14 research outputs found

    Numerical Simulation of Hysteretic Live Load Effect in a Soil-Steel Bridge

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    The paper presents numerical simulation of hysteretic live load effect in a soil-steel bridge. The effect was originally identified experimentally by Machelski [1], [2]. The truck was crossing the bridge one way and the other in the full-scale test performed. At the same time, displacements and stress in the shell were measured. The major conclusion from the research was that the measured quantities formed hysteretic loops. A numerical simulation of that effect is addressed in the present work. The analysis was performed using Flac finite difference code. The methodology of solving the mechanical problems implemented in Flac enables us to solve the problem concerning a sequence of load and non-linear mechanical behaviour of the structure. The numerical model incorporates linear elastic constitutive relations for the soil backfill, for the steel shell and the sheet piles, being a flexible substructure for the shell. Contact zone between the shell and the soil backfill is assumed to reflect elastic-plastic constitutive model. Maximum shear stress in contact zone is limited by the Coulomb condition. The plastic flow rule is described by dilation angle ψ = 0. The obtained results of numerical analysis are in fair agreement with the experimental evidence. The primary finding from the performed simulation is that the slip in the interface can be considered an explanation of the hysteresis occurrence in the charts of displacement and stress in the shell

    Weryfikacja warunków optymalności kształtu tunelowych wyrobisk podziemnych

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    Tyt. z nagłówka.Bibliogr. s. [541].Dostępny również w formie drukowanej.STRESZCZENIE: W artykule przedstawiono weryfikację warunków optymalności kształtu wyrobisk podziemnych, wykonaną na podstawie analizy numerycznej wyrobisk eliptycznych ze sztywną obudową ciągłą. Dla różnych wartości stosunku naprężeń pierwotnych poziomych do pionowych poszukuje się optymalnych stosunków półosi minimalizujących zaciskanie się tunelu, energię odkształcenia objętościowego rdzenia oraz maksymalne naprężenie normalne w obudowie. Dla wybranej wartości stosunku naprężeń sprawdzany jest także wpływ sztywności obudowy. Podstawą do formułowania wniosków jest porównanie optymalnych stosunków półosi ze względu na maksymalne naprężenia, zaciskanie i energię odkształcenia objętościowego w rdzeniu z wynikami uzyskanymi z wykorzystaniem energetycznego warunku optymalności, sformułowanym w poprzedniej pracy. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: optymalizacja kształtu, wyrobisko, warunek energetyczny, energia odkształcenia objętościowego. ABSTRACT: A verification of shape optimization procedures of tunnel underground excavations is presented. Elliptic shapes of underground excavation with permanent support are investigated. For different values of a ratio of horizontal and vertical initial stresses an optimum ratio of main axes of ellipse is quested. Three different quantities are considered to determine optimum shape: a convergence, an energy of volumetric strain in a core and maximum normal stress within the support. For chosen value of initial stresses ratio also an influence of support stiffness is examined. Conclusions are formulated on the basis of comparison of obtained results with the results from shape optimization procedure presented in previous paper. KEYWORDS: shape optimization, underground excavation, energy of volumetric strain

    Shape optimization of road tunnel cross-section by simulated annealing

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    The paper concerns shape optimization of a tunnel excavation cross-section. The study incorporates optimization procedure of the simulated annealing (SA). The form of a cost function derives from the energetic optimality condition, formulated in the authors’ previous papers. The utilized algorithm takes advantage of the optimization procedure already published by the authors. Unlike other approaches presented in literature, the one introduced in this paper takes into consideration a practical requirement of preserving fixed clearance gauge. Itasca Flac software is utilized in numerical examples. The optimal excavation shapes are determined for five different in situ stress ratios. This factor significantly affects the optimal topology of excavation. The resulting shapes are elongated in the direction of a principal stress greater value. Moreover, the obtained optimal shapes have smooth contours circumscribing the gauge

    State of Strength in Massive Concrete Structure Subjected to Non-Mechanical Loads

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    The paper deals with an impact of non–mechanical loads on the state of strength in massive concrete hydraulic structures. An example of hydroelectric plant subjected to the effect of water temperature annual fluctuation is considered. Numerical analysis of transient thermal–elasticity problem was performed. After determining the temperature distributions within the domain, the Duhamel-Neumann set of constitutive equations was employed to evaluate fields of mechanical quantities: displacement, strain and stress. The failure criterion proposed by Pietruszczak was adopted in assessing whether the load induces exceeding of strength of concrete within the structure volume. The primary finding is that the temperature effect can lead to damage of concrete in draft tubes and spirals, especially in winter months

    Application of Nanoindentation and 2D and 3D Imaging to Characterise Selected Features of the Internal Microstructure of Spun Concrete

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    The spinning of concrete is a process in which concrete mixture is moulded and compacted under the action of the centrifugal force arising during the fast rotational motion of the mould around its longitudinal axis. As a result of the spinning of the liquid concrete mixture, an element annular in cross section, characterised by an inhomogeneous layered wall structure, is produced. The heavier constituents tend towards the cross-section wall’s outer side, while the lighter components tend towards its inner side. The way in which the particular constituents are distributed in the element’s cross section is of key importance for the macro properties of the manufactured product. This paper presents procedures for investigating spun concrete and interpreting the results of such investigations, which make it possible to characterise the microstructure of the concrete. Three investigative methods were used to assess the distribution of the constituents in the cross section of the element: micro-computed tomography (µCT), 2D imaging (using an optical scanner) and nanoindentation. A procedure for interpreting and analysing the results is proposed. The procedure enables one to quantitatively characterise the following features of the microstructure of spun concrete: the mechanical parameters of the mortar, the aggregate content, the pore content, the cement paste content, the aggregate grading and the size (dimensions) of the pores. Special attention is devoted to the determination of the variation of the analysed quantities in the cross section of the element. The result of the application of the investigative procedures is presented for an exemplary spun concrete element. The proposed procedures constitute a valuable tool for evaluating the process of manufacturing spun concrete elements

    Displacements of shell in soil-steel bridge subjected to moving load: determination using strain gauge measurements and numerical simulation

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    This paper analyses displacements of a shell in a soil-steel bridge subjected to quasi-static moving loads. The considerations relate to a large span structure located in Ostróda, Poland. In particular, shell displacements during a loading cycle consisting of consecutive passages of a pair of trucks over the bridge are investigated. The results of a full-scale test, that is, the readings from a system of strain gauges arranged along the shell circumferential section, are the basis for determination of shell displacements. The proposed algorithm makes it possible to calculate any component of the displacement using just a simple model of the shell in the form of a linear elastic curvilinear beam. The approach uses real measurements, and thus, it yields results of displacements reflecting the actual mechanical behaviour of the entire composite structure including not only the shell, but also the backfill, the pavement, etc. The calculated state of displacement sets the basis for calibration of the numerical model. Finite element (FE) analyses include staged construction, that is, backfilling the shell by placing successive soil layers, as well as the loading test with the vehicles moving over the bridge. It is demonstrated that the ballasting of the shell during backfilling contributes to the improvement of the simulated behaviour of the object at the stage of operation, that is, when subjected to moving truck load. Thus, the calibration of the FE model is successfully carried out using the results of strain gauge measurements

    Zachowanie się podatnych konstrukcji gruntowo-powłokowych podczas budowy i eksploatacji: przegląd

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    In this paper, existing knowledge on the behaviour of soil-steel composite structures (SSCSs) has been reviewed. In particular, the response of buried corrugated steel plates (CSPs) to static, semistatic, and dynamic loads has been covered. Furthermore, the performance of SSCS under extreme loading, i.e., loading until failure, has been studied. To investigate the behaviour of the type of composite structures considered, numerous full-scale tests and numerical simulations have been conducted for both arched and box shapes of the shell. In addition, researchers have examined different span lengths and cover depths. Furthermore, to enhance the load-bearing capacity of the composite structures, various stiffening elements have been applied and tested. The reviewshows that the mechanical features of SSCSs are mainly based on the interaction of the shell with the soil backfill. The structures, as a composite system, become appropriately stiff when completely backfilled. For this reason, the construction phase corresponds to the highest values of shell displacement and stress. Moreover, the method of laying and compacting the backfill, as well as the thickness of the cover, has a significant impact on the behaviour of the structure at the stage of operation in both the quantitative and qualitative sense. Finally, a limited number of studies are conducted on the ultimate bearing capacity of large-span SSCS and various reinforcing methods. Considerably more works will need to be done on this topic. It applies to both full scale tests and numerical analysis.W artykule podsumowano dotychczasową wiedzę na temat zachowania się mostowych konstrukcji gruntowo-powłokowych. W szczególności przeprowadzony przegląd dotyczy mechanicznej odpowiedzi obiektów z blach falistych na obciążenia statyczne, quasi-statyczne i dynamiczne. Ponadto, studium literaturowe obejmuje badania konstrukcji gruntowo-powłokowych przy ich ekstremalnym obciążeniu, tj. do poziomu obciążenia niszczącego. W tym zakresie zachowanie rozpatrywanego typu konstrukcji badano w licznych testach obciążeniowych w pełnej skali jak również na drodze symulacji numerycznych zarówno dla kształtów łukowych, jak i skrzynkowych powłoki. Analizom takim poddano obiekty o różnych rozpiętościach I przy różnych grubościach zasypki. Ponadto, w celu zwiększenia nośności obiektów inżynierskich z blach falistych zastosowano i przetestowano różnego rodzaju elementy usztywniające. Z przeprowadzonego przeglądu wynika, że najważniejsze cechy mechanicznego zachowania się konstrukcji gruntowo-powłokowych opierają się głównie na wzajemnej współpracy powłoki z gruntową zasypką inżynierską. Obiekty takie, jako swego rodzaju układy zintegrowane, nabierają odpowiedniej sztywności dopiero po całkowitym zasypaniu powłoki. Z tego powodu największe deformacje oraz wytężenie powłoki występują w fazie budowy. Sposób układania i zagęszczania zasypki oraz jej minimalna wysokość ponad powłoką mają ponadto istotny wpływ na zachowanie się konstrukcji pod obciążeniem użytkowym na etapie eksploatacji, zarówno w sensie ilościowym, jak i jakościowym. Podsumowując przegląd, wskazano na fakt, że liczba badań, w których określano nośność graniczną, jest ograniczona w przypadku obiektów o dużej rozpiętości i przy zastosowaniu różnych sposobów wzmocnienia konstrukcji. W tym zakresie temat badań obiektów inżynierskich z blach falistych powinien zostać rozszerzony. W opinii autorów w najbliższych latach pojawią się nowe prace w tym zakresie. Dotyczy to zwłaszcza pełnoskalowych testów obciążeniowych ale także analiz numerycznych

    Assessment of the Condition of Wharf Timber Sheet Wall Material by Means of Selected Non-Destructive Methods

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    This paper presents an assessment of the condition of wood coming from a wharf timber sheet wall after 70 years of service in a (sea) water environment. Samples taken from the structure’s different zones, i.e., the zone impacted by waves and characterised by variable water-air conditions, the zone immersed in water and the zone embedded in the ground, were subjected to non-destructive or semi-destructive tests. Also, the basic parameters of the material, such as its density and moisture content, were determined. Moreover, the ultrasonic, stress wave and drilling resistance methods were used. Then, an X-ray microtomographic analysis was carried out. The results provided information about the structure of the material on the micro and macroscale, and the condition of the material was assessed on their basis. Also, correlations between the particular parameters were determined. Moreover, the methods themselves were evaluated with regard to their usefulness for the in situ testing of timber and to estimate, on this basis, the mechanical parameters needed for the static load analysis of the whole structure

    Influence of bedding and backfill soil type on deformation of buried sewage pipeline

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    In the paper, the influence of different types of bedding and backfill soil surrounding underground sewage duct on its deformation was analysed. Impact of increased soil lateral pressure was examined by considering the construction of an embankment nearby the underground pipeline. Numerical computations of three different variants of bedding and backfill soil surrounding the pipe were carried out. Displacements and deformation of the pipe were calculated using the finite element method with adoption of elastic-perfectly plastic constitutive model of soil. Subsequent stages of the construction were taken into account. Shear strength reduction method was applied to evaluate the factor of safety of the entire system. Finally, the results and conclusions were depicted

    A comprehensive approach to the optimization of design solutions for dry anti-flood reservoir dams

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    The article proposes the methodology of designing dams of dry flood control reservoirs. The algorithm is developed so as to meet all the requirements given in the Eurocode 7 and, at the same time, to be efficient in terms of necessary calculation time. Furthermore, the presented numerical procedure enables the optimization of design solutions, e.g. the depth and length of the anti-filtration barrier, by means of parametric analyses. The approach assumes the use of numerical methods, in particular, finite element (FE) analysis. Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the terrain topography and subsoil layer arrangement performed in step (1) sets the base for further analyses. In step (2), the filtration phenomena are assessed based on the 3D analysis of a transient groundwater flow. In step (3), the state of displacement is evaluated and the stability is verified for all the relevant phases of construction and operation of the facility, in particular, in the course of simulated flood detention. The analyses in step (3) are carried out on 2D models corresponding to the design cross-sections of the dam. This significantly reduces the computation time (compared to 3D analysis) and, at the same time, provides a safe estimate of factor of safety. The performance of the proposed algorithm is shown on the numerical examples of the computations concerning the dam of Szalejów Górny dry anti-flood reservoir located in Poland