9 research outputs found

    Randomized adaptive quantum state preparation

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    We develop an adaptive method for quantum state preparation that utilizes randomness as an essential component and that does not require classical optimization. Instead, a cost function is minimized to prepare a desired quantum state through an adaptively constructed quantum circuit, where each adaptive step is informed by feedback from gradient measurements in which the associated tangent space directions are randomized. We provide theoretical arguments and numerical evidence that convergence to the target state can be achieved for almost all initial states. We investigate different randomization procedures and develop lower bounds on the expected cost function change, which allows for drawing connections to barren plateaus and for assessing the applicability of the algorithm to large-scale problems

    Quantum tracking control of the orientation of symmetric top molecules

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    The goal of quantum tracking control is to identify shaped fields to steer observable expectation values along designated time-dependent tracks. The fields are determined via an iteration-free procedure, which is based on inverting the underlying dynamical equations governing the controlled observables. In this article, we generalize the ideas in Phys. Rev. A 98, 043429 (2018) to the task of orienting symmetric top molecules in 3D. To this end, we derive equations for the control fields capable of directly tracking the expected value of the 3D dipole orientation vector along a desired path in time. We show this framework can be utilized for tracking the orientation of linear molecules as well, and present numerical illustrations of these principles for symmetric top tracking control problems

    Spectral Gaps via Imaginary Time

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    The spectral gap occupies a role of central importance in many open problems in physics. We present an approach for evaluating the spectral gap of a Hamiltonian from a simple ratio of two expectation values, both of which are evaluated using a quantum state that is evolved in imaginary time. In principle, the only requirement is that the initial state is supported on both the ground and first excited states. We demonstrate this approach for the Fermi-Hubbard and transverse field Ising models through numerical simulation.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Sequential optical response suppression for chemical mixture characterization

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    The characterization of mixtures of non-interacting, spectroscopically similar quantum components has important applications in chemistry, biology, and materials science. We introduce an approach based on quantum tracking control that allows for determining the relative concentrations of constituents in a quantum mixture, using a single pulse which enhances the distinguishability of components of the mixture and has a length that scales linearly with the number of mixture constituents. To illustrate the method, we consider two very distinct model systems: mixtures of diatomic molecules in the gas phase, as well as solid-state materials composed of a mixture of components. A set of numerical analyses are presented, showing strong performance in both settings

    HamLib: A library of Hamiltonians for benchmarking quantum algorithms and hardware

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    In order to characterize and benchmark computational hardware, software, and algorithms, it is essential to have many problem instances on-hand. This is no less true for quantum computation, where a large collection of real-world problem instances would allow for benchmarking studies that in turn help to improve both algorithms and hardware designs. To this end, here we present a large dataset of qubit-based quantum Hamiltonians. The dataset, called HamLib (for Hamiltonian Library), is freely available online and contains problem sizes ranging from 2 to 1000 qubits. HamLib includes problem instances of the Heisenberg model, Fermi-Hubbard model, Bose-Hubbard model, molecular electronic structure, molecular vibrational structure, MaxCut, Max-k-SAT, Max-k-Cut, QMaxCut, and the traveling salesperson problem. The goals of this effort are (a) to save researchers time by eliminating the need to prepare problem instances and map them to qubit representations, (b) to allow for more thorough tests of new algorithms and hardware, and (c) to allow for reproducibility and standardization across research studies