシュフロ

    Phytotoxicity of Arsenate and Salinity on Early Seedling Growth of Rice (Oryza sativa L.): A Threat to Sustainable Rice Cultivation in South and South-East Asia

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    Arsenic (As) contamination is an important environmental consequence in some parts of salinity-affected South (S) and South-East (SE) Asia. In this study, we investigated the individual and combined phytotoxicity of arsenic (As) [arsenate; As(V)] and salinity (NaCl) on early seedling growth (ESG) of saline-tolerant and non-tolerant rice varieties. Germination percentage (GP), germination speed (GS) and vigor index (VI) of both saline-tolerant and non-tolerant rice varieties decreased significantly (p > 0.01) with increasing As(V) and NaCl concentrations. The highest GP (91%) was observed for saline non-tolerant BRRI dhan28 and BRRI dhan49, while the lowest (62%) was for saline-tolerant BRRI dhan47. The ESG parameters, such as weights and relative lengths of plumule and radicle, also decreased significantly (p < 0.01) with increasing As(V) and NaCl concentrations. Relative radicle length was more affected than plumule length by As(V) and NaCl. Although VI of saline-tolerant and non-tolerant rice seedlings showed significant variation (p < 0.05), weights and lengths of plumule and radicle of different rice varieties did not show significant variation for As(V) and NaCl treatments. Results reveal that the combined phytotoxicity of As(V) and NaCl on rice seed germination and ESG are greater than their individual toxicities, and some saline-tolerant rice varieties are more resistant to the combined phytotoxicity of As(V) and NaCl than the saline non-tolerant varieties. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Phytotoxicity of arsenate and salinity on early seedling growth of rice (oryza sativa l.): A threat to sustainable rice cultivation in South and South-East Asia

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    Arsenic (As) contamination is an important environmental consequence in some parts of salinity-affected South (S) and South-East (SE) Asia. In this study, we investigated the individual and combined phytotoxicity of arsenic (As) [arsenate; As(V)] and salinity (NaCl) on early seedling growth (ESG) of saline-tolerant and non-tolerant rice varieties. Germination percentage (GP), germination speed (GS) and vigor index (VI) of both saline-tolerant and non-tolerant rice varieties decreased significantly (p[0.01) with increasing As(V) and NaCl concentrations. The highest GP(91%) was observed for saline non-tolerant BRRI dhan28 and BRRI dhan49, while the lowest (62%) was for salinetolerant BRRI dhan47. The ESG parameters, such as weights and relative lengths of plumule and radicle, also decreased significantly (p\0.01) with increasing As(V) and NaCl concentrations. Relative radicle length was more affected than plumule length by As(V) and NaCl. Although VI of saline-tolerant and non-tolerant rice seedlings showed significant variation (p\0.05), weights and lengths of plumule and radicle of different rice varieties did not show significant variation for As(V) and NaCl treatments. Results reveal that the combined phytotoxicity of As(V) and NaCl on rice seed germination and ESG are greater than their individual toxicities, and some saline-tolerant rice varieties are more resistant to the combined phytotoxicity of As(V) and NaCl than the saline non-tolerant varieties. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012

    NaCl-amendment assay targeting airborne bacteria in tropospheric bioaerosols transported by westerly wind over Noto Peninsula

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    Bioaerosol particles including bacteria, fungi, and virus are originated from marine and terrestrial environments. The airborne microorganisms are transported for long distance through the free troposphere and are thought to influence the downwind ecosystems and human life. However, microbial communities in the free troposphere have not been understood in detail because the direct sampling of microbial cells at high altitude requires sophisticated sampling techniques. In this study, for the investigation of microbial species compositions in the free troposphere, air sampling using an aircraft was performed over the Noto Peninsula in Japan, where the tropospheric winds carry aerosol particles from continental areas. Two air samples were collected at 3,000 m on March 27, 2010, when air mass was carried from the Gobi Desert to Japan area. Microorganisms from one air sample grew in culture media containing up to 15 % NaCl, suggesting that halotolerant bacteria maintain their viabilities in the free troposphere. DGGE analysis revealed that the amended cultures were dominated by Bacillus subtilis, and the isolates obtained from the amended cultures were identical to B. subtilis. Furthermore, the 16S rDNA clone library (culture-independent survey) of the other air sample grew was composed of three phylotypes belonging to Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Proteobacteria with the sequences of Firmicutes phylotype corresponding to that of the cultured B. subtilis sequence. Microscopic observation using FISH method indicated that B. subtilis particles occupied 80 % of total eubacterial particles on the mineral particles. The halotolerant bacteria identical to B. subtilis would dominate at high altitudes over Noto Peninsula where the prevailing westerly wind was blowing. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht