26 research outputs found

    Common microflora involved in spoilage of canned prawns

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    An elaborate survey was carried out to ascertain the common types of micro-organisms responsible for spoilage in canned prawns. Among nearly 1.500 strains isolated from bacteriologically defective cans, 60% were Gram positive spore formers of the Bacillus type. Other types isolated belonged to Gram positive cocci, Gram negative rods, Gram positive non-spore forming rods, Gram negative cocci and coccoids. No anaerobe could be isolated. The predominant Gram positive spore formers were identified as Bacillus pantothenticus, B. firmus, B. brevis and B. Pumilus species

    Seasonal variations of bacterial flora of fresh oil sardines (Sardinella longiceps)

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    An elaborate study was made on the qualitative and quantitative seasonal variations in the bacterial flora of fresh oil sardines and their biochemical reactions. It was observed that the total bacterial loads and their phosphorescent and biochemical characters were influenced by changes in seasons. During monsoon season total bacterial count was high. Mesophiles predominated during summer, but phosphorescent bacteria were less. Winter favoured the selection of biochemically less active groups of bacteria

    Quantitative and qualitative studies on the bacterial flora of fresh sardines

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    Plate counts at R T and 8 C on the skin with muscle and the gut contents of absolutely fresh sardines (Sardinella longiceps) caught off Cochin showed a seasonal variation when sampling was done over a period of 12 months. The counts of the gut contents ran parallel with those of the skin with muscle, but at a higher level of magnitude. Qualitatively, the analysis of 360 strains of bacteria isolated from the skin with muscle and 100 strains from the guts during a year's study revealed a very high preponderance of Gram negative rods, mainly of Achromobacter, Vibrio, and Pseudomonas groups. The percentage of Gram positive organism was very low or nil at times in the ocean fresh sardines

    Bacterial flora of fresh and iced Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and its response to chlortetracycline (CTC) treatment

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    Quantitative and qualitative studies on the bacterial flora of fresh Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) have been made. The total native flora as well as 5 ppm CTC insensitive flora of the fish showed variations with season. About 90% of the fresh fish flora was sensitive to 5 ppm CTC. The natural flora of the fresh fish consisted of Vibrios, Pseudomonas, Achromobacter, Flavobacterium, Corynebacteria, Micrococci, Bacillus and yeasts. In the CTC insensitive flora, Vibrios predominated followed by yeasts. The selection of bacterial genera during storage of the fish in ice and in 5 ppm CTC incorporated ice has also been investigated. At the time of spoilage, Pseudomonas was found to be the dominant flora of the fish stored in both types of ice

    Inactivation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in drinking water

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    A study was conducted in the Cochin area of India to determine the effect of drinking water on Vibrio parahaemolyticus, a bacterium that contaminates fish harvested from marine and estuarine environments. Times of fresh-water exposure required to inactivate these bacteria are given. Findings indicate that the washing of fish and equipment used to handle the fish in drinking water may decrease in the number of viable Vibrio cells and thus aid in prevention of food poisoning

    Use of antibiotics in the preservation of prawn

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    Effect of incorporating chlorotetracycline (CTC) in ice up to 5 ppm level on the keeping quality of prawns has been studied. A shelf life extension by nearly six days is obtained for the CTC-iced sample over the control. The headless prawns absorbed greater amounts of CTC than whole prawns during storage in CTC-ice. Traces of the antibiotic are found in the muscle of the CTC-iced prawns even after cooking for one hour. The cause of destruction of CTC when used for prawn preservation is discussed

    Experimental preservation of sardines (Sardinella longiceps), using Chlortetracycline

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    Effects of dips in 10 and 50 ppm Chlortetracycline solution on the storage-life of sardines in ice have been studied. 5 ppm-CTC-ice in conjunction with dip in 10 ppm CTC-solution has also been tried. CTC-treatment considerably reduced bacterial number and gave a better appearance to the fish. The high fat content in sardines resulted in rapid development of rancidity. CTC has been found to have no control on the development of rancidity. Hence, CTC treatment of sardines is found to be of limited advantage in extending the storage-life of the fish in ice

    Selection of suitable diluents for bacteriological examination of fishery products

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    For raw, iced and frozen samples of fish and prawn, significant difference was observed in total plate counts done with various diluents, the significance level ranging from 5% to 0.1%. For raw fish, N-saline, seawater and quarter strength Ringers' solution gave maximum total plate counts. In the case of iced-fish, n-saline yielded highest total plate counts. For frozen samples, however, peptone water and n-saline gave good recoveries. Trials with suitable combinations of diluents showed that though some of them were as good as the control, namely n-saline, none were superior in any way

    Studies on the growth temperature ranges of bacteria isolated from fresh sardine at different primary incubation temperature

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    The effect of primary incubation temperature on the growth temperature range was studied with reference to 296 bacterial cultures isolated from sardine using streak plate technique. The primary incubation temperature used during bacteriological sampling caused a selection of strains according to their growth temperature requirements. Incubation at 8°C caused greater recoveries of psychrotrophs while 30°C favored mesophiles. An incubation temperature of 30°C facilitated the growth of both psychrotrophs and mesophiles

    Effect of incubation period on plate count of raw ices and frozen fish

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    The total viable counts were estimated in one hundred and sixty five samples of raw, iced and frozen fish using incubation periods of 24, 48, 72 and 96h. For raw fish, 24h and for iced and frozen fish 48h incubation of the plates were found to be adequate. Variation between samples was significant at 1% level for raw iced and frozen samples