18 research outputs found

    Mobile learing acceptance among students of Ramkhamhaeng University, Thailand

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    The rapid growth of mobile technology will push educational institutions to adopt mobile learning (m-learning). It has the potential to allow students to more closely integrate with learning activities in their lives. However, its adoption and level of use is low in Thailand compared to other countries. This study aims to identify factors that affect the adoption of m-learning in Thailand. The technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is used as theoretical framework towards understanding the adoption of m-learning. The quantitative method was applied to collect primary data from 200 Ramkhamhaeng University (RU) students who use m-learning. The findings reveal that only three factors contributed significantly towards adoption of m-learning among RU students. The factors were Thai Social Influence, Student Readiness, and Quality of Content. Thai Social Influence was found to be the most influential factor in the model. On the other hand, factors such as Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, and Network Accessibility were found to insignificantly contribute predictors on m-learning adoption. This research provides useful information in the understanding studentsโ€™ acceptance of m-learning in RU. Moreover, it also gives perspectives to RU and other institutions who want to integrate m-learning system into their curricula

    Blackboard use by faculty members in the Colleges of Applied Sciences in the Sultanate of Oman

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    This research was conducted to investigate the use of Blackboard by faculty members in the Colleges of Applied Sciences in the Sultanate of Oman and the factors affecting their use. A questionnaire was completed online by 257faculty members representing 43.05% of the total faculty population in these colleges. Results showed that Blackboard is still underutilized by faculty; it is mainly used as a depositary tool rather than for instructional and assessment purposes. Results also revealed that there are statistically significant differences in Blackboard use related to age, experience, specialization and college. However, other demographic variables (i.e. gender and academic rank) had no effect on Blackboard usage. Technology infrastructure and faculty support were identified as being the major factors leading to limited use of Blackboard in these colleges. It is recommended that immediate action be taken to address these issues; it is further recommended that additional research be undertaken to investigate student and faculty characteristics that relate to Blackboard usag

    Faculty's acceptance of computer based technology: cross-validation of an extended model

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    The first aim of the present study is to validate an extended technology acceptance model (TAME) on the data derived from the faculty members of a university in an ongoing, computer mediated work setting. The study extended the original TAM model by including an intrinsic motivation component โ€” computer self efficacy. In so doing, the study assessed the direct and indirect effects of computer self efficacy on the use of the technology, via the perceived usefulness and intention to use the technology voluntarily. The second purpose of the study is to evaluate gender and age invariants of the causal structure of TAME. This cross-validation procedure determined whether gender and age group moderated the causal structure of the model, and thus the generality of TAME. The data were collected from a self reported questionnaire administered to 731 faculty members of a public university in Malaysia.The results of structural equation modeling supported the adequacy of TAME. Although the TAMEโ€™s causal structure was applicable to both male and female staff, age group appeared to moderate the structural relationships among the constructs of interest

    The implementation of spiritual education program among the Malaysian Armed Forces personnel.

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    The strength of the military organization can be measured through three important elements which are the firing power, mobility power and combat power. The aspect of the fighting spirit encompasses the aspect of the spiritual readiness, a fundamental element that needs to be consolidated within all Malaysian Armed Forces personnel's. It has to stay at the top level and they have to be constantly ready in defending the sovereignty of the state. The readiness of the military institutions is not only assessed in terms of asset equipment and sophisticated tools, but even more important, is the spiritual value within every military member, especially in terms of self-readiness to shoulder the responsibility and mandate of the country. In this matter, KAGAT or Kor Agama Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (Malaysian Armed Forces Religious Corps), through the Malaysian Armed Forces Islamic Spirituality and Mental Construction Policy , which has covered various Islamic education and spiritual activity programs to every layer of the MAF organization, has introduced a spiritual education program for personnel's of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF). The focus of the study is to make an early assessment on the program implementation from the aspect of planning, implementation and also monitoring through the perspectives of the MAF personnel's. The study methodology involves the mixedmethod, namely the qualitative and the quantitative methods and 1,137 respondents had been involved. The study findings also show that there is a close relationship in terms of the environment, benefit, teacher and the preacher (members of KAGAT), and also the members' attitude towards the program. The study findings also show that spiritual strength has a positive relationship towards the readiness and the fighting strength of the Malaysia Armed Forces. Indeed, the Islamic education also dacwah efforts carried out by the Malaysian Armed Forces Religious Corps should further be strengthened so that the spiritual readiness of the Malaysian Armed Forces personnel's gets to be increased to ensure that they always fulfil two main aspects concerned- the combat power as the physical aspect and the spirituality so we shall have a credible line of quality and excellent soldiers. The impact of this research will strengthen the opinion that the basic Islamic education is a platform launcher for Malaysian Armed Forces Religious Corps to intensify the efforts of religious education systematically and efficiently

    The potential sources of foreign language reading anxiety in a Jordanian EFL context: a theoretical framework

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    The last decade has witnessed an increasing research trend on foreign language reading anxiety as a skill related to but distinct from foreign language anxiety. However, sources of foreign language reading anxiety have rarely been investigated. Thus, the current study responds to the study by (Saito, Horwitz, & Garza, 1999) and extends the work of (Al-Shboul, Ahmad, Nordin, & Rahman, 2013b) in this specific area to propose a theoretical framework that represents the sources of foreign language reading anxiety and to measure the extent of those sources in the Jordanian EFL context. A cross-sectional survey of 1500 undergraduate students who were taking Basic English courses was administered. A total of 1006 questionnaires were valid for analysis. However, only 408 questionnaires were randomly chosen according to the criteria of quota sampling techniques. The proposed theoretical framework was tested to measure the prevalence of the sources of foreign language reading anxiety to reveal that there were two aspects of foreign language reading anxiety: personal factors and text features. Under the concept of personal factors, there were two main sources of foreign language reading anxiety; afraid of making errors and worry about reading effects. On the other hand, there were three main sources of foreign language reading anxiety under the concept of text features; unknown vocabulary, unfamiliar topic, and unfamiliar culture. Implications to the study and recommendations for further research were considered. Keywords: sources of foreign language reading anxiety, foreign language reading anxiety, Jordanian EFL Context, Yarmouk University, theoretical framewor

    Invariance of an extended technology acceptance model across gender and age group

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    In this study, we examined the likelihood of a TAME (extended technology acceptance model), in which the interrelationships among computer self-efIicacy, perceived usefulness, intention to use and self-reported use of computer-mediated technology were tested. In addition, the gender- and age- invariant of its causal structure were evaluated. The data were collected from a self-reported questionnaire administered to 477 administrative staff of a public university in Malaysia. The results of structural equation modeling supported the adequacy of TAME. Although the TAME's causal structure was applicable to both male and female staff, age group appeared to moderate the structural relationships among the constructs of interes

    The two faces of technology

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    An exploratory study on the impact of virtual second life on the Islamic worldview of higher education students

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    The study is to explore the impact of virtual second life on the Islamic worldview of higher education students... The objectives of this study are to investigate the impact of using Second Life on religious understanding and practices among Muslim tertiary students in Malaysia, and to understand how these impacts would affect their understanding of the religion, finally whether it would affect their Aqidah and Tawhidiyah. Qualitative method is deployed in which participants are interviewed face-to-face and online. The themes and sub-themes unfold in the study are embedded within two phenomena i.e. Aqidah and Experiences couched within their Intention. This is parallel to what previous literature states that virtual userโ€™s expectations, habits, relationships, and their values will be reshaped if they are pure virtual users and if left unguided in their exploration of the Second World. Therefore as Muslims participate in Second Life and other virtual worlds, there is a need to assess how virtual worlds fit within Islamic doctrine and practices and how these worlds can be used in ways that are beneficial to the Muslims. It is hoped that this research can contribute to the relationship of the virtual world and the Islamic worldview, thereby provide a guidelines for the appropriate online utilization of ICT so as to be in line with the Islamic teaching and the sustenance of the Aqidah

    Determinant of mobile devices acceptance for learning among students in developing country

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    This study was conducted to understand the determinant of mobile devices for learning among students in developing world. A sample of 247 undergraduate students from Malaysia and Nigeria were involved in the study. An adapted but modified survey instrument was used to gather the data of the study. The variable of the study are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived enjoyment, facilitating condition, behavioral intention and student attitude are the independent variable of the study. T-test and Multiple regression analysis was conducted. The findings of the study shows that there is no significant difference in acceptance to use mobile device for learning among science and non-science students but there is significant difference in acceptance to use mobile device for learning among male and female students. Perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, facilitating condition, and behavioral intention were found to significantly influence studentsโ€™ acceptance of Mobile Device for learning, surprisingly perceived ease of use and student attitude was statistically insignificant in determining student acceptance to use MD for learning