141 research outputs found

    Notes on the Japanese Agromyzidae (Diptera), 5

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    Four species of the genus Hexomyza are recorded from Japa

    Notes on the Japanese Agromyzidae (Diptera), 6

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    The 41 species of two genera: Melanagromyza Hendel (17 species) and Ophiomyia Bražnikov (24 species) in Japan have been revised: eleven species are endemic; four new species, Melanagromyza brevivillosa n. sp., Ophiomyia corrugata n. sp., O. filifera n. sp. and O. turgida n. sp. are described; two species, Ophiomyia paramaura Pakalniškis, known from Lithuania, and O. placida (Spencer), known from Australia, are recorded for the first time; Melanagromyza boninensis Spencer is transferred to Ophiomyia and Ophiomyia crepidula Sasakawa to Melanagromyza; Melanagromyza variegata Spencer is synonymized with M. pubescens and M. oligophaga Spencer with M. dettmeri, and Ophiomyia krousianica Černý with O. paramaura Pakalniškis

    トウヨウクサン Hendelia ト Clusiodesゾク クチキバエ ソウシモク

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    Oriental species of the genera Hendelia Czerny and Clusiodes Coquillett are revised. Six new species, Hendelia fulvifasciata sp. nov., H. geniculata sp. nov., H. laosica sp. nov., H. philippinensis sp. nov., and H. spilota sp. nov., and Clusiodes latus sp. nov. are described. Clusiodes usikumuri Sueyoshi syn. nov., new localities of Hendelia aberrans (Frey) and H. plumipes (Sasakawa), and faunistic characteristics of the Clusiidae in Oriental region are given

    タイコクサン ハモグリバエ ダイ3ホウ

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    The 28 species of ten genera, subfamily Phytomyzinae, have been known in Thailand, are revised; 13 new species are described, Phytobia bimaculata sp. nov., P. caudata sp. nov., P. conigera sp. nov., P. cucullata sp. nov., P. papillata sp. nov., P. sinuosa sp. nov., P. thaiensis sp. nov., P. torulosa sp. nov., Amauromyza ramosa sp. nov., Cerodontha triangularis sp. nov., Phytoliriomyza cheliloba sp. nov., Calycomyza flavoscutellata sp. nov., and Aulagromyza mesophalloides sp. nov.; nine Oriental species are recorded as new to the fauna, and one new synonym, Pseudonapomyza rampae Spencer, 1986, is established. Keys to the Thailand species of the genera Phytobia, Cerodontha, Liriomyza and Pseudonapomyza, and keys to the Oriental species of the genera Amauromyza and Aulagromyza are given


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    日本各地のネギ畑で発生したクロバネキノコバエはBradysia agrestis Sasakawa(1978)で,その形態および生態についての特徴を記述する。Severe damage by Bradysia agrestis Sasakawa occurred recently on the cultivated Japanese bunching onion in Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. The scientific name of this pest is not synonymous with B. difformis Frey: see Appendix

    オオスカシバ Cephonodes hylas 幼虫の相に似た多型現象 : I. 幼虫体色および幼虫と蛹の発育に及ぼす生息密度の影響(農学部門)

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    スズメガ類幼蟲における密度依存的な多型現象については従来知見がなかったので, クチナシを加害するオオスカシバについて幼虫期の生息密度によって体色や発育にどのような影響をうけるかを検討したところ, 明らかに密度に依存した変異がみられた。すなわち, ふ化直後から集合状態で育った幼蟲は第2令期から体色が黒化し, 第4令期に入れば4つの色彩型に区別できる。通常野外で見られる全体淡緑色の幼虫は全幼虫期を通じて単独飼育した場合に多く現われ, 密度の増加につれて黒化程度が増大し, 特に全幼虫期間中集合飼育をすれば最高度の黒化をみた。しかも黒化は第1令期の幼虫密度によって決定される。全体暗褐色型幼虫の出現には低温も多少関与しているようであるが, 光の有無は黒化には全く影響を及ぼさない。また全体淡緑色型幼虫は黒化型に比べて非常に多量の食物を摂取し, 酸素消費量もはなはだ多い。幼虫密度の増加と共に死亡率は極度に高くなり, 蛹体重は有意に減少するが, 幼虫および蛹の発育日数, 頭幅そして幼虫体重(第5令期を除く)については本実験の生息密度間では有意差を認めなかった。以上の結果から, 単独生育をする淡緑色幼虫が生活により適応していると考えられる。In order to analyse the effect of population density on the larvae of the larger pellucid hawk moth, Cephonodes hylas L., hatchlings were reared at different densities of 1 to 5 individuals per plastic container, 12×3cm, at 28∿30℃. Most of the larvae kept in isolation are pale green in color, but those reared in the densities of 2 or more individuals per container become brown after the 1st moult, and moreover change to dark brown and green with many black spots or broad brown dorsomedian stripe from the beginning of the IVth instar. The highest degree of darkening is appeared in crowding throughout the whole larval life and the darkening is determined by the density of the Ist instar. Wholly brown color may be associated with low temperature, but the light condition is not effective on the darkening. The isolated pale green larva shows longer duration of life, larger quantities of foods and higher rate of oxygen consumption, comparing to the crowded dark-colored ones. The mortality increases strongly and the weight of pupae decreases significantly with the rise of density, but the larval and pupal durations, head width and body weight of larva (except Vth instar) do not differ significantly between rearing densities. It might be concluded that the pale green larvae found commonly in the field are more adapted form as regards their natural mode of life than the dark-colored larvae found at high density