7 research outputs found

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    以上大垣市における大気汚染の概要を示したが, 大垣市の大気汚染源は西部・南部工場群による産業公害と主要道路沿い地域における交通公害が主要であり, 産業公害は工場群の防除施設の設置や操業転換等により汚染濃度が減少することを認めた.交通公害については別に報告する.また赤坂町の降下ばいじんは不溶解性物質が多いことを認めた.We report results of the experiments about the air pollution in Ogaki City from 1967 to 1969. Air pollution in Ogaki City was mainly caused by two sourses. The one was two factory-areas in the southern and western districts and another was cars running on the National Road. It was found that industrial nuisance was decreased by those establishments on the preventive institution