45 research outputs found

    Tolerancija stanica haploidnog kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae na prisustvo iona kadmija

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    Ioni kadmija usporavaju rast kulture kvasca i to progresivno s povišenošću koncentracije u hranjivoj podlozi. Djelovanje kadmija vezano je za diobeni ciklus stanice. Pri višim koncentracijama diobe stanica zaustavljaju se, iako u podlozi još uvijek ima dovoljno hranljivih supstancija potrebnih za rast Nakon 24 sata rasta u podlozi s kadmijem stanice imaju smanjenu sposobnost formiranja kolonija. Ako se stanice, nakon 24 sata rasta u kadmiju, presade u podlogu bez kadmija, one će se dijeliti normalnim ritmom, ali tek nakon znatno duže lag-faze. Prema tome, može se reći da je efekt kadmija na stanice kvasca reverzibilnog karaktera. Prethodna obrada stanica s nižim koncentracijama kadmija omogućava njihov normalan rast u vrlo visokim toksičnim koncentracijama

    High Prevalence of Germline CDKN2A Mutations in Slovenian Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma Families

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    Aim: To prospectively determine the prevalence of germline CDKN2A mutations in the Slovenian cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) families. Methods: From January 2001 till the end of 2003 we prospectively screened 19 individuals from 11 CMM families, as well as 3 children with CMM aged from 6 to 13 years, with a negative family history. Results: Five distinct mutations were detected in 5 out of 11 screened families (10/19 individuals) and a previously recognized polymorphism was detected in a single family. Detected mutations were functionally deleterious (T281A, G68A, G301T, G71C and IVS – 1g > a). No mutations could be detected in 3 children. Conclusions: The prevalence of CDKN2A mutations among Slovenian CMM families was high, indicating the need for genetic counseling

    Geni in nastanek melanoma

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    Dedna oblika malignega melanoma

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    Distribution of Genital Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genotypes in Croatian Women with Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) – A Pilot Study

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    Genital infection with high-risk human papillomavirus (HR HPV) associates with increased risk of developing pre- cancerous lesions, such as cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). The objective of this pilot study conducted in north- -east Croatia was to determine the prevalence of HPV genital infection in women with abnormal cervical cytology and to determine its association with their age and HPV genotype(s). From March 2009 to December 2011, cervical swabs from 100 women were analysed for HR HPV infection (AMPLICOR HPV Test, Roche Diagnostics) and genotyped for high risk (HR), intermediate (IR) and low risk (LR) HPVs (Linear Array HPV Genotyping Test, Roche Diagnostics). The most prevalent HR genotypes in women with CIN were HPV 16 (27.6%), HPV 31 (11.8%), HPV 51 and HPV 52 (10.2% each). The most prevalent IR genotypes were HPV 66 (30%) and HPV 62 (23.3%). The most prevalent LR genotype was HPV 6 (20.3%). Women between 21 and 25 years of age showed the highest rate of HPV infection (44.2%). Moreover, women younger than 35 years showed a significant association (p<0.01) and positive correlation (r=0.67; p<0.05) between HR HPV infection and CIN stages 1 and 2. Multiple HPV infections were found in almost half of the women. This is the first study that analysed the prevalence of genital infection with HR/IR/LR HPVs in women with CIN from north-east Croa- tia. Despite the preliminary nature of this pilot study, the lower prevalence of some HR HPVs (HPV18) and the higher prevalence of other HR HPVs (HPVs 51, 52 and 31) may imply the necessity for the development of more targeted anti- -HPV vaccines or other strategies for more efficient protection against oncogenic HPV infection in women from our region

    Adolescents With Developmental Disabilities and Their Expectations From Future

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    Period adolescencije je veoma burno razdoblje u životu svakog pojedinca, pa tako i u životu adolescenata s teškoćama u razvoju. To je period kad treba donijeti važnu životnu odluku – zaposliti se i otići od roditelja ili nastaviti školovanje, pri čemu adolescenti s teškoćama u razvoju nemaju baš mnogo izbora. U Republici Hrvatskoj većina adolescanata s teškoćama u razvoju nakon završetka srednje škole nema mogućnost nastaviti svoje školovanje stoga je prisiljena na zapošljavanje. Međutim i pri zapošljavanju se javljaju problemi, a jedan od razloga je školovanje za zanimanja koja nisu prepoznata na tržištu rada. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je na uzorku od 112 učenika „Srednje strukovne škole Varaždin“. Od toga je bilo 56 učenika s teškoćama u razvoju i 56 učenika bez teškoća u razvoju oba spola. Dio učenika s teškoćama u razvoju bio je uključen u posebna razredna odjeljenja, a dio u redovna razredna odjeljenja. Zanimanja za koja su se školovali učenici su: pomoćni pekar (9 učenika), pekar (34 učenika), stolar (17), krojač (17), galanterist (8), mesar (1 ), frizer (2 ), soboslikar (5 učenika), autolimar (4), pomoćni stolar (12), pomoćni krojač (3). U istraživanju je korišten Opći upitnik (Osmančević Katkić, L. Fulgosi Masnjak, R., 2010.) kojim su prikupljeni deskriptivni podatci o uzorku, a za ispitivanje pogleda na budućnost su korišteni upitnici: Očekivanja od budućnosti (Ajduković, M., Kulenović, A., 1992.) i Kako ja procjenjujem svoju budućnost (Urbanc, K., 1999.). Podatci su obrađeni deskriptivnim statističkim tehnikama, a za utvrđivanje razlika među ispitivanim skupinama korišten je hi-kvadrat test.Adolescent period is a very turbulent period in life of each individual, particularly in lives of those with developmental disabilities. One should make a descision weather to become employed and start independent living, or to continue education. In each case adolescents with developmental disabilities have limited or no choice. In the Republic of Croatia the majority of adolescents with developmental disabilities after finishing secondary school have no possibillity for further education and has to get employed. There are numerous problems in becomming employed, one of the most important are professions which aren\u27t recognized at the labour market. This investigation is carried out on the sample of 112 secondary school students of both sexes from the town of Varaždin. 56 students had no developmental disabilities and were attending the regular educational program. 56 were students with developmental disabilities who were included either in the regular, or in the special educational program. Students were educated for further professions: helping baker (9), baker (34), carpenter (17), tailor (17), galanterist (8), butcher (1), hairdresser (2), painter (5), car-body mechanic, helping carpenter (12), helping tailor (3). General questionaire (Osmančević Katkić, L. Fulgosi Masnjak, R., 2010.) was used for collecting data about participants, while their expectations from future were investigated with Questionaire - Expectations from future (Ajduković, M., Kulenović, A., 1992.) and Questionaire- My expectations from future (Urbanc, K., 1999.). Collected data were analyzed through descriprive statistical techniques, differences between groups of participants were tested with Chi-square test

    Transnational Experience: A New York Story

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    Na početku 21. stoljeća američki Hrvati predstavljaju jednu od većih etničkih zajednica u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Republika Hrvatska kao tradicionalno emigracijska zemlja spada u krug europskih zemalja s relativno najvećim brojem iseljenika, odnosno građana i državljana izvan vlastitih granica, te se u tom kontekstu kroz životnu priču u članku prikazuje transnacionalni životni prostor iseljenice koja na temelju vlastitog iskustva govori o načinu življenja hrvatskog iseljeničkog korpusa u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Rad u prvom dijelu kroz kraći prikaz razmatra povijesnu dimenziju hrvatskog iseljeništva u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, dok u drugom dijelu prikazujemo životnu priču hrvatske migrantice u New Yorku kao izdvojeni primjer terenskog istraživanja koje je provedeno tijekom travnja 2009. godine u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, a temeljilo se na analizi razgovora vođenih s mlađom generacijom hrvatskih iseljenika koji žive u New Yorku.At the beginning of the 21 century, American Croatians represent one of the largest ethnic communities in the United States of America. Republic of Croatia is one of the traditionally emigrant European countries, with a relatively largest number of emigrants, that is citizens and nationals who live abroad, and in such a context this article presents a life story of an emigrant and her transnational life environment in which she tells of her own and her compatriots’ experience of living in the United States of America. In the first part the article briefly portrays the historical background of the Croatian immigration to the United States of America, while in the second it tells a life story of a Croatian female immigrant living in New York, as a specific research sample conducted during April of 2009 in the USA, based on conversations held with younger generation of Croatian immigrants living in New York

    The analysis of 2,3-dicarboxypropane-1,1-diphosphonic acid-coated magnetite nanoparticles under an external magnetic field and their radiolabeling for possible theranostic applications

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    The advances in nanotechnology are directed towards the development of new theranostic agents based on magnetic nanoparticles that can be used for both cancer detection and treatment. In this study, 2,3-dicarboxypropane-1,1-diphosphonic acid-coated magnetite nanoparticles (Fe 3 O 4 -DPD MNPs) were evaluated for their theranostic application using different methods. The magnetic hyperthermia efficiency of the Fe 3 O 4 -DPD MNPs was investigated in saline solution with ionic strengths between 0.05 and 1.0 mol dm −3 . For a better understanding of hyperthermia, the behavior of Fe 3 O 4 -DPD MNPs under a non-alternating magnetic field was studied, and the transparency of the sample was measured. Furthermore, the radiotracer method using the radionuclides 99m Tc and 90 Y was applied as a reliable and powerful method for evaluating the in vivo behavior of a nanoprobe; a high radiolabeling yield (&gt;93%), in vitro and in vivo stability of the radiolabeled nanoparticles and high heating effect were observed, thus paving the way for the possible theranostic applications of Fe 3 O 4 -DPD MNPs.This is the peer-reviewed version of the following article:Perić, M.; Radović, M.; Mirković, M. D.; Nikolić, A. S.; Iskrenović, P.; Janković, D.; Vranješ-Đurić, S. The Analysis of 2,3-Dicarboxypropane-1,1-Diphosphonic Acid-Coated Magnetite Nanoparticles under an External Magnetic Field and Their Radiolabeling for Possible Theranostic Applications. New Journal of Chemistry 2019, 43 (15), 5932–5939. [https://doi.org/10.1039/c8nj06478d]

    DFT Analysis of Hyperfine Couplings in d and f metal complexes with Tetrahydro Borate Ligands

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    Metal complexes with BH4 - ligands show extravagant structural and dynamic properties, and possess many important and applicable qualities (potent reducing agents and catalysts, materials for hydrogen storage). Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is very important for the characterization of complex compounds, determination of their electronic configuration and geometry. Also, Density Functional Theory (DFT) can predict EPR parameters and explain them more profoundly. Of particular importance is the analysis and prediction of hyperfine coupling constants for lanthanide complexes with BH4 - ligands, given that there is not much data in the literature. Within this paper hyperfine coupling constants of d and f metal complexes with BH4 - ligands have been determined by DFT calculations, and analyzed in detail. Calculations predicted that proton hyperfine coupling constants are very small in the case of complexes of f elements, and are present only due to weak polarization. The increase of covalence and the number of unpaired electrons does not significantly affect the change of constants of BH4 - ligands, but only of protons that are bound by σ bonds.XI Serbian Ceramic Society Conference - Advanced Ceramics and Application : new frontiers in multifunctional material science and processing : program and the book of abstracts; September 18-20, 2023; Belgrad