154 research outputs found

    Large self-deflection of soliton beams in LiNbO3

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    We report the observation of large self-deflection of 2-D bright photorefractive solitons in LiNbO(3) crystal under a dc applied field. Beam deflection as large as 300 mu m after a 7 mm. propagation distance is reported, leading to formation of curved 2-D waveguides. We attribute this large deflection to the low level of impurity acceptors present in the samples, as confirmed by numerical results from a time-dependent photorefractive model

    Demonstration of an integrated LiNbO3 Synchronized Double Phase Modulator and its Applications to Dual-Pump Fiber Optical Parametric Amplifiers and Wavelength Converters

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    International audienceWe report the fabrication of an integrated LiNbO3 Y-junction synchronized double phase modulator fully packaged for RF-application up to 40 GHz. This optical modulator allows for delivering simultaneously counter-phase high-speed modulation and coupling for two input channels. It was designed for application to fiber-optical parametric amplifier and wavelength converters for suppressing idler spectral broadening and signal gain distortion caused by phase modulation itself. With this component, Idler spectral broadening suppression is experimentally demonstrated over all the parametric gain band of a twopump parametric amplifier operating in the 1.55 µm region. In addition, we present a useful technique for straightforward and full coupling of the pumps and the signal

    Impact of pump OSNR on noise figure for fiber-optical parametric amplifiers

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    Electrical measurements of the noise figure of a fiberoptical parametric amplifier are presented and compared with optical measurements. The transfer of pump noise by four-wave mixing was clearly demonstrated. A numerical model was developed to simulate the transfer of pump noise and validated by these measurements. Using this model, we determine, for practical systems, a minimum required pump optical signal-to-noise ratio of 65 dB

    Impact of pump phase modulation on system performance of fibre-optical parametric amplifiers

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    Bit error rate induced in a parametric amplifier has been measured with a 10 Gbit=s line rate. It is shown experimentally that the phase modulation of the pump distorts the mark level of the channel and may cause system penalty. Different phase modulation schemes have been compared

    Zero-dispersion Wavelength Mapping in Short Single-Mode Optical Fibers Using Parametric Amplification

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    We demonstrate a novel convenient nondestructive method based on optical parametric amplification that allows retrieval of the zero-dispersion wavelength map along a short optical fiber span with a high-spatial resolution. The improved resolution relies on the high sensitivity to the local longitudinal dispersion fluctuations of the parametric high-gain spectrum.Comment: 3 page

    Supercontinuum generation from 1.35 to 1.7 mu m by nanosecond pumping near the second zero-dispersion wavelength of a microstructured fiber

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    International audienceWe experimentally study a new regime for supercontinuum (SC) generation in the nanosecond pulsed regime using a nucrostructured optical fiber with two zero-dispersion wavelengths (ZDWs). Pumping at 1535 nm around the second ZDW yields a nearly flat SC over 1350-1700 nm. The interplay between the effects of modulation instability and stimulated Raman scattering are described through simple phase-matching relations

    Wavelength, power and pulse duration influence on spatial soliton formation in AlGaAs

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    This work presents the dependence of spatial soliton formation in AlGaAs slab waveguide versus significant parameters such as wavelength, light power, and pulse duration. Comparison between theory and experiments reveals the importance of multiphoton absorption to understand the soliton behavior. Experimental measurements establish some limits of soliton formation such as usable wavelengths and pulse durations

    Numerical and experimental investigations of vector soliton bound-states in a Kerr planar waveguide

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    We investigate both numerically and experimentally the stability of a vector three-soliton bound state in a Kerr CS2 planar waveguide using the circular polarizations as the two-component of the multimode vector soliton (MVS). The molecular-reorientation-induced Kerr nonlinearity of CS2 leads in this case to a strength of cross-phase modulation that is 7 times larger than that of self-phase modulation. We demonstrate that, under these conditions, the MVS exhibits symmetry-breaking instability leading to different output intensity patterns ranging from three to one-hump vector solitons

    Large self-deflection of soliton beams in LiNb03

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    We report the observation of large self-deflection of 2-D bright photorefractive solitons in LiNbO3 crystal under a dc applied field. Beam deflection as large as 300 m after a 7 mm propagation distance is reported, leading to formation of curved 2-D waveguides. We attribute this large deflection to the low level of impurity acceptors present in the samples, as confirmed by numerical results from a time-dependent photorefractive model

    Theoretical study of gain distortions in dual-pump fiber optical parametric amplifiers

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    International audienceWe study analytically and numerically the small signal gain in dual-pump fiber optical parametric amplifiers by including the phase modulation of the pump waves needed for practically increasing the stimulated Brillouin scattering threshold. As for the single-pump case, we show that large signal gain distortions are generated under co-phase modulation, which depend on the rise/fall time of the phase modulation and on the fiber dispersion slope. However, it is clearly confirmed that the counter-phase modulation scheme allows to effi-ciently suppress these gain distortions over the whole flat gain region. In addition, we demonstrate through realistic numerical simulations that this useful technique overcomes the additional impact of pump-phase modulation to amplitude modulation conversion and zero-dispersion wavelength variations
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