108 research outputs found

    Manejo de plantas daninhas na cultura de milho com os herbicidas sulfentrazone e carfentrazone-ethyl

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    Experiments were carried out with the objective of evaluating the weed management in com, spraying the herbicide sulfentrazone in pre-emergence conditions, alone or in combination with acetochlor and carfentrazone-ethyl herbicides in post-emergence conditions alone or in tank mix either with atrazine or nicosulfuron. The experiments were in completely randomized block design, with four replicates, in Piracicaba 1 SP, Brazil, in the experimental area of the Crop Production Department from University of SĂŁo Paulo - ESALQ/USP. The weed control and the phytotoxic effects on the crop were evaluated as well as the final yield and plant height. The herbicide sulfentrazone was efficient in weed controI and selective to com crop sprayed in pre-emergence conditions at 0.15,0.30 and 0.45 kg/ha alone or when the same rates were applied in mixture with the herbicide acetochlor at 2.52 kglha; in post-emergence ofthe com crop the herbicide carfentrazone-ethyl was selective and efficient in the control ofweeds at the rates ofO.004 e 0.007 kg/ha, sprayed aIone or tank mix either with atrazine at 2.5 kg/ha, when the weeds are at the two pair of leaves growth stage; or with the herbicide nicosulfuron at the rate of 0.04 kg/ha, when the weeds are at the four pair of leaves stage. Dois experimentos foram desenvolvidos com o objetivo de avaliar o manejo de plantas daninhas na cultura de milho com o herbicida sulfentrazone aplicado em condiçÔes de prĂ©-emergĂȘncia, isolado ou em mistura com acetochlor, e do herbicida carfentrazone-ethyl aplicado em condiçÔes de pĂłs-emergĂȘncia, isolado ou em mistura com atrazine ou com nicosulfuron. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetiçÔes, no municĂ­pio de Piracicaba, SP, em ĂĄrea experimental do Departamento de Produção Vegetal da ESALQ/USP, durante o ano agrĂ­cola 200 1/2002. As avaliaçÔes efetuadas foram de percentagem de controle de plantas daninhas, efeitos tĂłxicos na cultura, produtividade de grĂŁos e altura de plantas de milho. O herbicida sulfentrazone apresentou eficĂĄcia agronĂŽmica no controle de vĂĄrias espĂ©cies de plantas daninhas em condiçÔes de prĂ©-emergĂȘncia na cultura de milho, quando aplicado nas doses de 0,15, 0,30 e 0,45 kg/ha isoladamente, ou nestas mesmas doses, em mistura com o herbicida acetochlor na dose de 2,52 kglha; o herbicida carfentrazoneethyl, em pĂłs-emergĂȘncia da cultura de milho, nas doses de 0,004 e 0,007 kg/ha foi seletivo e eficiente no controle de plantas daninhas aplicado isoladamente, ou quando estas mesmas doses forem aplicadas em mistura com atrazine na dose de 2,5 kgl ha e as plantas daninhas encontravam-se em mĂ©dia no estĂĄdio de pĂłs-emergĂȘncia de dois pares de folhas, ou quando estas doses de carfentrazone-ethyl foram aplicadas em mistura com o herbicida nicosulfuron na dose de 0,04 kg/ha e as plantas daninhas encontravam-se em mĂ©dia no estĂĄdio de quatro pares de folhas

    Effect of temperature, light, seeding depth and mulch on germination of Commelina benghalensis and Richardia brasiliensis

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    Abstract One of the major limitations to proper weed management is the lack of knowledge about the biology of the species. The aim of this study was to understand the influence of temperature and light on the germination and emergence of Commelina benghalensis and Richardia brasiliensis, as well as the influence of burial depth in the soil and the presence of mulch. The experiment regarding the influence of light and temperature on germination was conducted using a 2x4 factorial design, with two light conditions (presence for 12 hours and absence for 24 hours) and four temperature alternations every 12 hours (20-25 ÂșC, 20-30 ÂșC, 20-35 ÂșC, and 15-35 ÂșC), with four replications. The second experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with four replications, testing seven sowing depths (0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 2.0; 4.0; 6.0; 10.0 cm) in clay-textured soil. In the third experiment, millet, black oat, and sun hemp straw were placed on the surface of the pot where the weeds were sown. R. brasiliensis showed high germination rates at 15°-35°C and in the presence of light, indicating positive photoblastism, as the germination percentage was 63.50% in the presence of light and 1% without light. C. benghalensis showed higher germination rates at 20-35ÂșC, with a germination percentage of 46.5% under light treatment and 44% in the absence of light. R. brasiliensis exhibited the highest germination percentage at a depth of 0.5 cm, with 72.50%. C. benghalensis showed better germination at depths of 1 and 4 cm, with 48.33% and 49.16%, respectively. Both crotalaria and millet caused significant inhibition of germination in both weed species. R. brasiliensis and C. benghalensis exhibit higher seed germination under alternating temperatures, with R. brasiliensis displaying positive photoblastism and C. benghalensis being neutral. Greater seeding depths negatively influence germination, and cover crops such as crotalaria and millet can be used to suppress these weeds

    Plantas daninhas na pĂłs-colheita de milho nas vĂĄrzeas do rio SĂŁo Francisco, em Minas Gerais.

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    Realizou-se um estudo na regiĂŁo do Alto SĂŁo Francisco, Minas Gerais, no final da safra agrĂ­cola 1997/1998, visando identificar as plantas daninhas que permanecem nas ĂĄreas apĂłs a colheita do milho e sua distribuição ao longo da ĂĄrea estudada, destacando-se as mais importantes. As observaçÔes foram realizadas em 12 municĂ­pios. Em cada local foi lançado, por cem vezes, um quadrado de 0,50 x 0,50 m, a espaços de 10 m. Dentro do quadrado foram contadas as espĂ©cies e registrado o nĂșmero de indivĂ­duos de cada uma delas. Foram encontradas 151 espĂ©cies em 35 famĂ­lias, sendo Asteraceae a mais bem representada, com 25 espĂ©cies. As espĂ©cies com maior Índice de Valor de mportĂąncia (IVI) foram: Ageratum conyzoides, Sida glaziovii, Conyza bonariensis, Gaya sp., Sida rhombifolia e Blainvillea biaristata. As plantas daninhas remanescentes nas ĂĄreas recĂ©m-colhidas sĂŁo fonte de alimento para insetos polinizadores e inimigos naturais das pragas; adequadamente manejadas, elas podem favorecer a manutenção do equilĂ­brio nos agroecossistemas
