30 research outputs found

    The role of micronutrients in child health: A review of the literature

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    The health and well being of children depend upon the interaction between their genetic potential and exogenous factors like adequacy of nutrition, safety of the environment, social interaction andstimulation. Micronutrients which are nutrients that are only needed by the body in minute amounts play leading roles in the production of enzymes, hormones and other substances and also help toregulate growth activity, development and functioning of the immune and reproductive systems. Micronutrient deficiency, which has been considered as a major risk factor in child survival in Nigeria,increases the risk of death from common diseases such as acute gastroenteritis, pneumonia and measles. Dietary practices frequently seen in children from both developed and developing countriessuch as frequent consumption of nutrient-poor foods (as unhealthy snacks), and the “refusal” to take green leafy vegetables and fruits compromise their intake of micronutrients (such as zinc, iodine,vitamin A, iron, folate and selenium) from dietary sources. This paper reviews the role of micronutrients in child health and the importance of consuming green leafy vegetables, soy beans, seasonal fruits,milk, dairy products, fish, eggs, chicken and other food stuffs. The consumption of these foods will prevent the occurrence of common day to day infections in children, enable the society produce healthy children with solid foundation and ensure optimal human resource development

    Adequacy of micronutrient content of south eastern Nigerian meals in meeting the nutritional needs of vulnerable groups

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    The Zinc (Zn), iron Fe) and copper (Cu) contents and their bioavailability in south-eastern Nigerian meals were evaluated. Their adequacy in meeting the nutritional requirements of pregnant and lactating women and preschool children were determined. Mineral content was determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer after dry ashing. Phytate was determined by the ion exchange method. The bioavailability of Zn was evaluated using the phytate: Zn molar ratio (PZMR). Bioavailability of iron was determined by the in vitro procedure involving a simulated gastrointestinal digestion followed by dialysis. Portion sizes of meals consumed by these vulnerable groups were obtained during an interview and validated using data obtained from food consumption surveys. The amount of Zn and Fe in such portions were calculated and compared with the recommended intakes. Zn content of the meals ranged from 1.18mg to 4.99mg/100g, Fe from 1.10mg to 3.31mg/100g and Cu from 0.03mg to 0.21mg/100g edible portion or as consumed. Phytate levels varied from 4.11mg to 53.05mg/100g. The PZMR of the meals and serving portions wer

    Performance of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp) as Influence by Different Weed Control Methods

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    A field study was conducted during the late planting season of 2013 at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Imo State University, Owerri, to determine the effects of different methods of weed control on the growth and yield of cowpea. Different weed control methods (Weedy Check/Control Plot (T1WC1), Hand-Weeding at 20 and 40 Days after planting (DAP)( T2WC2), Hoe Weeding at 20DAP (T3WC3), Chemical Weeding at 20 DAP (T4WC4), Hoe Weeding at 20DAP + hand – weeding at 40DAP (T4WCs), Chemical Weeding at 20 DAP (T4WC6)) were compared for their efficiency to control various weed species in Owerri, Nigeria. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Cowpea seeds (Ife brown) were collected from the Department of Crop Science and Biotechnology of Imo State University, Owerri and planted at a distance of 50cm x 50cm. The post emergence herbicides (fusilade forte) used for chemical weed control was bought at Imo State Agricultural Development Programme Owerri (Imo ADP). The parameters measured were; types of weeds and their relative abundance, plant height (cm), stem girth (cm), number of branches/plant, number of leaves per plant, leaf area (cm2), number of root nodules per plant, number of days to 50% flowering, plant biomass, number of pods per plant, number of pods per plot, pods weight per plot(g), 100 seed weight(g), pod yield (kg/ha), and seed yield (kg/ha) Predominant weed types observed in the cowpea plots were; Aspilia Africana, Euphorbia heterophylla, Imperata cylindrical, Talinum triangulare , cyperus esculentus and Tridax procumbens. Among different weed control methods, hoe weeding at 20DAP + hand weeding at 40DAP gave seed yield of 47.77kg/ha. This treatment (hoe weeding at 20DAP + hand weed at 40DAP) out performed others in terms of 100 seed weight (94.10g) which significantly different (P<0.05) from the records of the other treatments. On the basis of these results, Maximum seed yield 47.77kg/ha of cowpea (Ife brown)) was obtained with the application of hoe weeding at 20DAP + hand weeding at 40DAP. Keywords: weed biomass, herbicides, weed control, owerri, cowpe

    Capabilities of Universities in Achieving the Agricultural Transformation Agenda in Nigeria: Evidence from Climate Change Study in Southeast, Nigeria

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    The study examined the capabilities of universities in combating the problems of climate change towards increased food production. A total sample size of 79 respondents selected from universities in Southeast, Nigeria was used. Data were collected with the use of questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics including percentage and factor analysis. All (100%) the respondents had no capability in acquiring machines and equipment needed for teaching and conducting researches on climate change. Majority (85%) of the respondents had no capability in terms of human resource development with regards to climate change. Funding/manpower (0.657), organizational (0.575) and weak policy (0.565) related factors influenced the development of the capabilities of the respondents. For a successful agricultural transformation that will not be marred by the negative impact of climate change, the study recommends that the Federal Government of Nigeria should provide adequate funding to the universities in order to enhance the development of their capabilities in acquiring machines and other things needed for the teaching and research in climate change related issues. Also, bodies concerned should provide regular in-service training for respondents in other to promote human resource needed for tackling climate change issues

    Emerging Policy issues in the Special Crop Productions Programme of Benue State

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    This study was carried out to examine the characteristics of the Special Crop Production Programme of the Benue State Ministry of Agriculture, Makurdi and highlight the emerging policy issues. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire from 120 respondents who were randomly selected. Analysis of data was carried out using percentages and mean scores. Results showed that, procurement and distribution of inputs (improved seeds, fertilizer and herbicides) were insufficient and untimely provided. The situation forced farmers to acquire most of their input from the open market at exorbitant prices. Farmers were not involved in the planning of the programme and the extension personnel attached to the programme were not sufficient for effective delivery of extension services to farmers. The recommendations are that policy should be put in place to ensure early procurement and distribution of inputs at affordable prices, organize farmers into farmers associations and co-operatives to help pool farm lands, input procurement, and access to the use of machinery and providing market outlets for disposing farmers’ outputs. This way a veritable extension policy for crop production will be ensured in Nigeri

    Capabilities of Universities in Achieving the Agricultural Transformation Agenda in Nigeria: Evidence from Climate Change Study in Southeast, Nigeria

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    The study examined the capabilities of universities in combating the problems of climate change towards increased food production. A total sample size of 79 respondents selected from universities in Southeast, Nigeria was used. Data were collected with the use of questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics including percentage and factor analysis. All (100%) the respondents had no capability in acquiring machines and equipment needed for teaching and conducting researches on climate change. Majority (85%) of the respondents had no capability in terms of human resource development with regards to climate change. Funding/manpower (0.657), organizational (0.575) and weak policy (0.565) related factors influenced the development of the capabilities of the respondents. For a successful agricultural transformation that will not be marred by the negative impact of climate change, the study recommends that the Federal Government of Nigeria should provide adequate funding to the universities in order to enhance the development of their capabilities in acquiring machines and other things needed for the teaching and research in climate change related issues. Also, bodies concerned should provide regular in-service training for respondents in other to promote human resource needed for tackling climate change issues

    Emerging Policy issues in the Special Crop Productions Programme of Benue State

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    This study was carried out to examine the characteristics of the Special Crop Production Programme of the Benue State Ministry of Agriculture, Makurdi and highlight the emerging policy issues. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire from 120 respondents who were randomly selected. Analysis of data was carried out using percentages and mean scores. Results showed that, procurement and distribution of inputs (improved seeds, fertilizer and herbicides) were insufficient and untimely provided. The situation forced farmers to acquire most of their input from the open market at exorbitant prices. Farmers were not involved in the planning of the programme and the extension personnel attached to the programme were not sufficient for effective delivery of extension services to farmers. The recommendations are that policy should be put in place to ensure early procurement and distribution of inputs at affordable prices, organize farmers into farmers associations and co-operatives to help pool farm lands, input procurement, and access to the use of machinery and providing market outlets for disposing farmers’ outputs. This way a veritable extension policy for crop production will be ensured in Nigeri

    Adoption of Rice Technologies Introduced by the United States Agency for International Development in Anambra and Ebonyi States, Nigeria

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    The study determined the levels of adoption of improved rice technologies introduced by USAID MARKETS project phase one in Anambra and Ebonyi States, Nigeria. The population of the study included all project participant rice farmers of USAID MARKETS project in both Anambra and Ebonyi States. A total sample of 80 respondents (40 project farmers from each state) were selected using purposive and simple random sampling techniques. An interview schedule was used for data collection, while percentage and mean statistics were used to analyze data. The results of the study revealed that mean ages of the project farmers (PFs) was 46.56years while 86% of the PFs were literate and the mean rice farming experience was 22 years. The mean total rice farm land owned by PFs was 2.99 hectares mainly on rented basis, while majority got information on rice production and processing from the project. The project farmers highly adopted the following innovations; use of FARO 44 seed variety, carrying out a seed germination test before planting, carrying out appropriate land preparation using either manual or machinery (tractor), seed broadcasting on wet field and upland rice, use of herbicide and storage of paddy produce (packing bagged rice grains in cool dry, fumigated and aerated conditions)