9 research outputs found


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a evolu\ue7\ue3o estrutural de esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas em bracatingais, ao longo de vinte anos. A bracatinga ( Mimosa scabrella Benth.) \ue9 a esp\ue9cie pioneira, de vida curta, que caracteriza os bracatingais. Sob as bracatingas forma-se um sub-bosque com outras esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas, que vai assumindo o lugar da bracatinga com o passar dos anos e que \ue9 tratado como se fosse lenha da pr\uf3pria bracatinga, quando a \ue1rea \ue9 cortada a cada 7 anos e a regenera\ue7\ue3o da bracatinga \ue9 novamente induzida com o uso do fogo. O processo de sucess\ue3o em bracatingais ainda n\ue3o foi estudado e \ue9 \ufatil identificar a idade em que as demais esp\ue9cies passam a dominar o bracatingal. Trabalhou-se com 320 parcelas, distribu\ueddas em bracatingais com idades variando de 3 a 20 anos, medidas entre 1998 e 2011. Foram medidos os DAP (di\ue2metro a altura do peito) e altura total de todas as esp\ue9cies com DAP 65 5 cm. Observou-se que, aos 11 anos, o conjunto das esp\ue9cies supera a bracatinga em n\ufamero de indiv\uedduos e aos 19 anos as esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas j\ue1 apresentam uma distribui\ue7\ue3o diam\ue9trica semelhante ao de uma floresta em fase mais avan\ue7ada. De forma geral observou-se que, ap\uf3s os 10 anos de idade, um bracatingal j\ue1 come\ue7a a tomar forma de um capoeir\ue3o.The objective of this research was to study the structural evolution of tree species in stands of bracatinga, along twenty years. The bracatinga ( Mimosa scabrella Bentham) is a short-lived pioneer species that characterizes its stands. Under the bracatingas it is formed an understory with other tree species which will replace bracatinga over the years and it is too treated as if it were bracatinga's firewood, when the area is submitted to clear cutting at every 7 years and bracatinga regeneration is again induced by burning the area. The succession process in stands of bracatinga has not been studied yet and is useful to identify the age when other trees species dominate the stands. The data for this research came from 320 sample plots measured between 1998 and 2011, distributed in stands of bracatinga aged 3 to 20 years. The DBH (diameter at breast height) and total height of all species with a DBH 65 5 cm were measured. It was observed that, at age 11, the set of others species outnumber bracatinga. At age 19 tree species already have a diameter distribution similar to that one of a forest in a more advanced stage. Generally speaking it was observed that after age 10, the stands of bracatingastart to show a configuration of a desne pole stand


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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal caracterizar a distribui\ue7\ue3o diam\ue9trica de um plantio experimental de candeia com diferentes tratamentos (idade, espa\ue7amento e trato silvicultural distintos), atrav\ue9s do ajuste de diversas fun\ue7\uf5es de densidade de probabilidade. Posteriormente, realizou-se a prognose dos par\ue2metros da fun\ue7\ue3o selecionada em fun\ue7\ue3o da idade. Foram testadas as fun\ue7\uf5es Gamma, Normal, Log normal, Weibull 2 par\ue2metros (2P) e Weibull 3 par\ue2metros (3P) para os diferentes tratamentos; a escolha do melhor ajuste foi baseada no teste de ader\ueancia de Kolmogorov-Smirnov a 95% de probabilidade. A fun\ue7\ue3o Weibull 3P para a maioria dos tratamentos resultou em melhores ajustes, principalmente nas \ue1rvores podadas, sendo ent\ue3o selecionada para a prognose dos par\ue2metros em fun\ue7\ue3o da idade. Foi detectado que a poda influenciou o par\ue2metro de escala, por\ue9m, n\ue3o o de forma, enquanto o espa\ue7amento de plantio n\ue3o influenciou nenhum dos par\ue2metros da fun\ue7\ue3o de Weibull de forma significativa. Assim, equa\ue7\uf5es lineares foram ajustadas para a prognose dos par\ue2metros em fun\ue7\ue3o da idade. Uma simula\ue7\ue3o foi empregada considerando florestas podadas ou n\ue3o para avaliar o comportamento da distribui\ue7\ue3o diam\ue9trica em fun\ue7\ue3o da idade do plantio, na qual foi verificado que as equa\ue7\uf5es obtidas distinguem de forma satisfat\uf3ria os plantios de candeia podados ou n\ue3o.The present study had as its main objective to characterize the diameter distribution of an experimental plantation of \u2018candeia\u2019 trees submitted to different treatments (age, spacing and silvicultural treatments), by adjusting several probability density functions. Subsequently, a prognosis of the selected function parameters in relation to age was conducted. The probability density functions tested were: Gamma, Normal, Log-normal,2-parameter Weibull (2P) and 3-parameter Weibull (3P) for the different study groups. The selection of the best fit was based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test with a probability of 95%. The Weibull 3P function present the best fits for the majority of the treatments, especially for pruned trees, being thus chosen for the prognosis of the parameters according to age. It was detected that pruning affected the scale parameters, but not the shape parameters, while spacing did not influence the function parameters in a significant manner. Hence, linear equations were adjusted for the prognosis of the parameters in relation to age. A simulation was conducted considering pruned and not pruned trees in order to evaluate the behavior of the diametric distribution in relation to the plantation age, in which it was found that the parameterized equations satisfactorily distinguished between the pruned and not pruned \u2018candeia\u2019 plantations

    Comparison Of Methods For Estimating Heights From Complete Stem Analysis Data For Pinus taeda

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi comparar os valores reais das alturas dos an\ue9is de crescimento anual com os estimados por meio da t\ue9cnica de an\ue1lise de tronco pelos m\ue9todos de Graves (1906), Carmean (1972), Lenhart (1972), Newberry (1978), Propor\ue7\uf5es e Gr\ue1fico e identificar o mais acurado para \ue1rvores de Pinus taeda do sul do Brasil. Para isso, foram usadas seis \ue1rvores de regenera\ue7\ue3o natural com idade m\uednima de 11 anos. Coletaram-se discos de 5 cm de espessura nas alturas 0,1m, 0,7m, 1,30m e a cada 1 m at\ue9 o fim do tronco. Os valores reais das alturas em cada ano foram medidos diretamente nos troncos, rachando-se as se\ue7\uf5es entre discos ao longo da medula e procurando pelo ponto exato em que cada idade terminava. As an\ue1lises de precis\ue3o foram baseadas nos res\uedduos entre os valores reais das alturas em cada ano e os valores estimados para cada m\ue9todo. Para esse fim, foram calculados o desvio m\ue9dio relativo (D%), desvio m\ue9dio relativo dos valores em m\uf3dulo (AbsD%), desvio-padr\ue3o (Sd) e soma de quadrado dos desvios relativos (SSRR). Essas quatro estat\uedsticas avaliadas em conjunto, permitiram identificar o m\ue9todo mais preciso para cada ano. Complementarmente foi aplicado o teste de t0.05 para dados n\ue3o pareados, para avaliar se, no geral, os desvios foram significantes ou n\ue3o. Os resultados das an\ue1lises indicaram que os m\ue9todos de Carmean (1972) e Lenhart (1972) tiveram desempenho id\ueantico, em fun\ue7\ue3o de estimarem a mesma altura quando h\ue1 apenas um anel de crescimento terminando numa mesma se\ue7\ue3o. Isso ocorreu na maioria das vezes. Concluiu-se que esses dois m\ue9todos foram os melhores por terem gerado desvios n\ue3o significativos para a maioria das \ue1rvores estudadas.The objective of this research was to compare actual heights at known ages with those estimated by the methods proposed by Graves (1906), Carmean (1972), Lenhart (1972), Newberry (1978), and the Ratio and Graphic methods, in order to identify the most accurate one for Pinus taeda from Southern Brazil. That way, six trees aged at least 11 years were used. Cross-sections with 5 cm thickness were collected at heights of 0.10 meters, 0.70 meters, 1.30 meters and so on at every 1 meter along the bole. True height growth for a given age was measured on the section itself by dividing it in two parts along the pith and looking for the exact point where the true annual height growth took place. The accuracy analyses were based on residuals between true heights and those estimated by the tested methods for each age. For this analysis, the relative mean deviation (D%), relative mean absolute deviation (AbsD%), standard deviation of differences (Sd) and sum of squared relative residuals (SSRR) were calculated. These 4 statistics evaluated together, allowed for the identification of the most accurate method for every age. Complementarily, the non paired t0.05 test for data was applied to evaluate whether the residuals from each method were significant or not. The results of the analysis indicated that Carmean (1972) and Lenhart (1972) were identical owing to the fact that they estimated the same height value for sections where there was only one growth ring finishing in the same section. This situation occurred for most of the results in this current study. It was concluded that Carmean (1972) and Lenhart (1972) were the best methods for estimating height growth because both produced nonsignificant residuals for the majority of the trees studied


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    The fixed carbon concept is normally related to the idea of storing carbon in forest soil and other vegetations type. This research aimed the modeling of total above ground organic carbon and also for the firewood component by unit of area fixed in Mimosa scabrella stands in the metropolitan region of Curitiba. The database came from 272 temporary sample plots with ages ranging from 3 to 18 years. It was tested 21 traditional models: 10 arithmetic ones and 11 logarithmic ones; it was also developed models by Stepwise process from a correlation matrix. The equation of best performance was chosen based on R2aj, Syx%, F value and on graphic analysis of residuals. A simple linear correlation between the used variables differed from those traditionally found results for volume of stands. This result was also observed in the fitting of mathematical models by stepwise, in which the variable average height didn't compose any adjusted model. Although efficient, selected traditional equations were less accurate than the equations adjusted by stepwise, reinforcing the importance and improving that this method represents to modeling studies.O conceito de fixa\ue7\ue3o de carbono normalmente se relaciona com a ideia de armazenar reservas de carbono em solos, florestas e outros tipos de vegeta\ue7\ue3o. A presente pesquisa objetivou a modelagem do carbono org\ue2nico total da parte a\ue9rea e da lenha por unidade de \ue1rea fixada em povoamentos de bracatinga ( Mimosa scabrella Bentham) na regi\ue3o metropolitana de Curitiba. Os dados s\ue3o provenientes de 272 parcelas tempor\ue1rias com idades variando de 3 a 18 anos. Foram testados 21 modelos tradicionais: 10 aritm\ue9ticos e 11 logar\uedtmicos; foram tamb\ue9m desenvolvidos modelos pelo processo Stepwise a partir de uma matriz de correla\ue7\ue3o. As equa\ue7\uf5es ajustadas foram comparadas pelo coeficiente de determina\ue7\ue3o ajustado (R2aj), erro padr\ue3o da estimativa percentual (Syx%), teste F e distribui\ue7\ue3o gr\ue1fica de res\uedduos. A correla\ue7\ue3o linear simples entre as vari\ue1veis utilizadas diferenciou-se daqueles resultados tradicionalmente encontrados para o volume dos povoamentos. Este resultado foi tamb\ue9m constatado no ajuste dos modelos matem\ue1ticos por Stepwise, nos quais, a vari\ue1vel altura total m\ue9dia n\ue3o comp\uf4s nenhum dos modelos ajustados. Apesar de eficientes, as equa\ue7\uf5es tradicionais selecionadas mostraram-se menos acuradas que as equa\ue7\uf5es ajustadas por Stepwise, refor\ue7ando a import\ue2ncia e a melhoria que este m\ue9todo representa para estudos de modelagem


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    The fixed carbon concept is normally related to the idea of storing carbon in forest soil and other vegetations type. This research aimed the modeling of total above ground organic carbon and also for the firewood component by unit of area fixed in Mimosa scabrella stands in the metropolitan region of Curitiba. The database came from 272 temporary sample plots with ages ranging from 3 to 18 years. It was tested 21 traditional models: 10 arithmetic ones and 11 logarithmic ones; it was also developed models by Stepwise process from a correlation matrix. The equation of best performance was chosen based on R2aj, Syx%, F value and on graphic analysis of residuals. A simple linear correlation between the used variables differed from those traditionally found results for volume of stands. This result was also observed in the fitting of mathematical models by stepwise, in which the variable average height didn't compose any adjusted model. Although efficient, selected traditional equations were less accurate than the equations adjusted by stepwise, reinforcing the importance and improving that this method represents to modeling studies.O conceito de fixa\ue7\ue3o de carbono normalmente se relaciona com a ideia de armazenar reservas de carbono em solos, florestas e outros tipos de vegeta\ue7\ue3o. A presente pesquisa objetivou a modelagem do carbono org\ue2nico total da parte a\ue9rea e da lenha por unidade de \ue1rea fixada em povoamentos de bracatinga ( Mimosa scabrella ) na regi\ue3o metropolitana de Curitiba. Os dados s\ue3o provenientes de 272 parcelas tempor\ue1rias com idades variando de 3 a 18 anos. Foram testados 21 modelos tradicionais: 10 aritm\ue9ticos e 11 logar\uedtmicos; foram tamb\ue9m desenvolvidos modelos pelo processo Stepwise a partir de uma matriz de correla\ue7\ue3o. As equa\ue7\uf5es ajustadas foram comparadas pelo coeficiente de determina\ue7\ue3o ajustado (R2aj), erro padr\ue3o da estimativa percentual (Syx%), teste F e distribui\ue7\ue3o gr\ue1fica de res\uedduos. A correla\ue7\ue3o linear simples entre as vari\ue1veis utilizadas diferenciou-se daqueles resultados tradicionalmente encontrados para o volume dos povoamentos. Este resultado foi tamb\ue9m constatado no ajuste dos modelos matem\ue1ticos por Stepwise, nos quais, a vari\ue1vel altura total m\ue9dia n\ue3o comp\uf4s nenhum dos modelos ajustados. Apesar de eficientes, as equa\ue7\uf5es tradicionais selecionadas mostraram-se menos acuradas que as equa\ue7\uf5es ajustadas por Stepwise, refor\ue7ando a import\ue2ncia e a melhoria que este m\ue9todo representa para estudos de modelagem