8 research outputs found


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    C. perfringens is the primary cause of clostridial enteric diseases in domestic animals. Diagnostic difficulties result from common occurrence of these microorganisms in the intestinal tract of healthy vertebrates and laboratory serotyping methods cannot discriminate isolates reliably. C. perfringens caused disease may be confirmed by presence of these bacteria in feed and a, high number of these anaerobes in animal intestinal tract by typing methods of comparably high differentiation power. In this study C. perfringens strains isolated from compound feedingstuffs and poultry faeces were enumerated and characterized genotypically for toxin genes presence by mPCR. Presence of C. perfringens at the level higher than 10 cfu/g was confirmed in 68% in feed isolates and in 36% in poultry isolates. Dominance of C. perfringens strains type A was confirmed among isolated strains from feeds and poultry. Nearly 42% of isolates from feeds and 4% from poultry belonged to subtype β2. There were some positive isolates for netB gene. The obtained results of analyses revealed common occurrence status of C. perfringens in feeds and clinically healthy birdsClostridium perfringens je primarni uzrok klostridialnih enteričkih bolesti domaćih životinja. Poteškoće dijagnosticiranja rezultat su česte pojave mikroorganizama u intestinalnom traktu zdravih kralježnjaka pa laboratorijske metode ne mogu pouzdano razlučiti izolate. Bolest koju je prouzročila C. perfringens može se potvrditi prisutnošću ovih bakterija u hrani i velikim brojem anaeroba u intestinalnom traktu životinja metodom tipiziranja razmjerno visoke sposobnosti diferenciranja. U ovom su radu sojevi C. perfringens izolirani iz krmnih smjesa i fecesa peradi nabrojani te genotipski opisana prisutnost gena toksina pomoću mPCR. Prisutnost C. perfringensa na razini višoj od 10 cfu/g potvrđena je u 68% izolata hrane i 36% izolata peradi. Među izoliranim sojevima u hrani i peradi potvrđeno je prevladavanje sojeva C. perfringens tipa A. Gotovo 42% izolata hrane i 4% peradi pripadaju podtipu B2. Bilo je nešto pozitivnih izolata za gen netB. Dobiveni rezultati analiza otkrivaju čestu pojavu C. perfringensa u hrani i klinički zdravoj peradi

    Potential risk of botulinum neurotoxin -producing clostridia occurrence in canned fish

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    Heat treatment is indispensable in fish canning to provide an acceptable shelf life. Its optimisation reduces the risk of the presence of Clostridium botulinum spores, which could potentially cause botulism cases. This study evaluated canned fish samples for botulism neurotoxin (BoNT)-producing clostridia contamination and can bulging through microbiological contaminant growth. A new analytical approach was developed for detection of such clostridia and phenotypically similar species

    Clostridium perfringens spores in Polish honey samples

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    The aim of this study was examination of honey samples collected from apiaries situated in all Polish provinces for occurrence of Clostridium spp., especially C. perfringens

    Potential determinants of Clostridium spp. occurrence in Polish silage

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    Silage quality deteriorates with Clostridium spp. contamination, and if consumed, such silage jeopardises herd health and productivity. Minimising its occurrence reduces economic and animal welfare risks. The study investigated the influence of environmental and technological determinants on the Clostridium genus’ occurrence in silage