4 research outputs found

    Prevalence of upper limb disorders and associated factors with psychosocial and awkward postureamong public university workers in Malaysia

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    Musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limb are a most important cause of ill-health, incapacity and health care expenditure. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of Upper Limb Disorders associated with awkward posture and psychosocial factors among Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) workers. Simple random sampling was used to draw 271 participants from six faculties of the university. The use of a structured question was employed for data collection. Results of the study showed thatprevalence of ULDs among UPM workers was 67.2% in different body regions. Results showed that there is a significant association between ULDs and age, awkward posture, control at work, psychological demand, social support, and job satisfaction) (p<0.05). Multivariate logistic analysis showedthat the workers who had medium and very high RULA risk level were 12.242 times more likely to complain about ULDs (OR=12.242, 95%CI: 3.617-41.435), compared to other workers who have low RULA risk level.In conclusion, it can be said from the result of the study that there is high prevalence of upper limb disorders among UPM workers which is significantly associated with age, awkward posture and all psychosocial factors. In order to minimize the prevalence rate of upper limb disorders, it is recommended that workers be educated on prevention strategies and an ergonomic program which emphasizes psycho-social risk factors and how to improve working conditions

    Association between work-relate musculoskeletal disorder and ergonomic risk factors among nursing professionals in Ranya and Qaladiza Districts

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    Work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) represent one of the leading causes of occupational injury and disability among the professional nursing, due to the number and variety of risk factors associated with the work environment. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of work related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) and its association with ergonomic risk factors. A self-administered questionnaire and observational method was used to collect information from 420 individuals and then the data were computerized and analyzed by using SPSS version 21. The overall prevalence of WRMSDs among Ranya and Qaladiza districts nurses was 74%. The neck pain was the most prevalent site of WRMSDs (48.4%) compared to other body parts. Logistic regression analysis indicated that significant risk factors for WRMSDs symptoms were older nurses aged >39.5 years old (OR=3.076, 95% CI: 1.200, 7.884), medium RULA risk level (OR= 255.096, 95% CI: 24.078, 2702.681), very high RULA risk level (OR=151.675, 95% CI: 17.536, 1311.891), low RULA risk level (OR=9.277, 95% CI: 1.064, 80.893). Prevention strategies and health education which emphasizes on psychosocial risk factors and how to improve working conditions should be introduced

    Prevalence of upper limb disorders and associated factors among workers in a Malaysian Public University (Call number FPSK(m) 2015 36)

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    A cross-sectional study was conducted among workers in Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) from May to September 2014. The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and associated factors of upper limb disorders among Universiti Putra Malaysia workers. Methodology: Respondents were selected randomly and a total of 271 workers who met the inclusion criteria participated in this study. Data were collected by face-to-face interview and posture assessment method based on Standardized Nordic Questionnaire (SNQ), Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ), and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) method. Statistical analysis of data was carried out by using SPSS version 21. Result: The overall prevalence of ULDs among UPM workers was 67.2% and the highest prevalence by body parts were neck 147 (54.2%). Chi square test shows that 10 factors were significantly associated with ULDs; age (x 2=25.925, df=l, p<O.OOI), smoking (x2=19.728, df=l, p<O.OOI). BMI (x 2=169.643, df=l, p<O.OOI), physical activity (X2=124.662, df=l, p<O.OOl), duration of employment, (X2=17.567, df=l, p<O.OOI), awkward posture (x2=75.640, df=l,p<O.OOl), control at work (x2=34.775, df=1, p<O.OOl), psychological demand (X2=64.938, df=l, p<O.OOl), social support (X2=37.736, df=l, p<O.OOI), and job satisfaction (X2=95.817, df=l, p<O.OOl). Multiple logistic regression test showed the significant risk factors for ULDs were obese (OR=19,472, 95%CI: 5.396-70.273), infrequent physical activity (OR=5.756,95%CI: 1.504-22.028), medium and very high RULA risk level (OR=12.242,95%CI: 3.617-41.435). Conclusion: Among UPM workers the overall prevalence of upper limb disorders was high arid significantly associated with age, smoking, BMI, physical activity, duration of employment, awkward posture, control at work,psychological demand, social support, and job satisfaction. In order to reduce the risk ofULDs among UPM workers effective prevention strategies are required